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Carbone's Corner

My Favorite Things

This was given to me by my Niece Lisa, prior to my cancer surgery. It says "Protect My Godmother".

October 2005 - Hi Everyone, My name is Toniann but everyone knows me personally and through the Parchment, Card Making and Mixed Media World as TA.

Well so much has been going on since February 2004 when I was first diagnosed with the Colon Cancer. I was just advised by my oncologist that I have 2 to 4 years to live because I know have enlarged lymph nodes from colon cancer. It sure was a shock as many of us hate to ask that one question. "What is my life expectancy", and when we do it sure can be like someone punched ya in the face. But I will still get a second opinion and live my life to the fullest.

November 2005 - Well I have an appointment with the Director of the Cancer Care Unit at Hackensack University Hospital for my second opinion. We shall see what he says. I have faith because after talking with my medical doctor we never know when it is our time and nothing is ever set in stone. For all of you who sent your well wishes and prayers "I Thank You".

July 2006 - Well that enlarged lymph node is still there. I completed my 6 months of chemo the end of April and took a 10 week break. I now get a IV chemo every 3 weeks and I take 4 chemo pills a day. Went to get the normal CAT Scan during the heat wave and will find out the results soon.

November 2006 - Well I have been on 3 months of no chemo as the doctor said the lymph node hasn't moved, gotten larger or effecting anything else. But yet the PET Scan says there is a large lymph node behind my neck, I have a hernia from the operation and a few other things. But they aren't to concerned because they say that it wasn't written that anything needs to get done. Oh well!!!!

January 2007 - I hope everyone had a nice holiday and Happy New Year. Next month marks the 3 year mark of being diagnosed and having the surgery. I made the 2 year mark from what that other doctor sais (read above) and I don't feel that I only have a year left. My oncologist has me still on hiatus and said as long as I go for my 3 month CAT scan I don't have to do the chemo. My next CAT scan is the beginning of March and I feel great.

April 2007 - Well my CAT scan came back with the lymph nodes that have gotten a little bigger. Went to the oncologist today and I will have to start seeing him every 2 months instead of every 3 months.

I had promised my grandson, Little Christopher, when he was born that I will fight this because of him. You see he was a little premie when he was born and I told him to fight to gain weight and I will fight this cancer. Yes, he was on a Apnea monitor to monitor his heart beat and breathing, but my Little Man fought it and is now the joy of my life, so I am keeping my promise to him.

"No matter what Little Man, Ganma Loves You"

November 2007 ~~ Sorry haven't been updating. It's seem like the days, weeks and months are just rolling right by. I am still off of the chemo, getting CAT scans every 3 to 4 months to see my status, but in July 2007 I was diagnosed with diabetes. If it isn't one thing it is another. They also found after after years of complaining about my back that I have 2 old fractures in my spine. The good thing is that there is no cancer in my bones :) But I need to take 16 pills a day for my medical conditions and of coarse Tylenol or Aleeve for pain
December 2007 ~~ Well the month has just started as it is only the 2nd and it is snowing outside. They said we were going to get flurries starting this afternoon. But here it is 7:30 in the morning, lol.

I have been feeling good. Getting my CAT Scan next month to see how things are going. I wanted to make this post to just tell everyone out there who has been diagnosed with Cancer that always get a second or third opinion. If I would of listen to my first oncologist, I would of been bedridden and dying. You need to have a positive attitude and you will survive and enjoy the life you have. I want to thank all my internet friends who have become more than just "internet friends" for you love and support.

May 2008 - Well as you can see I am still here. The doctors all say I am a MIRACLE. My blood count is still the same and I just got blood work done so I will find out about the cancer level soon. My doctor said it is still the same. I feel good but yet I am getting more aches and pains. Also when I scratch I get a sore that takes for ever to heal but I know that has to do with the diabetes.

Now for something new. I created a BLOG. So you can visit there to see my update, creations and anything else that is going on that I feel I can BLOG about. I'm not giving up my website, it's just that a BLOG is much easier to keep up with. I will post here also when there are important updates. So to go to my BLOG click HERE

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