Max finished with 4 majors. Along the way he was also awarded 19 points in major reserves.
Bonneville Basin KC - 1pt Ms Dorothy Welsh
San Gabriel KC - 3pts Jacqueline Quiros-Kubat
Santa Maria KC - 3 pts Mr James Canalizo
Lompoc KC - 5 pts Mrs Linda Scanlon(see photo below)
Bonneville Basin KC - WD, BOW, BOB 4 pts Mrs Linda Scanlon
July 2001 at the Western Sighthound Combined Specialties in Lompoc, CA. SCWA Supported Entry Max won the BBE class under Katrina Hamilton.

July 27, 2001 - Lompoc KC
An AWC Supported Entry
Max was awarded WD for 5 points under Linda Scanlon!
Max lived the easy life under the covers and sharing his backyard bunny-catching with sister Kyra's daughter, Lacey.
Vaughn, Kim and the girls were the perfect family for these two lovebugs :-)
Everyone's hearts were broken when Max went to the Rainbow Bridge in March 2011. He was no doubt joyfully greeted by Mom Annie and nephew Alec.
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Riley & Max - a Multi Best in Show BRACE!!!
Sister Kyra
Riley & Max's Pedigree