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Nic Impersonator 楊明

If anyone has watched the TVB series "Screenplay" (娛樂反斗星), then you would have seen Nic's lookalike Yeung Ming (楊明). Other than his eyes, he looks SO much like Nic, it's unbelievable. I've included some pics of Yeung Ming that I've found, clips from Screenplay and also the new series he's in "Armed Reaction III" (托槍師姐 III).

There was a scene in Screenplay which was a reenactment of that time when Nic and Faye were seen coming out of a bar holding hands. The girl who played Faye is named Hong Wah (康華) and I have her pic here as well.

Name:Yeung Ming 楊明
Birthday:February XX. 19XX
Height:183 cm
Weight:70 kg
Interests:Singing, dancing, watching movies
Fave Sports:Swimming, biking, soccer, tennis, weight-lifting

Hong Wah

Armed Reaction III

Personally, I think Nic is way hotter but since Yeung Ming (english name: i don't know) resmebles Nic, he's not bad either hehe. Actually, it should be the other way around: Nic resembles Yeung Ming, since Yeung Ming is a little older than Nic from what I've heard.

As for his impersonation of Nic in Screenplay: in some parts, it was very hard to tell if it was really Nic or not. Yeung Ming's hair, mouth and jaw/chin looks almost exactly like Nic's. Their voices of course are different, and he seems a lot taller than Nic. I recommend you watch this show, or at least the parts with Yeung Ming in it anyways. Better yet, watch Armed Reaction III. Even though he's not impersonating Nic in this one, the show is better and he plays a bigger role.

If anyone knows of any websites or pics of Yeung Ming,
please send me the URL and I'll post it here for anyone who's interested.
