
Super Sailormoon Sailorneptune Neo Queen Selenity Eternal Sailormoon ^_^ Cloverway is dumb Sailorpluto Black Lady Hotaru Tomoe ^__^ Inside joke warning! Sailormars Sailorsaturn and Sailoruranus Pimpmama C! Pimpmama J! Fish Eye

Hotohori, Tamahome, and my Tasuki my Tasuki with no shirt on *drool*

Clavis, from Angelique Luva, from Angelique Link, from Zelda Luna, from Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

Duo in a white suit Wuffie-chan! Duo sitting on a bed Dorothy Catalonia and her eyebrows of DOOM! Its Duo again...

A busty woman with a knife A chick with black hair...gods, this took forever to do! My school's mascot...transformed into a girl! (:P or its Buffy) A nice-looking Unicorn guy SAILOR KEETEE!! *waves at Jonathan* A purdy gypsy woman! Some girl's reflection in the water ^o^ I torture my beloved so I'm copyright myself, right?

Aya, Weiss Kreuz Aya (again! ^^;), Weiss Kreuz XD~~ Ariel, from the Little Mermaid!! Utena, from Shoujo Kakumei Utena

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