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A Dragon Altar

Representations Of A Dragonic Altar

ALM1.gif (205160 bytes)ALN1.gif (199533 bytes)Picture Of Very Basic Altar

Now Each Tool Is To Be Explained

Above Is A Picture Of An Altar For Those With Limited Resources

Wand : Element Of Air
Pantacle : Element Of Earth
Green Dragon : Goddess
Athame Silver : Goddess
Cup   : Element Of Water
Athame : Element Of Fire
Red Dragon : God
White Dragoness : Goddess
Athame Gold : God
Stones : Used For Healing
Candle-Snuffer : Puts Out Candles
Gold Dragon    : Light  

Please Note:
In Welsh The Word For Dragon "Draig" Is Female, So Some Worker Might Use The Welsh Dragon As A Goddess

The Dragon Council
There Are Said To Be 13 Members Of This Council, To Call Them You Put Stone Round In A Circle 13 Of Them
One For Each Council Member Each Dragon Has A Different Colour, One Member For Each Moon Of The Year.

Colour, Good Colours To Petition Are
Pink : For Love - Red : For Lust -  Green: For Earth Matters
Blue : For Water Related Matters - Gold : High Magick

These Just A Guide, I May Be Wrong On These, But At Least I've Attempted A List,
The Council Are Only To Be Called Upon For The Highest Magicks.

Use Lotus Scent Sparingly For If This Is Used, It's "ONLY" For The Highest Purpose.