You wanted to know...

You obviously wanted to know why I am the way I am... was it some kind of childhood trauma, like being dropped on my head once too many times- causing soft-spot damage? Was it a steady diet of lead paint chips and thermonuclear dip during my formative years? Probably.
Really, I'm a normal person. Honest. I've never tortured any 4 legged or feathered animals (humans do not count), I've never been arrested under this alias, and only occasionally perform ritual sacrifices to the sun gods. here's all the pertinent information that you chathouse-hounds probably want.

1. My name is Elissa. I'm practically 25 (ok, 8 days shy, where are my gifts?) and for those of you who keep track of that stuff, I'm a Leo.

2. OK- This Is what I look like. Ok, actually, I'm a 4'2" woman with a goiter the size of a basketball and a complection that would blind an arc welder.

3. What do I do all day long? Well, I'd love to tell you all about it, but between my letter writing campaign to bring back "silver spoons" to the airwaves, and my presidency of the seal clubber's society, I barely have time for much else.
I write some, when I get the inclination, or the assignment.
I still enjoy photography (especially cemeteries)

4. Hobbies? I like lots of stuff, and don't have nearly enough space to expound. When I'm not plotting the overthrow of our boy-king, I enjoy handcrafting notecards, glass and metal wreaths, photography, reading whatever I can get my grubby commie pinko bastard hands on, and cooking (when I get a chance).

P.S. I was kidding about clubbing baby seals, people.

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