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[January 25] DCU IS BACK and we are going to kick some ass.
[August 22] Well hel yeah i just checked the clanladder page and we are ranked 230. Kick Ass. Well its time we get the move on for first place, from now on we are going ot have practices and more recruiting. Im having skins and maps made for our team.
[July 22]We won a match today against NK (rank=456) ours was unranked and now we are ranked 1211....Cyanide was very good support while i was in fire fights he would get the guy from behind. He came out with the most kills so congraduate him.
[July 22]Good news everyone we one again. Right after we played nk we challenged DAWGS to a match. We one by a nats ass. It was a very good and close game. Our rank is now 781. Our id is 6414.

Deadly chemicals United is a Rainbow Six Team. They play on the zone and are looking for people to join. To tryout or get around on this page use the imagemap on the left.