It will be useful for the student to have a complete and classified list of the various usages of these words in the N.T.; the following conspectus has been prepared, so that the reader may be in a position to draw his own conclusions.

I.  The VERB baptizo occurs eighty (*1) times, as follows :

i.  In its absolute form, or followed by a noun in the accusative case.  See Matt. 3:16; 20:22, 23.  Mark   6:14; 10:38, 39; 16:16.  Luke 3:12, 21; 7:29; 12:50.  John 1:25, 28; 3:22, 23, 26; 4:1, 2; 10:40.  Acts  2:41; 8:12, 13, 36, 38; 9:18; 10:47; 16:15, 33; 18:8; 19:4; 22:16.  1Cor. 1:14, 16, 17.

ii.  With the Dative case (implying element) :  Luke 3:16.  Acts 1:5; 11:16.

iii.  With en (Ap. 104. viii), denoting
  1.  The element, described as being
      a.  Water.  Matt. 3:11.  Mark 1:8.  John 1:26, 31, 33.
      b.  Pneuma hagion. (see Ap. 101. II. 14) Matt. 3:11.  Mark 1.8.
           Luke 3:16.  John 1:33.  Acts  1:5;  11:16.  1Cor. 12:13 (*).
      c.  The name of the Lord.  Acts 10:48.
      d.  The cloud and sea.  1Cor. 10:2 (*).
  2.  The locality.  Matt. 3:6 (*).  Mark 1:4, 5 (*).  John 3:23.

iv.  With eis (Ap. 104. vi).  Matt. 28:19.  Mark 1:9 (*).  Acts 8:16; 19:3, 5.
      Rom. 6:3.  1Cor. 1:13,15; 10:2 (*); 12:13 (*).  Gal. 3:27.

v.  With epi (Ap. 104. ix).  Acts 2:38 (with Dative)

vi.  With huper (Ap. 104. xvii).  1Cor. 15:29.

vii.  With hupo (Ap. 104. xviii).  Matt. 3:6 (*), 13, 14.  Mark 1:5, 9 (*).
       Luke 3:7; 7:30.

viii.  Translated "wash".  Mark 7:4.  Luke 11:38.


i.  Baptisma.  Occurs twenty-two times, as follows :

  1.  General.  Matt. 20:22, 23.  Mark 10:38, 39.  Luke 12:50.  Rom. 6:4.
       Eph. 4:5.  Col. 2:12.  1Pet. 3:21.
  2.  John's baptism.  Matt. 3:7; 21:25.  Mark 1:4; 11:30.  Luke 3:3; 7:29; 20:4.
       Acts 1:22; 10:37; 13:24;  18:25; 19:3, 4.

ii.  Baptismos.  Occurs four times :

  1.  Translated "washing".  Matt 7:4, 8.  Heb. 9:10
  2.  Translated "baptisms".  Heb. 6:2.

(*)   In the five passages thus marked, the verb is followed by two phrases, and therefore appears under two heads.  They are :  Matt. 3:6.  Mark 1:5, 9.  1Cor. 10:2; 12:13.