Wendy's HuGStory
I just found this site, and read every story!! It's so nice to know that others understand what I've been through!
I am currently 31 seeks pregnant, and proud to say that I am surviging HG. I found out I was pregnant in August, 2000. My husband and I were very excited, after being married only 7 months, to be expecting our first child.!
August 20th, my sister's birthday, is when I first started to be sick. I thought it was from the vitamins I was taking. I was throwing up 10-20 times a day for about a week, Then it would stop for a day or two, then come back worse than ever!! I threw up almost every day for about 6 months. I used up lots of sick leave time at my job as nurse on a surgical floor, where my supervisors and managers were not at all understanding, telling me that I wasn't sick, but "just pregnant". I lost 15 lbs, became severly depressed, and had to leave work for about 3 weeks.!
I tried unisom, compazine, tigan, phenergan, etc. I tried the crackers in bed before you rise, the ginger ale, the teas, small frequent meals. Nothing helped. I felt sick all the time and had no appetite. I wished so many times that I had never gotten pregnant, but at the same time I would feel guilty because I loved the baby and I knew it wasn't his fault.!
I started on prozac, which actually made me more anxious the first couple weeks before it finally helped me feel better. By about 25 weeks I was down to throwing up only 3-5 times in the morning, and by 29 weeks I was throwing up only 1-2 times a week.!
Thank God for my husband and parents and family. They supported me the whole time. My baby boy is due April 16th 2001 and l finally feel in control again. My best wishes and prayers to those who have suffered through this horrible condition. Keep in mind, it will end eventually!! I still get sick, but it is much better than it was. I would love to hear more about steroid therapy in treating HG and any research on h.pylori as the potential stomach bacterial cause of HG. E-mail me at rcase23@msn.com for support! Good luck and thank you all for sharing your stories, it really helped me a lot!
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