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I sit in my room
My candels burn
They cast familiar shadows on the wall,
I relax my body then my mind,
I retreat to my own little world
A Weeping Willow is in a feild
Beneath it's bows I sit
I hear the birds sing their melodic song
I smell the sweet smells
Of flower scented air
I find happines in my world
I embrace it there
I try to bring the tranquility back
when I return to the Real World
It is not there
Alas I lost it again
And I will never bring
Peace, Happiness, & Tranquility
Into the Real World
The one in wich we live.
By NRM completed 4-5-99

I sit and watch the moonlight dance
The water is as smooth as glass
It reflects the moon
I stare into the deep caverns of the two moons
I get lost in the space between the stars
In the cold black emptiness,
Alone with my thoughts
Alone with myself
No one to bother or hurt me
Just the Moon,Stars,Water,
And the cold black emptiness of Space.
BY:NRM 4-7-99

Water drops falling from the sky
Pounding down with such force
Washing away happiness
Drounding you in sorrow and depression
Falling in sheets and soaking everything in misery
Leaving NO hope
Oppresing you with sorrow
Allways worsening with thunder.
BY:NRM 4-7-99

"A Tear"
Born from the corner of my eye
The eye that once saw your handsome face
It runs down my cheek
The cheek you once lovingly caressed
Down to the corner of my mouth
The mouth that you kissed
The mouth that smilied whenever you were near
This tear born from pain
The pain cause by your leaving
I'm tired
Tired of hoping you wll return to me
Tired of waiting for you to call
I am sick of this pain
Sick of this hopeless hope
So that is the last tear to travel that path
The last tear to be shed and flow over you
I will wipe it from my chin and cheek
And I will through it to the sea
Along with it I will through your memory
By: NRM 9/20/99

"To Look"
To Look
To Love
To Loose
To Hate
All these things begin with one thing
But if we siese to look
We siese to LIVE

By: NRM 11/9/00

"Crimes Commited"
A crime of the heart
A crime of passion
A loss to unbearable to stand
A crime commited against you
A stolen heart
A stolen soul
A shed tear
For the pain is far to much to bear
A bottle of pills
A glass of water
A warm bath
No more crime
No more pain
No more tears from your eyes
Just eternal sleep

BY:NRM 11/9/00

How can one little thing hurt so bad
Why does the pain cut me to my very core
I used to be numb to this peircing pain
Why does the pain come?
Of all times why now
It cuts me to my very soul
Tearing me in two ripping at my heart
Leaving me all torn apart.

By: NRM 10-30-01

I lie awake at night
Staring at the sky and waiting
Waiting for the sandman to visit me
While I wait thoughts drift through my head
I invision some as if they were dreams
Things like an empty lonely room
Me shrugging away the part of me that makes me care
Wating for something to find me
Hoping for something that will take me away
Waiting for something that will let me sleep
That way I don't have to dream all these horrible things
While I am awake

By: NRM 10-30-01
