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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is certainly how should I say this... a bit darker than the other books? Looks like Harry and Ronald get themselves in embearesing moments as well. To top it off a mystery emerges and as of course Harry and co. jumps at the chance to go after it. A bit gruelsome in the end, but nothing too bad. I read this book 1st as opposed to the Sorcerer's Stone. Never ever do that! I was sooo confused and I was like huh? Trust me even if this book is ready to be picked up at the library don't do it! Wait and read them in the proper order. I didn't like this book to much... Is it just me or are the 2nd book in a series or trilogy is usually the darkest one of all??? (yes I'm refering to Star Wars again... sadly) Still a good read though... Even if it's my least favorite in the whole Potter series....
