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News, baby!

1-31-2001: I think that if you look very closely at today's news post, you'll find that not only is it "like that", but "that" is indeed the "way it is."  I've got a new comic up, which is going straight into [sic] (the university newspaper) tomorrow.  I've also got a new movie review for you today, on The Streetfighter's Last Revenge.  Pretty soon, I hope to be updating the cast section to our new "kicking" motif, but I simply don't have the materials at hand that I need to complete this mission.  Our newest cast member, Hana, is currently working on some sketches of the cast that I hope to add into that section as soon as she is done.  Until next update...


1-21-2001: Yo yo yo.  Today's post is pretty simple, I changed all the comics to the new format, and layed down the love with a new Movie Review on Wu-Tang Mystagogue.  Keep it's not it...


1-20-2001: Okay, here's the dilly-yo.  I'm in the middle of the site redesign, so half of it isn't done.  I do however, have a new section lovingly entitled Movie Reviews.  Right now, there's only one movie review up, but there will be new ones very soon, as we're watching some Kung-Fu Movies this very night.  So jump right over to the review of Lord of the Wu-Tang and feast your eyes on the beauty that is the new section of KFDE.  Also, keep checking back, as I'll be dropping new reviews like veritable "bombs" and new comics like slightly less frequent "bombs."
