Live Love All Of Your Days

Live Love All Of Your Days

"Live Love All Of Your Days"

 G                      D                      Em                            
The padre og the chapel makes you sing a song knows he cant take everyone 
    C                 A  
To where they should belong
G                        D                        C                           G
Do what you wanna do and be what you wanna be and live until the day that you die 

    G                      D                        Em                      
The captain of the steamer tries to sound the horn lives a live of worry  
             C            A
Where he's going when he's gone
G                           D                        
Say  what you wanna say and be what you wanna be and 
C                           G
Live until the day that you die
          C   (H)   Am               D             G    
You gotta live love all of your days so many ways, yeah
           C   (H)   Am       A                    D           
And if you live love every day it's gonna stay all right
     G                       D                   Em                            
The cheiftain in the jungle wouldn't if he could people don't belive him 
           C             A
That he's happy chopping wood
G                        D                        C                            G
Do what you wanna do and be what you wanna be and live until the day that you die

Chorus Repeat

By Pete Ham

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