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Welcome to Julie's House

Okay Julie..Welcome to YOUR official site..I made it from scratch..Hope you like it...Okay So there is nothing on it! Big Deal...ANy way here is the link to your resume... Right Here!.Also I took the liberty of trying to spice up it's look a little bit...That resume can be found Over Here!.Remember..This is YOUR site..and YOUR resumes..You can do whatever you want to them..We can change fonts...Move everything around...Change colors ..sizes...postions...everything....I put the dancer in there as a filler b/c When we get a pic of you..I'll trade the pics out..Cool?And when we get time ..we will edit this home page too.....Drop me a line and let me know what you want.You can do that here.And if someone finds this site they can email you here.They could also email you from the resume...The beginning where it list name and number and what not...The email address is also a link to send mail directly to you.So they can access you quickly.