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Ahhhh, the 60's. A lot of people say they have no regrets looking back on their life.
    Well, I have one. The fact I didn't get to go to Woodstock. Alas, I was busy with one of the most important events in my life. My daughter was born. I do have a lot of other experiences to look back upon though
so if you have also, why not join me in my ....
Typical of most hippies in my circles who in my attempt to be an individual, looked & acted like everybody else. *lol*
I wore granny gowns, wore flower garlands in my hair and walked along the street passing out daisies and saying "Peace!" to strangers, smiling to passers-by and yes, I tried pot but it wasn't my thing.
Hitchhiking was commonplace then too. We couldn't afford reliable transportation and there always seemed to be
a micro bus passing by you could flag down a ride from. Looking back on some of my experiences,
it amazes me I came out of the 60's alive.
I had lava lamps, mood rings, blacklight posters and visited the head shops on a regular basis to see what new offerings
were to be found & never came away without the latest issue of 'The Free Press' (considered quite a radical publication at the time).
I must have seen 'Alice's Restaurant' a hundred times and I thought Arlo Guthrie was a real cutie (must've been the pot, just kidding!) *lol*
There was a show on TV called 'The Les Crane Show'. I loved his guest lineup. He would always put opposing view points on together. I remember when his guests were Janis Joplin and Raquel Welch, man did Janis hold her own on that one!
She made it clear in no uncertain terms that she made more $$ with her clothes on than Raquel did taking hers off.
I admired that in her in that stance but then, it was she who ended up dying from a drug OD and Raquel has gone on to live a full, (seemingly) happy life.

Go to these two sites for EVERYthing you could EVER
wanna know about hippies and the hippie lifestyle



Visit my Hanoi Jane Tribute Page
(for those like myself, who are not 'Fonda Jane' or are 'Hanoi'd by Jane')

Write me!! I love E-mail!

I will write more here as I think of stuff *S*
For now, I am outta here!
