1. Story - Deram 1970
1. Story / 2. Black Mourning Band / 3. Scarlet Lady / 4. Fresher Than The Sweetness of Water / 5. He Was Columbus / 6. Ceilings No. One / 7. Under the Silent Tree / 8. She´s Out There / 9. She Said Yes / 10. I Remember Caroline / 11. How Long / 12. Ceilings No. Two
Rating : 9

2. Into Your Ears - Nepenta 1971 / Reissue + 10 - Hanky Panky 2005
1. It's What You've Got / 2. There's Nothing That I Can Do for You / 3. I'm a Gambler / 4. Harry the Earwig / 5. Do I Still Figure in Your Life / 6. Uptight Basil / 7. Taking the Heart Out of Love / 8. On a Time Said Sylie / 9. Good Song / 10. It's the Way / 11. Go Away / 12. Arise Sir Henry / 13. Uptight Basil ( single ) / 14. Taking the Heart Out of Love ( single ) / 15. I´m a Gambler ( 75 single ) / 16. Go Away ( 69 B-side ) / 17. Working Class Man ( 73 B-side ) / 18. Tattered Robe ( 75 B-side ) / 19. I´m a Gambler ( 75 single ) / 20. Delighted to See You ( demo ) / 21. Hold Up / 22. Texas Candy
Rating : 8

3. March Hare - Penny Parthing 1971 / Reissue + 4 - Hanky Panky 2005
1. Get Up the Road / 2. Bloodshot Eyes / 3. For Where Have You Been / 4. Find Me / 5. Underground Girl / 6. To My Maker / 7. Alice / 8. Nothing to Write About / 9. New Day / 10. Cowboy Joe / 11. Just Like Me / 12. Charlie Brown´s Time / 13. Didn´t I Tell You* / 14. Seek Not in the Wide World* / 15. Grannie Grannie* / 16. Fighting For Peace* /
Rating : 5

4. Recital - Warner Brothers 1973
1. Be Thou By My Side / 2. Julie in My Heart / 3. Big Ship / 4. Cross Channell Ferry / 5. Lady´s Not For Burning / 6. She´s a Lady / 7. Little Lovely One / 8. Lute Girl / 9. Writing´s on the Wall / 10. Baroque´n Roll / 11. Lovely Vanessa / 12. I Can´t Say it But I Can Sing it / 13. For You*
Rating : 8

1. At Their Best - See For Miles 1989
1. Story / 2. Black Mourning Band / 3. Scarlet Lady / 4. Fresher Than The Sweetness In Water / 5. He Was Columbus / 6. Ceilings No.1 / 7. Under The Silent Tree / 8. She's Out There / 9. She Said Yes / 10. I Remember Caroline / 11. How Long / 12. Ceilings No.2 / 13. Delighted To See You / 14. The Breaking Up Scene / 15. (Do I Figure) In Your Life / 16. Throw My Love Away / 17. Girl Of Independent Means / 18. The Right To Choose / 19. Julie In My Heart / 20. I Can't Let Maggie Go / 21. She Sold Blackpool Rock / 22. She Sold Blackpool Rock (French Version) / 23. Would You Believe / 24. Tender Are The Ashes / 25. How Long
Rating : 9

2. Old Masters, Hidden Treasures - Pop Almanac 1993
1. I Can´t Let Maggie Go / 2. Texas Gold / 3. Hear Me Only / 4. Baraque´n Roll / 5. Madam Chairman of the Committee / 6. Jug of Water / 7. Slow Rock / 8. Story / 9. Lute Girl / 10. Proof Enough / 11. Lovely Ladies and Things / 12. Cross Channell Ferry / 13. I Can´t Say it But I Can Sing It / 14. Music / 15. Lovely Vanessa/ 16. The Lady´s Not For Burning / 17. Caterina / 18. Like Me Like You Used to / 19. Do I Still Figure in Your Life / 20. In My End is My Beginning
Rating : 7

3. Honeybus Story - Repertoire 1999
1. I Cant Let Maggie Go / 2. Girl Of Independant Means / 3. Tender Are The Ashes / 4. How Long (Single Version) / 5. Delighted To See You / 6. The Breaking Up Scene / 7. (Do I Figure) In Your Life / 8. Throw My Love Away / 9. She Sold Blackpool Rock / 10. Would You Believe / 11. Story / 12. The Right To Choose / 13. She Is The Female To My Soul / 14. For Where Have You Been / 15. For You / 16. Little Lovely One / 17. Black Mourning Band / 18. Scarlet Lady / 19. Fresher Than The Sweetness In Water / 20. He Was Columbus / 21. Ceilings No 1 / 22. Under The Silent Tree / 23. Shes Out There / 24. La Cicogna / 25. Shi Sei Tu
Rating : 8

4. She Flies Like a Bird - Sequel 2002
1. Delighted to See You / 2. Breaking Up Scene / 3. (Do I Figure) In Your Life / 4. Throw My Love Away / 5. I Can't Let Maggie Go / 6. Tender Are the Ashes / 7. Girl of Independant Means / 8. How Long [Single Version] / 9. She Sold Blackpool Rock / 10. Would You Believe / 11. Story / 12. Black Mourning Band / 13. Scarlet Lady / 14. Fresher Than the Sweetness in Water / 15. He Was Columbus / 16. Ceilings No. 1 / 17. Under the Silent Tree / 18. She's Out There / 19. She Said Yes /20. I Remember Caroline / 21. How Long [LP Version] / 22. Ceilings No. 2 / 23. Right to Choose / 24. She Is the Female to My Soul / 25. For Where Have You Been // 1. Pete Dello Interview / 2. (Do I Figure) In Your Life? [Live BBC Session] / 3. Like an Old Time Movie [Live BBC Session] / 4. Maxine's Parlour / 5. She Comes to Me [Live BBC Session] / 6. I Can't Let Maggie Go [Live BBC Session] / 7. Ain't That Just Bonny for You [Live BBC Session] / 8. Francoise [Live BBC Session] / 9. Cigona (She Sold Blackpool Rock) / 10. Chi Sei Tu (Ceilings No. 2) / 11. For You / 12. Little Lovely One / 13. Be Thou by My Side / 14. Julie in My Heart / 15. Big Ship / 16. Hear Me Only / 17. Texas Gold / 18. Madam, Chairman of the Committee / 19. Jug of Water / 20. Proof Enough / 21. Like Me Like You Used to Do / 22. Lovely Ladies 'N' Things / 23. Caterina / 24. Slow Rock / 25. Music / 26. In the End Is My Beginning
Rating : 9

5. For Where Have You Been - Mapache Records / Hanky Panky - 2018 MAPA 0014LP
1. Texas Gold / 2. Hear Me Only / 3. Madam, Chairman Of The Comitee / 4. Jug Of Water / 5. Slow Rock / 6. Proof Enough / 7. Lovely Ladies'n Things / 8. Music / 9. Caterina / 10. Like Me Like You Used To Do / 11. In the End Is My Beginning / 12. She Is The Female To My Soul / 13. For Where Have You Been
Rating : 8
Essential Album!
Original album as listed and rated on “Rate Your Music” - December 25 - 2005
284 Into Your Ears - 1971
Check and Rate Here!
December 25 - "rateyourmusic.com"
My Suggestion For a 80 minutes (app.) Best Of Compilation:
1. Do I Still Figure in Your Life ( Dello ) Single 67/At Their Best
2. Taking The Heat Out of Love ( Dello ) Into Your Ears
3. I Can´t Let Maggie Go ( Dello ) Single 68/At Their Best
4. How Long ( Cane/Hare/Kirchner ) Single 68/At Their Best
5. Story ( Cane ) Story
6. Under a Silent Tree ( Cane ) Story
7. She Sold Blackpool Rock ( Cane ) Single 69/At Their Best
8. He Was Columbus ( Cane ) Story
9. She Said Yes ( Cane ) Story
10. Ceilings No. 2 ( Cane ) Story
11. Julie in Her Heart ( Dello ) Recital
12. It´s What You Got ( Dello ) Into Your Ears
13. Do I Still Figure in Your Life ( Dello ) Into Your Ears
14. Taking The Heart Out of Love ( Dello ) Single 69/Into Your Ears
15. Uptight Basil ( Dello ) Into Your Ears
16. New Day ( Hare ) March Hare
17. Delighted To See You ( Dello ) Single 67/At Their Best
18. I Remember Caroline ( Cane/Hare ) Story
19. How Long ( Cane ) Story
20. There´s Nothing I Can Do For You Baby ( Dello ) Into Your Ears
21. Uptight Basil ( Dello/Cane ) Single 69/Into Your Ears
22. Hear Me Only ( Dello ) Into Your Ears
23. Scarlet Lady ( Hare ) Story
24. Ceilings No. 1 ( Cane ) Story
25. She´s Out There ( Hare ) Story
26. Be Thou By My Side ( Cane ) Recital
27. I´m a Gambler ( Dello ) Into Your Ears
28. Arise Sir Henry ( Dello ) Into Your Ears
29. Underground Girl ( Hare ) March Hare
30. I Can´t Say it But I Can Sing it ( Dello ) Recital
31. Texas Gold ( Dello ) She Flies Like a Bird
32. For You Baby ( Dello ) Single 73/Honeybus Story
33. Francoise ( Dello ) BBC 68/She Flies Like a Bird
34. Little Lovely One( Dello ) Recital
35. Big Ship( Hare ) Recital
36. She's a Lady ( Hare ) Recital
37. Go Away ( Dello ) Into Your Ears - bonus
38. Tattered Rose ( Dello ) Into Your Ears - bonus

Honeybus Recital
A Honeybus Tribute
Alex´ Honeybus
Honeybus Net
A New Honeybus Link!!