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"Home-Made Stickers"

by CommieCrusher

These stickers are formatted to be printable by users of Webtv units. Can be used by others.

A foreign (Japanese) owned company that makes donations to anti-American organizations such as HCI (Handgun Control Inc.). If YOU value the Constitution for the united states of America and all that it stands for, PLEASE JOIN ME IN NEVER SHOPPING AT A 7-11 AGAIN!!!
Click "HERE" to go to the page. When finished, use your back button to return to here.....
Page will print out 2 stickers which are 7¾" wide by 3 9/16" high....

Federal "Income" Tax
Are You Really Liable?
I'm not and neither are you! We have NO liability to file or pay an "income" tax!
There is NO law that says you have to pay!
To Learn The Truth!!!!
(702) 385-6920
Click "HERE" to go to the page. When finished, use your back button to return here....
Page will print out 2 stickers that are 7¾" wide by 4 1/8" high....

Click "HERE" to go to the page. When finished, use your back button to return to here..
The page will print 2 stickers which are each 7 5/16" width by 4 5/8" high. **(NOTE)** This one I did not make....

Click "HERE" to go to the page. When finished, use your back button to return to here...
Page will print 2 stickers which are each 4¼" wide by 4½" high....
Click "HERE" to go to the page that will print 63 stickers which are each 1 1/16" by 1 1/16".. I use these to put on "snail mail" envelopes....

Click "HERE" to go to the page. Page will print out app. 198 stickers which are each ¾" wide by 3/8" high.. I use them for "snail mail" envelopes...
*(NOTE)*-----Up-side-down flags denote a patriot and/or our country in trouble-----

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms brought about
* The Parliamentary Revolution
* The Magna Carta
* The American Revolution
* The world's first and only nation of liberty.
Without it you are nothing but a feudal serf.
EXERCISE your Right to Keep and Bear Arms or
Click "HERE" to go to the page. Page will print out 27 stickers which are each 2 7/16" wide by 1 1/8" high. I also use these for "snail mail"..


*(not to be confused with government privileges)*
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Click HERE to the page. When finished, click your "back" button to return to here.....
This page will make 3 stickers that are 7 7/8" wide by 2 5/8" high....

Click HERE to go to the full size pic.

Click HERE to go to the page that wll give you 72 1"x1" pic that you can use on you snail mail.

Make a "statement".
Let people know.
Don't let the national media rule.

Click "HERE" to go back to Sunrise @ Coffin Rock.

Click "HERE" to go to next page (Gun Control) Click "HERE" to go back to the "Contents Page"......