LadySivitri's Domain

How to contact LadySivitri

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You can page me with this panel. Your message will be instantly delivered. If I am online, the message will come up on my screen; if I am offline, it will be stored and forwarded to me as soon as I connect to the internet.
I am currently:

LadySivitri's Personal World-Wide-Pager
You can send me a message directly from this page. Fill in the following form and click the Send Message button at the end of it.
Your Details:
It is strongly recommended to enter your e-mail address so a reply can be sent to you.

Your Message:
Note: only the first 450 characters of the message will be transmitted

Terms of Service
The World-Wide Pager and the EmailExpress are for personal use only. Mass paging, mailing and spamming are strictly prohibited and infringe the Terms of Service.


Beginning March 1st I should be online and able to be instantly reached most of the time. Aren't cablemodems wonderful?
Homepage content has been moved. Please contact LadySivitri for further information.

January, 2000