Becky's HuGStory
My story begins back in 1996, this is when I experienced the first of
two pregnancies, both suffering from hyperemesis. During my first
pregnancy I was hospitalized 3 times, each time for about 1 week and
several runs to the emergency room for IV fluids. At five weeks I knew
something was wrong because I was feeling like I had the flu, this is
when I found out I was pregnant. By week seven I was unable to move
around without vomiting. (so my life was totally put on hold, no work,
no school, nothing) I was sick all day long, all night long, I would
even wake up during the night to vomit. The only time I felt good was
when I was asleep.
Thank goodness I had a very supportive husband and
doctor. My doctor tried several medications, none of which helped.
Vitamin B, Phenergan (oral and suppository), Zantac, Thorazine. I had
lost a total of 18 pounds by week 18. Unfortunately we lost our son at
21 weeks, due to other problems unrelated to the hyperemesis.
Thirteen months later, I felt physically and mentally ready to try
again. This time I spoke with my doctor, husband and family (which are
out of town) ahead of time expressing my concerns about getting sick
during our next pregnancy and asked for their help in the event we need
it. We were pregnant soon after trying to conceive and at five weeks
again I started feeling the same signs of sickness, nausea, loss of
appetite, tired, etc. By the third month I had spent 2 weeks in the
hospital getting IV fluid, trying to get my strength back. By the fifth
month I had lost 23 pounds, but things started to get better. I had decided this pregnancy only to take phenergan (suppository at first then
oral and in my IV while hospitalized). It seemed to work best for me if
I took it every 4 hours. I had started eating again, not much, but what
a joy to keep food down (even if it was only a few graham crackers and
ginger ale). During the last 2 months of my pregnancy I was able to
gradually decrease the intake of phenergan. By the time I delivered I
was only taking one tablet in the morning, or as needed.
My greatest joy was delivering our healthy 8 lb. 4 oz. son in May 1998.
Time has allowed me to forget some of the details of these horrible
pregnancies. I feel like they were an illness, not the glowing pregnancy
I had hoped for. But the payoff was all worth it! We are considering
trying again in a few months and all of the fears have resurfaced. Since
I am a stay at home mom I feel the need to plan ahead again, except this
time I will need care for our 2 year old.
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