Pentateuch Video Lectures

John Stevenson
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The following videos were designed as a part of the Online Course at South Florida Bible College: Pentateuch: OTS-511. They are similar in content to the Class on the Pentateuch at the Florida Campus of Trinity International University, taught by the same professor.

Introduction to Genesis
Genesis 1:1 - The Genesis Account and the Enuma Elish
Genesis 1:1-2 - Theories of Creation
Genesis 1:2 - The Spirit in Creation
Genesis 1:3-25 - The Six Days of Creation
Genesis 1:26-30 - The Creation of Man
Genesis 1:31 - The Goodness of Creation
Genesis 2:1-3 - Creation and Sabbath
Genesis 2:4-7 - The Second Creation Account
Genesis 2:8-17 - The Garden of Eden
Genesis 2:18-25 - The Creation of Woman
Genesis 3:1-7 - The Temptation
Genesis 3:7-15 - The Seed of the Woman
Genesis 3:16-20 - The Results of the Fall
Genesis 3:21-24 - The Expulsion from the Garden
Genesis 4:1-26 - The Way of Cain
Genesis 5:1-32 - The Days of Noah
Genesis 6:1-8 - Sons of God
Genesis 6:9-13 - The Generations of Noah
Genesis 6:14-16 - The Ark
Genesis 7:11-12 - The Flood
Genesis 8 - Noah Remembered
Genesis 9:1-13 - Noahic Covenant
Genesis 9:18-27 - Noah's Prophecy
Genesis 10 - The Table of Nations
Genesis 11:1-9 - The Tower of Babel
Genesis 11:27 - 12:8 - Abram as a Blessing
Genesis 12:1-3 - Overview of the Life of Abraham
Genesis 12:9-20 - Abram in Egypt
Genesis 13:1-18 - Abram and Lot
Genesis 14:1-24 - Abram Rescues Lot
Genesis 15 - The Covenant Ceremony
Genesis 16:1-14 - Ishmael
Genesis 17:1-14 - The Abrahamic Covenant
Genesis 18 - Promises & Intercession
Genesis 19 - Sodom & Gomorrah
Genesis 20 - Abraham's Sojourn in Gerar
Genesis 21:1-21 - Isaac and Ishmael
Genesis 22:1-14 - Abraham's Test of Faith
Genesis 23:2-4 - Death and Burial of Sarah
Genesis 24 - A Bride for Isaac
Genesis 25:19-26 - The Birth of Jacob and Esau
Genesis 25:27-34 - The Birthright
Genesis 26 - Interlude in a Foreign Palace
Genesis 27 - The Stolen Blessing
Genesis 28:10-22 - Jacob's Ladder
Genesis 29 - Jacob in Haran
Genesis 31 - Flight from Haran
Genesis 32 - Wrestling with God
Genesis 34 - The Dinah Episode
Genesis 35 - Rachael's Story
Genesis 37 - The Joseph Narrative
Genesis 38 - Judah and Tamar
Genesis 39 - Joseph in the House of Potiphar
Genesis 40-41 - Joseph before Pharaoh
Genesis 42 - Egypt in the Days of Joseph
Genesis 44-50 - Israel's Entry into Egypt

Introduction to Exodus
Exodus - The World of Moses
Exodus 1 - Israel in Egypt
Exodus 2:1-10 - Preparation of a Deliverer
Exodus 2:11-25 - Moses the Fugitive
Exodus 3 - Meeting God
Exodus 4:1-17 - Beating Around the Burning Bush
Exodus 4:18-31 - A Bridegroom of Blood
Exodus 5-6 - Encounters with Pharaoh
Exodus 7-11 - The Plagues against Egypt
Exodus 11 - The Passover
Exodus 13-15 - The Red Sea Incident
Exodus 15-16 - Grumblings in the Wilderness
Exodus 17 - Water from the Rock
Exodus 18 - Family Matters
Exodus 19-20 - The Law
Exodus 21-23 - The Stipulations
Exodus 24-31 - Instructions for the Tabernacle and Worship
Exodus 32 - The Golden Calf Incident
Exodus 33-34 - Sin, Salvation, and the Presence of God
Exodus 35-40 - Building the Tabernacle

Introduction to Leviticus
Leviticus 1-7 - Rituals of Worship
Leviticus 8-10 - Laws for the Priests
Leviticus 11-15 - Laws of Purity
Leviticus 16 - The Day of Atonement
Leviticus 17-20 - Laws of Holiness
Leviticus 21-25 - Laws of Priests and Special Days
Leviticus 26 - Blessings and Cursings

Introduction to Numbers
Numbers 1-10 - Journey from the Sinai
Numbers 11 - Grace and Judgment
Numbers 12 - Family Failings
Numbers 13-14 - Failure at Kadesh Barnea
Numbers 15-16 - Regulations and Rebellion
Numbers 17-18 - Aaron's Rod
Numbers 19 - The Ritual of the Red Heifer
Numbers 20 - The Waters of Meriba
Numbers 21 - Journey to the Plains of Moab
Numbers 22-24 - Balaam
Numbers 25-36 - The End of the Journey

Introduction to Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 1-3 - Travelogue
Deuteronomy 4 - Lessons from the Law
Deuteronomy 5 - The Ten Commandments
Deuteronomy 6 - The Heart of the Law
Deuteronomy 7 - The Legacy of the Law
Deuteronomy 8 - Remembering God
Deuteronomy 9-10 - What the Lord Requires
Deuteronomy 11 - Promise of the Land
Deuteronomy 12-13 - Warnings against Idolatry
Deuteronomy 14 - Observances
Deuteronomy 16 - Special Days
Deuteronomy 16-18 - Laws for Leaders
Deuteronomy 19-21 - Laws for War and Peace
Deuteronomy 21-25 - Laws for Living in the Land
Deuteronomy 27-31 - Curses and Blessings
Deuteronomy 31-34 - Succession and the Death of Moses

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