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All Stairs CD´s can now be ordered on-line.

1. A New World - 2005

Tracks: 1. A New World / 2. Trainstation / 3. Back From the Sky / 4. Don´t Give Up / 5. Lovely Like You

2. Songs About Something/Nothing? - May 2006

Tracks: 1. The Devil / 2. Song About Something / Nothing / 3. A Bit of Alright / 4. Everything is Open / 5. Miss Right / 6. Back From the Sky* / 7. Take Me Back*

3. Songs From the Special Offer´s Mind - November 2006

Tracks: 1. That´s Not a Man/ 2. Glue / 3. Music Police / 4. Poor White Trash

Price per CD including shipping :

UK £ 8

U.S. $ 16

Europe € 11

Please note that only few copies of “A New World” are left!

Payment through pay-pal possible.

Contact : Morten Vindberg

mail to:
Morten Vindberg


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