Second only to Cairo in size, the modern city of Alexandria sits on the edge of the Mediterannean, calling to mind the greatness of its namesake. While Alexander may have conquered Egypt, it was Egyptian culture that continued to reign in the days of the subsequent Greek rulers.

Alexander from the Air

Alexandria sits on the northeastern edge of the Nile Delta. In the distance, one can mark the end of the Delta and the beginning of the desert that makes up most of modern Egypt's landmass.

The harbor at Alexandria is protected by a great breakwater which was originally designed and reinforced by the Greeks. The great lighthouse that once stood here was considered to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Library of Alexandria

The Library of Alexandria was burned on at least three different occasions, but today there is a new library at Alexandria that is seeking to reclaim the fame of its former heritage.

The Delta

The Delta region is crisscrossed by canals and often given over the marshlands.

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