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Donations  and  Sponsorships

Dolma Ling


        Donations. Donations of any amount will help us continue to build the nunneries, to provide improved health and sanitation, and to offer the nuns the education and freedom of religious practice they fled their homeland to find.
        The Tibetan Nuns Project is small and run by a volunteer staff. We have few administrative costs, so that donations flow directly to the projects where they are most needed.

        Sponsorship. Over 350 nuns receive sponsorship from donations to the Nuns Project. All sponsorship funds are sent to India on a monthly basis. All administrative expenses are handled by separately funded accounts; none of the sponsorship donation funds are spent on administration, either in the U.S. or in India. Your donations are spent only on the care and well-being of the nuns whom we serve.
        Sponsors currently contribute $30 per month. Those funds are pooled and used collectively, with each nun on our sponsorship list receiving the same amount, whether or not she has a designated sponsor. Each nun receives a small sum of monthly pocket money. The remainder of sponsorship donations goes toward housing, medical care, education, and food, with more than half going toward food. Sponsorship funds do not stretch to cover clothing, bedding, mattresses, or personal care items like soap or shoes, so we provide these only occasionally through special donations.
        Our sponsors come from all over the world - the U.S., Germany, Switzerland, England, Australia, Canada, France, and Japan, in order of number of sponsors. Many sponsors come to us as a result of seeing our brochure or calendar.

        For more information please write to:

        The Tibetan Nuns Project
        2288 Fulton Street #312
        Berkeley, Ca. 94704
        (510) 647-3423


Now Available - Tibetan Nuns Calendar 2001!

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