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The Resource Page

Quote to live by

True Friends stick with you through thick and thin without judgement!

----- Unknown

This page has been established as a non-comercial site to aid you in finding the resources you need to effectively deal with your divorce and all the issues surrounding it. It is our hope that this page will help make a difficult time a little easier for you, and that you can find the resources you need to understand the process and deal with the inevitable problems you will encounter. If there is a specific resource you do not see here that should be included, please feel free to email it as well as any other suggestions you might have

I while back I wrote a longer version of a "speech" that I often posted for those new to divorce, and it was always well recieved. This has been on the story page a while, but I thought it appropriate for it to go somwhere more visible. These are just my thoughts on divorce and protecting your own best interestes, culled from takling to literally thousands of people online. If your interested, please click below

Words from £ippè

The Forum
Story & Poems: Original writings from our members and other writings
Jokes about marraige, divorce, and the difference between the sexes
Special Thanks & Testimonials from chat members
Protecting your internet privacy

Some marriage enhancement groups

The Association for couples in Marraige Enrichment
PO Box 10596
Winston-Salem NC 27108 800-634-8325

Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program
PO BOx 102530
Denver CO 80250 800-366-0166
Click here for the home page

Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills
PO Box 840037
Pembroke Pines FL. 33084-0037 888-pairs-4u
Click here for the home page

National Institute of Relationship Enhancement
12500 Blake Rd
Silver Spring MD 20904 800-the-nire
Click here for the home page
It should be noted that while I did visit these sites to ensure the links work, I can not personally vouch for any of them

Divorce Related Newsgroups
Alt.Child-Support Alt.Divorce.Support Alt.Dads-Rights

Divorce Source

The place that started it all. Some great times and some good support from some wonderfull people. Divorcesource also has a "do-it-yourself" Divorce kit available. Look under your state resources

Divorce Online

This site offers an array of resources as well, it's very complete great articles section, covering a range of topics: Financial, Legal, Psychological, Real Estate, Miscellaneous, and Domestic Violence

The Phenomenal Women of the Web Against Domestic Violence

A quote from the main page: "As an ongoing quest to raise women's awareness and resources, I have founded the organization: "The Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Against Domestic Violence." What I hope to accomplish here, is to bring you the most informative sites on domestic violence the internet has to offer. There are so many centers, outreach programs and support groups that are on the net. I have also created a discussion forum (BB), devoted exclusively to this issue."

The $88 divorce page

This page purports to do any divorce (IE with and without kids/alimony etc), any state, with the filing done in 24 hours. I can't personally vouch for it, but if you can agree on all aspects of the divorce with your spouse this might be a cheap alternative for you

Alliance for Non-Custodial Parents Rights

"Alliance for Non-Custodial Rights is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to protecting and promoting the civil and inalienable human rights of non-custodial parents and their families. ANCPR believes that many aspects of the current and proposed laws concerning visitation, custody and child support enforcement violate the constitutional rights of all non-custodial parents. ANCPR also believes that it is in the "best interest of the child" to have equal access to both parents, and that shared custody arrangements that specify 50/50 joint physical custody should be the presumption in Family Law. "

Parents Without Partners

The problems are many in bringing up our children alone, contending with the emotional conflicts of divorce, never-married, separation or widowhood. PWP Inc. is the only international organization that provides real help in the way of discussions, professional speakers, study groups, publications and social activities for families and adults. Through the exchange of ideas and companionship, we hope to further our common welfare and the well-being of our children .

Working Moms Refuge

A place for busy moms to go. (not sure when you will find the time of course..... *G*) Articles and columns for the working mother be she single or married

An Overview of the Divorce Process

If you are unfamiliar with what the divorce process is like this page goes far to explain what will happen along the way. It is based on California law, but the process will be similar in most states

Internet Romance Advice and Warnings

If your involved with someone online or even thinking about it you should go read this site. It has some good information, both good and bad about what you might encounter

Legal Information Starting Point

This is the site run by the governemnt that links to resources for your state. It is a good place to start when researching divorce laws

Domestic Violence Support

If you have been abused or know someone that is currently going through this you might find the information and support you need from this page

Recovering Back Child Support

If you have exhausted your resources in trying to obtain back child support you may want to try this site. It is a fee based service with the fees being a percentage of what they recover, but there is no upfront cost to you. There are stipulations as to how much must be owed before they will act. They do all the research needed on your behalf including crossing state lines and locating the person behind in the payments

Suicidal Support Page

The Samaritans have been around a long time offering non-confrontational and non-judgmental suicide support. Based in the United Kingdom, there are chapters throughout the United States also. If you are feeling suicidal or know someone that is, please visit this site and give them a try


The following is the stated mission of the group, taken from their main page: "To salvage the traditional family by obtaining equal (not necessarily identical) rights and equal dignity for men."

The National Congress For Fathers and Children

The National Congress For Fathers and Children is a charitable organization with a membership you can join. The site is also full of free information. There stated mision is: "Your Nationwide Advocate for Equal Parental Responsibility and Protector of the Father-Child Relationship"

The World Wide Web Virtual Library:Single Dad's Index

This is a great starting point for single dads. Many different topic areas including child support, alimony, and visitation. This index has links to a LOT of information: statistical, case studies, stories.

Click on the mailbox to email me any suggestions.


Links that Matter

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Site Last Updated 1/24/99 and maintianed by Lippe'& RC

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Last updated on 4/22/00
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