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MechCommander is a milestone in the BattleTech Universe. It brings a new perspective to the game. The games two political powers are the clans, and the Inner Sphere. MechCommander is different from MechWarrior. MechWarriors worry about ammunition, heat, targeting, and staying alive. While the MechCommander doesn't. A MechCommander must worry about telling his soldiers were he should attack from, position themselves, advance, or even retreat when necessary.
The game engine is easy to learn, but gives a MechCommander complete control over his mechs. The MechCommander can tell his mechs to attack from his current postion, short, medium, or even long range. Not only can a MechCommander control his mechs, but he can customize and build them. You can customize his weapons, armor, and jumpjets. Mechs are not the only thing a MechCommander can control. He can call in airstrikes, control tanks, minelayers, minsweepers, repair rigs, and even camera drones. MechCommander is a game similar to warcraft, dark reign, starcraft, and command and conquer. MechCommander is similar to these, but puts them all to shame. MechCommander is superior to all these games, and many more that will come.

Mech Commander Files

MechCommander Demo (116 MB)
MechCommander 1.8 Update (2.4 MB)
Here are the latest maps for mechcommander
The Cheats that everyone has been asking me for =)
