
Every page has 'em. Barely anyone ever looks at 'em. I don't care if you do, or not, but if you do, you won't be disappointed. (And if you are, you can go suck eggs.) Now! With even fewer banners than ever before!!

Bill Hicks
If you have never heard of him, get thee to this site IMMEDIATELY. You're missing the best comic since Lenny Bruce. I mean it. Go. Go Now. I will still be here when you get back. What are you waiting for?

Ellison Webderland
Ellison, Harlan Ellison. Rick Wyatt runs a damned tight little ship over there. Click him. And...if you don't know that name, you're missing one of the best writers ever. (Yes, even topping Sinclair Lewis.) Go. Go Now. Buy some Ellison. Read some Ellison. Make me happy. (And thank your mother for the chicken soup.)

Also as mentioned before, bartcop is amazing. If you want the *real* news, go to bart- All the Vulgar Pigboy & George "the W stands for Weasel" Bush exposés you could wish for, and scathing commentary on what passes as "news" elsewhere.

The Key West Citizen
I start my morning with the Citizen. Quite possibly the most entertaining newspaper ever. It doesn't hurt matters that I'm moving there, and want to keep up on stuff either.

Something Positive is a sick, twisted, utterly hillarious comic. If I didn't know better, I swear R.K. Milholland has been using surveilance cameras on my house and jobs.

Good Eats Fanpage
Yes, the show has a fanpage, and this guy has a LOT of time on his hands, but here you can find transcripts of almost every single show, trivia, and other good stuff. So far, no restraining orders either. Good deal!

Tomato Nation!
I want to be Sarah Bunting when I grow up. (Or at least write half as well as she does.) Column updates weekly, advice almost daily. FUN stuff!

Joe Bob Briggs!
Yes, Joe Bob Briggs has a website. A damn good website. He and his evil alter ego have some FINE columnd from UPI in there too. I highly recommend daily visits. You never know what you will learn. (three stars, Elissa says "check it out!")

had enough? go home
