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You've been walking for what seems like years when you stumble across a cool, trickling stream, a welcom respite from the dry feeling to this cave. As you kneel to cool yourself and get a drink, you begin to think of why your hear.
It is rumored that there is a Dragon here; no one knows for sure, for no one has ever seen him, but you're sure he's in here somewhere. This.. Dragon, hasn't terrorized any of the local villages, nor has he attacked any of the herds, but you can never be too sure.
As the water cools your body, you feel the slightest breath of air, and look up. Adrenaline shoots from your head to your toes, then back again: you're face to face... with.. a DRAGON!!!

"Pray tell, why are you here, taking in the Magic of the Spring?" Snarles the Dragon.

"I... I ment no harm.." you manage to stutter out. It is then, that you look at the stream you have so recently cooled yourself in, and notice and Otherworldly glow to it, and recollect the very sweet taste to the .. water.

The large, red dragon slumps down lazily in front of you, etching lines in the rock beneath it, with it's long, sharp talons. "Be at ease, Human. I mean you no harm. It's not my fault my Kind strike fear in your souls. I will not eat you, nor harm you. Be at ease." The dragon blows lightly over the stone, sending dust into its nose, causing it to snort. You jump, and a hearty chuckle fills the cavern. "Child, what is your name?"

You seem unable to speak, still in utter awe of the magnificent creature before you. "I.. uh..."

"No worries. Though we have just met, I trust you," you give the dragon a curious look. "I am about to give you Power, a power over me. I am going to reveal my name, and to do that, is to trust you.. for you can call on me at will, and force me to your Will. My Name.. is, Megnara."
