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The origins of the New Republic stretch back over many years.  Starting out as the Rebel Alliance, a rag tag group of freedom fighters quickly gained support through out the galaxy, and with the signing of the Corellian Treaty became an officle fighting force, opposeing the tyranical rule of Emperor Palpatine.  The Rebellion fought as valiantly as they could, winning minor vicotries through fighter sortee's launched from dozens of tiny outposts scaterd through out the outer rim, large scale fleet engagements were all but an impossibiliy, untill the brave people of Mon Calamari, led by the now famous Admiral Ackbar and useing only simple tools and scientific instruments, overthrew there Imperial overseers and began converting there large pleasure cruisers into ships of war.  Even with this addition to the Rebel Alliance millitary they were still out-manned and out-gunned, and avoided conflicts at all costs.  It looked as if the Rebellion would go on for decades without end, untill a set of plans intercepted by spys and transferd to Rebellion leader Leia Organa who proceded aboard her Corellian Corvette ,Tantave 4, to the remote desert world of Tatooine, to seek out the legendary, General Obi-Wan Kenobi.  This event was the turning point of the Rebellion, after her capture, two droids made there way into the hands of a young moisture farmer named Luke Skywalker, who then through a miraculous chain of events found General Kenobi, who discoverd the secret carried by one of the droids.  The unsuspecting hero's did as they were instructed and began to make there way to the planet Alderan, employing two spice smugglers, Han Solo and Chewbaca to transport them to Alderan.  They found the planet destroyed by the Galatic Empires newest ultimate terror weapon, The Death Star, and were quickly tractored aboard the massive vessle.  A daring raid insued from that point, a runing blaster fight over several decks of the massive ship, this bold manuver caused the rescue of Princess Leia and the escape of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbaca and the droids from the Death Star, it also unfortunatly cost them the life of the great Obi Wan Kenobi, who valiantly sacrificed him self so the others could escape.  With the plans for the Death Star within the hands of Rebellion tacticians they quickly found a weakness and set about to launch an attack against the massive station, which had tracked the Millenium Falcon to the Rebel base on Yavin 4.  A massive fighter melee broke out over the surfice of the massive station, and a well placed shot by the young man, Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star.  This event lit a fire within the Rebellion that had not yet be known, and 4 years after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance found victory over the moon of Endor, in the fire of the second Death Star's destruction the New Republic found its birth.