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Dragons Against Drugs
My Dragon Magick Banner
Dragonic Statement
I Robin Taylor, Wish To Dispell 
The Myth That Dragons Take Drugs, 
For This Would Imply A Weakness 
On The Part Of The Dragon...
In Fact To Suggest This Is An
Great An Insult To Dragonkind.
I Myself In No Way Support Drug 
Taking, For The Dragons Would Never
Let Me Fall Into That Trap As It
Is No Good For My Reputation
As A Dragonic Worker....
Love Of A Female Dragon
A Dragon Wakes
In Love She Sings
To Her Human Love
Under Her Tender Wings
Their Song Is Their Love
From Starlight Beaming
Together In Love
And They're Not Dreaming
Dragon Give Up Smoking!!!
Oh Dragon, Smoking
Understand, Not The Cigarrette
In Your Claw, Please Dragon 
Give Up, Or I'll Hear Your
Roar No More
Listen Oh, Dragon
As You Fly, 
Quit Now My Friend,
Or You Will Surely Die
Smoochy Dragon
Oh, Dragon Smooch Me
Your Lips Are So Big
That Lipstick Makers Love You
Even When You Sing
But, You Got Arrested
Kissing The Walls Completly
For The Police Thought
It Was Your Own Griffiti.
Ancient Unicorn
Oh, Thee Unicorn Of Trust
Who Makes All Things New
With The Magick In Your Heart
All That Is True
Will Humans Ever Find 
The Love Inside Of You?
For Your Heart Knows No Sorrow
For You Time Is But A Breeze
If Humans Knew To Trust Like You
Wars Would Surely Cease
Disease In This Would Vanish
If All Would Understand
That Universe Is One With You
In All Natures Skies, 
To Love All Creation, 
Please Open Your Eyes
The Fairys
Oh, You Fairys In The Woods
Flying Round Thee Trees
Want To Sing, In Human Hearts
Their Touch Of Tender Wings
Open Your Hearts, 
And Sing Aloud All Of Your Dreams
For A Touch Of Fairy Dust Brightens
All Your Dreams.
Just Hum And Sing, For That Is Just
Humans Learn, That Light Is Love And Trust
    I Hope, I Have Made This Perfectly Clear, For No Spiritual
    Being Of Other Realms Would Condone Drugs On The Earth Plane
    For There Is Far Too Much Suffering And Pain, Going On For 
    This To Ever Happen.

Personal Protection Spell

Oh, Hear Me Great,
Dragons Of Light And Love
Grant Me Great Protection
From The Light Of God/ess (Adapt As You Need)
Place A Circle Of Protection
Round All Assembled Here This Night

In The Name Of The Light
May No Evil Enter This Place
May Only, Light And Love Be In This Place
May All The Light Of Truth And Love Enter Here

Dragons Prayer

Oh, Dragon Love
Who, Is So Lovely
Fluffy Be Your Name
Your Sweet Love Come, Love Be Done
On Earth, And In Divine Name

When In Darkness Leave Us Not
From Evil Vanquish Times Three
For Dragon Power, And The Sweet Love
And The Light For Ever Be

(Based Around Christian Prayer Adapted For Dragon Use)

Translation Of Dragon Names (Latlest)
FAFNIR = Gripper Or Claspper (Germanic)

For Protection, And Good Fortune
Oh Dragons Of Light,
We Call Thee,
To Our Circle, Of Light
We Ask That The Light, Protect This Circle

(Elemental Dragons) Protect Us My Friends
(Dragon Kings) Protect Us My Friends

Listen Dragons All, Bring Us Good Fortune
By The Leys/Fields Bring Protection To This House/s
With Love I Ask This Be So

Spirit Quickening --- Dragonic

Harken Oh, Great Ones
Dragons, Of Lights, Of Three Great Suns
Quicken Theses, Spirits Assembled Here
Oh, Dragons My Lovelys Draw Ever Near
Teach Us Your Ways, Show Us The Light
Come Unto Us Of Dragons Of Divine Light
Dragons Against Drugs (Dragons.A.D) 
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