LOMAS INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD. Lomas International Investment Services Ltd. ("LIIS") is a privately-held corporation with its head office in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. LIIS has been asked to act as agent in offering to the mining community twenty-four (24) unpatented lode mining claims in the Carlin area of Nevada known as the "Cow Claims". LIIS invites inquiries from responsible companies engaged in mineral exploration and development. Our principal would prefer to deal with companies listed on recognized stock exchanges or over-the-counter markets, and is prepared to be flexible regarding any participatory venture that will lead to the Cow Claims being placed into commercial production.
THE COW CLAIMS, ELKO COUNTY, NEVADA, U.S.A. The Cow Claims consist of 24 non-contiguous unpatented lode mining claims located in Section 4, Township 35 North, Range 53 East, M.D.M., and Section 32, Township 36 North, Range 53 East, M.D.M., Swales Mountain Mining Division, Elko County, Nevada, U.S.A. (See map). The Cow Claims are at the south end of the Independence Range, approximately fifteen miles north of the town of Carlin, and approximately eight miles east of Newmont's Gold Quarry Mine. Newmont's Gold Quarry deposit is the largest currently known deposit along the Carlin Trend, containing 198 million tons grading 0.042 ounce/gold per ton, or 8.3 million contained ounces of gold. While the Cow Claims have no work history and must be considered raw prospects, they are geologically well positioned within the Independence Range at Swales Mountain and contain a geological "window" as described by Dr. Ralph Roberts, father of the Carlin Trend. These openings in the thrust plate have contained a number of gold deposits now in production in the Carlin gold belt. The Cow Claims are also surrounded by lode claims held by a major gold producer in the Carlin Trend, which has expressed an interest in the Cow Claims. The area in which the Cow Claims are located is described in some detail in the 1968 U.S. Geological Survey Circular 588 (Department of the Interior), entitled Geochemical Anomalies in the Swales Mountain Area, Elko County, Nevada, by K.B. Ketner, J.G. Evans and T.D. Hessin. This circular states in its introduction "The general geologic similarity between formations exposed at Swales Mountain and those of the Carlin Mine (1.5 million tons grading 0.127 ounce/gold per ton for 191 thousand contained ounces) thirteen miles to the west prompted the U.S. Geological Survey to map in detail the rocks of the area and to assess its mineral potential...".
SWALES MOUNTAIN GEOLOGY INTRODUCTION The Independence Range is one mountain range to the east of the Tuscarora Mountains which host most of the gold deposits of the Carlin Trend. The northern Independence Mountains host Freeport's Jerritt Canyon district. The Swales Mountain area holds similar characteristics to that of the other major deposits in the area. Swales Mountain has on its eastern flank a window in the Western Paleozoic rocks through which the lower plate Devonian carbonate rocks are exposed. These Paleozoic sediments were uplifted by a Miocene age stock of quartz monzonite forming the core of Swales Mountain. Following Basin and Range faulting and erosion the Devonian carbonate rocks were exposed. The Roberts Mountains thrust fault is exposed in several places along the eastern side of Swales Mountain and to the north towards Lone Mountain. Extending from Swales Mountain to Blue Basin in a broad arc are the upper plate Paleozoic rocks. Locally these rocks are cherts, minor limestones, thin argillites, and greenstones of the Vinini Formation. Within the Vinini there is a thrust fault traceable for several miles across the area of the claims, known as the Blue Basin thrust fault. This fault strikes to the northeast and dips to the northwest. It is offset in several places by normal faults with less than 100 feet displacement. The upper plate rocks are black and tan cherts of the Vinini Formation. The lower plate rocks are also of the Vinini but contain thick sections of thin-bedded carbonaceous siltstones, shales and black cherts. The thrust zone can be up to 150 feet thick and is composed of brecciated chert which has also been silicified making it more resistant to erosion than the rocks above and below it. Preliminary exploration sampling has located several gold, silver, copper and zinc zones in the general area of the Cow Claims. Most of the anomalies are near or on the contact with the quartz monzonite. The quartz monzonite is in direct contact with the lower plate limestones in several places where anomalous values of base metals are located. One gold sample from Section 16 ran 0.10 ounces/ton gold. This sample came from a siltstone outcrop beleived to be below the Roberts Mountains thrust fault. Other geochemical samples in the area had anomalous values in zinc. This area is interesting because of a jasperoid outcrop running southeast in the area of the Cow Claims with the Roberts Mountains thrust fault exposed just to the north in the same section. Several veins carrying high silver values up to 15 ounces/ton were also found. One of these veins was worked in the early 1970's by several small shafts, one of which was retimbered only to find a reported three-foot vein only six inches and low in silver. Other high silver assays have come from various prospect pits and gossan zones found around the main intrusive quartz monzonite stock and where quartz porphry dykes have intruded the thrust faults. GEOLOGY The geology of Swales Mountain is characterized by a broad anticline tending to the northeast, with the axis coinciding with the main ridge of Swales Mountain. The eastern slopes have been eroded so as to show a general cross section of lower and upper place paleozoic rocks, which have been intruded first by quartz porphry and later by a quartz monzonite stock. Igenous intrusions seem to have preferred injecting themselves along major thrust faults and within the shales and cherts of the Valmy Formation. The Roberts Mountains thrust fault is exposed along with the lower plate limestones in an area of several square miles. Camp Creek has cut a nice canyon through the Roberts Mountains Formation. In 1968 the U.S. Geological Survey drilled a 2,000 foot hole north of Camp Creek which was entirely within the limestone formation. The Valmy Formation in this area consists of highly silicified quartzites and cherts which form low outcropping hogbacks striking north south throughout the claim blocks. The quartzites are dark red to brown and show masked bedding structures due to extreme stress related recrystallization and mobilization. The jasper outcrops are high in iron and silica, five to twenty feet thick, brecciated and traceable only hundreds of feet. Gray to black carbonaceous shales and blue gray limestones are also found in the claims area and have been grouped with the Valmy Formation. The quartz porphry dykes and stills are generally white to light gray rocks having a slight pinkish or green colour to the matrix. They are composed of euhedral quartz crystals enclosed within an aphanitic feldspar and siliceous matrix. Hydrothermal alteration and contact metamorphism is commonly associated with the contact between the dykes and the country rock. The Monzonite Porphry is generally red to gray in colour and medium crystalline. Scattered zones of biotite granite and ferromagnesium minerals are common. Molybdenite trace mineralization was discovered in association with a high silver assay taken on the contact with the Valmy Formation. The Carlin Formation, composed primarily of terrestrial and lacustrine deposits, has overlain the eastern slopes of Swales Mountain and has filled Suzie Creek valley. STRUCTURE The geology is dominated by thrust faults and normal faults related to the igneous intrusion and basin and range movement. These faults have been silicified and in some areas carry anomalous values in gold, silver, copper, zinc, arsenic and mercury. In the northern half of Section 8, the Valmy Formation forms the hanging wall of several parallel shear zones, with the structures often filled with quartz porphry, and the footwall rocks are the limestones of the Roberts Mountains Formation. The main structure of Swales Mountain is a large stock of quartz monzonite porphry, which forms the core of the mountain, atop the stock are reminates of paleozoic rocks. To the north into Section 4 and Section 32 of the next township the lower plate limestones are in contact with the stock, to the south th Ordivician quartzites and cherts overly the igneous intrusive. MINERALIZATION Anomalous values of mercury, arsenic, copper, zinc, gold and silver have been found in the Swales Mountain Cow Claim block area. Generally these anomalous values are associated with the intrusive rocks, with zinc and arsenic having elevated values along faults and jasper zones. Silver seems to be the only metal returning economical values. Gold mineralization was found in the northeast corner of Section 18 associated with a thrust fault and close to the plutonic intrusive and marbleized limestone. Silver is much more abundant than gold but has only been found in high angle shears located proximal to the intrusive stock, with the veins averaging a foot or less in thickness and several hundred feet in length. Zinc mineralization is in the form of honey to straw yellow sphalerite within the lower plate limestones, along beddding planes and fractures. Also sphalerite was found in vugs along the jasper outcrops within the upper plate rocks. (The foregoing was excerpted from a 1988 private report on Swales Mountain by D.K. Everett, B.S. Geologic Engineering)
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