
"Itsi Bitsi


Steppeulvene released in 1967 their only album ”Hip”, which for posterity came to stand as a symbol of youth rebellion and became an independent chapter in Danish rock history. It was recorded out at Bent Fabricius-Bjerre's Metronome study, and is remembered as a recording that should "aired out" after, when the recording was marked by celebration and happy days. At the release of the record Eik made a minor happening to the press as he disguised himself and with a flower in his mouth jumped in Christianshavn's Canal. Images from this happening is today quite famous but otherwise there are only a few other pictures of Eik, who comitted suicide in India in 1968. A Danish movie about Eik and the band was released in 2015.

The band was formed when rock- and folk musician Stig Moller and the young author Eik Skaløe met bassist Søren Seirup and drummer Preben Devantier. Eik Skaløe was responsible for the lyrics, which were written as poems, Stig Møller put these lyrics to music.

The group is named after the German author Hermann Hesse's novel ”Steppeulven”. Eik Skaløe traveled shortly after the release of ”Hip” to India. Stig Moller received letters with new lyrics from Eik on this trip, but after a while it stopped. Eik Skaløe was found in India on the border near Pakistan, with his passport and a note with these words:

"For the officials: As I guess you know - this is suicide planned and performed by myself. Nobody is to blame, EXCEPT the cruel person inside me. Forgive me, Eik Skaløe."


Eik Skaloe: Vocals.

Stig Møller: Lead guitar

Preben DevantierDrums

Søren Seirup: Bass

Hasse Levy: Vocals on later incarnation

Rudolf Hansen: Bass on later incarnation


1. Hip - Metronome 1967

1. Dunhammeraften / 2. Itsi-Bitsi / 3. Til Nashet / 4. Jensen / 5. 0-0-0- / 6. Lykkens Pamfil / 7. Kvinde kom ud / 8. Kun for forrykte
Rating : 9

2. Ud hvor du ikke kan bunde - single Metronome 1967

1. Du skal ud, hvor du ikke kan bunde / 2. Flip
Rating : 6

3. Hasse & The Reefers - single Sonet 1967

1. Hash hunden glammer / 2. Ebba
Rating :

4. Steppeulvene Live - Karma KMCD 70903 - 2003

1. Dunhammer Aften / 2. Itsi-Bitsi / 3. Til Nashet / 4. Jensen / 5. Drej Nul Nul Nul / 6. Lykkens Pamfil / 7. Kvinde Kom Ud / Harry / 8. Du Skal Ud Hvor Du Ikke Kan Bunde / 9. Flip
Rating :

5. Hip Deluxe - 2015

1. Dunhammeraften /2. Itsi-bitsi / 3. Til Nashet / 4. Jensen / 5. 0-0-0- / 6. Lykkens Pamfil / 7. Kvinde Kom Ud / 8. Kun For Forrykte / 9. Itsi-bitsi Demo / 10. Intro Med Eik / 11. Blød Nødlanding / 12. Til Orion Teatret / 13. Dunhammeraften Demo / 14. Kys Fra Stig / 15. Der Var Engang / 16. Rifbjerg Reference / 17. Til Nashet Demo / 18. Farvel / 19 Farvel Holstebro
Rating :

Essential Albums!

Original albums as listed and rated on “Rate Your Music” - November 15 - 2008

254 Hip - 1967
Check and Rate Here!

February 14 - 2015 ""

My Suggestion For a 80 minutes (app.) Best Of Compilation:

1. Dunhammeraften ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip
2. Itsi-Bitsi ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip
3. Til Nashet ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip
4. Du Skal Ud Hvor Du Ikke Kan Bunde ( Levy ) single
5. 0-0-0- ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip
6. Lykkens Pamfil ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip
7. Kvinde kom ud ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip
8. Kun for forrykte Jensen ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip
9. Flip ( Levy ) single
10. Jensen ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip
11. Blød Nødlanding ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip Deluxe
12. Der var engang ( Møller/Skaloe ) Hip Deluxe

Steppeulvene Page



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