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Harry Potter has green eyes and black hair, medium in height and is very skinny. Harry classes are Potions with Severus Snape, Transfiguration with Minvera McGonagall, Herbology with…Sprout, Divinations with … Trelawney, Care of Magical Creatures with Rubeus Hagrid, Defense of the Dark Arts with 'Mad Eye' Alabaster Moody. The other teachers like people that are at Hogwarts are; Filch, Ms. Norris, Madame Pomfrey, and Albus Dumbledore. Harry has a snowy owl and her name is Hedwig Hagrid bought her for Harry. Harry's Aunt is Petunia and Uncle is Vernon, and his cousin is Dudley. Harry's godfather is Sirius Black who was wrongfully accused of killing thirteen people. Sent in by Willow.

Harry Potter is a student wizard at Hogwars School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. He is a seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Harry's parents died because Voldemort murdered them. Harry has a female snowy owl named Hedwig. Harry uses Hedwig to send letters to his friends. Harry has two best friends, Ron and Hermione. All three of them go on advantures together. Harry lives with his Aunt and Uncle who are mean to him. Harry's worst enemy at Hogwarts is Draco Malfoy, a pale pointed faced boy. Draco has two sidekicks, Crabbe and Goyle, who always do his evil biddings.

Harry Potter was very young when his parents (Lily and James Potter) had been murdered by Lord Voldmort other wise known as Tom M. Riddle. Harry Potters mother had saved him,but she was killed tring to protect him. Her power of love for Harry had made him diasapper. After his parents were killed Harry was forced to live with his Aunt and Uncle Vernon and Petunia and his cousin Dudley. They treated him very badly until one day when Harry recieved a letter from Hogwartz a school for Witchcraft and Wizardy. Telling him that he was a wizard. On the way to the school he meet a boy named Ron Weasly, and they soon became friends. He also meet a girl on the train named Hermione Granger, but it took nearly being eaten by a troll to make them friends. At the end of his first year he met Lord Voldmort and esacaped again. He meet him in his second year and still escaped. So far in his life Harry Potter has meet Lord Voldmort three times and escaped. I can't wait to read whats on the IV book. Sent in by Chelsie Schadt

Harry Potter is a brave, determined boy. He is a pupil of Hogworts School of Witchery and Wizardry. His friends are Ronald Weasly, a boy overshadowed by his siblings, and Hermione Granger, the Harry Potter versian of Ms. Perfect. Study, worry, and determination make Hermione Granger who she is. Harry's enemy is Draco Malfoy, a snot nose brat who hates anyone who doesn't have pure wizards' blood. Him and his croonies, Crab and Goyle make life an adventure for Harry. Harry's real enemy is Voldemort, otherwise known as you know who. Voldemort killed his parants, Lily and James Potter. He tried to kill Harry but his mothers love made him unkillable at the time. Ever since then, he has tried to kill Harry. Harry belongs in Gryffindor, one of the four divisions of Hogwarts. (Slytherin, Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw are the others) Hermione and Ron are also in it along with Neville Longbottom, Percy Weasly, and many others. Of the teachers, Proffesor Snape, who teaches potions in the dungeons, must be Harry's least favorite. He dislikes him because of a mishap that happened between James Potter and Snape when they were at Hogworts together. Proffesor McGonagle (Transfiguration), the teacher for Gryffindor, is the deputy headmisstress. She gives her students the exact idea of what will happen if they go against the rules. Albus Dumbledor, the headmaster knows more or less what goes on in Hogworts. He clearly understands Harry and is suspected for sending him and invisibility cloak from James's childhood. Harry had better watch his step at Hogworts! Sent in by Singing Book Bug.

Harry is a boy that lives with his aunt Petunia uncle Vernon and cousin Dudley. He was brought there by a giant named Rubeus Hagrid. His parents (Lilly and James Potter) were killed by the most powerful wizard of the time, Lord Voldemort. Lilly had saved Harry from He Who Must Not Be Named (Voldemort) with her love for him. That is how Dumbldore said he had gotten his lightning shaped scar. When Harry was 11 he received letters that Uncle Vernon wouldn't let him see. Finally when he was able to see one, it was from Howarts. Even though it almost took being literaly smashed by a 12 foot Moutain Troll, Harry, Ron Weasley, and Hermoine Granger became best friends. Of course Harry's life at Howarts isn't perfect. He has enemies too, Draco Malfoy and his sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle. And there's Professor Snape the potions master. Snape dosen't seem to like Harry because James had saved Snape's life and he couldn't stand being his debt. During the last part of his first term Harry runs into HE Who Must Not Be Named again. Then in his second term You Know Who pops up and just about kills Harry. In Harry's third year Harry finds out that he has a godfater Sirus Black. -Theresa

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