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A Heavenly Challenge (from Yes! 305)

Think you know Nic inside out? Think again! Test out how much Nic stuff you REALLY know with this test! [Thank you to Celine for typing up the questions and answers]


1. 入樂壇處女作係邊首? 
2. 其中一位音樂啟蒙老師o既大名? 
3. 就讀o既音樂學校名稱及位置? 
4. 屋企住邊區? 
5. 而家係咪同屋企人住? 
6. 最鍾意玩什麼? 
7. 最鍾意飲什麼? 
8. 最唔鍾意食什麼? 
9. 初戀幾時、點樣發生? 

1. 肄業學校名稱及位置? 
2. 最叻讀邊科? 
3. 係邊期「男城市驚喜」? 
4. 身上有冇胎記、o係邊度? 
5. 口頭禪係什麼? 
6. 戴戒指通常戴邊度? 
7. 而家有幾多個耳孔? 
8. 有幾多度近視? 
9. 舉出其中五個服飾Sponsor? 

1. 識唔識駕車? 
2. 最鍾意玩邊個TV Game? 
3. 沖涼有什麼特別習慣? 
4. 有冇入過醫院做大手術、因什麼事? 
5. 用邊本護照? 
6. 最鍾意吃喝玩樂蒲點o係邊度? 
7. 用邊隻牌子護膚及化妝品? 
8. 最近有什麼新嗜好? 
9. 飲醉o左會點? 

And here's the english translation of these questions: Here is the article in YES! 305: Basic Level: 1. What was his debut song? 2. One of his music teacher's name? 3. Name of his music school & location? 4. Which part of Hong Kong does he live? 5. Does he live with his family? 6. What does he like to play the best? 7. What does he like to drink the best? 8. What doesn't he like to eat the most? 9. When did he has a first girlfriend & how? 10.Does he sign in Chinese or English? Super Level: 1. His last school's name & location? 2. Which was his best subject? 3. Which vol. of "male amateur model" was he? 4. Does he have any birthmark, if yes, where? 5. What is his slogan? 6. Where does he wear his rings? 7. How many pierced ear holes does he have? 8. How many degrees of near-sight is he? 9. List five clothes, accessories sponsor 10.Who are his best friends? Hyper-level 1. Does he know how to drive? 2. What's his favorite TV Game? 3. What's his habit when taking a shower? 4. Did he ever have a big sugery? if yes, why? 5. Which country's passport does he use? 6. Where does he like to hang out? 7. Which make-up brand does he use? 8. What's his hobby lately? 9. What does he do when he's drunk? 10.Where does his roots live?

And here are the answers to the questions. How did u do? CALCULATE YOUR SCORES~ "2PTS EACH FOR 1-10, 3PTS EACH FOR 11-20, 5PTS EACH FOR 21-30" 霆鋒Fans大挑戰答案: 1.萬誘引力 2.Joey Tang 3.東京音樂學院(In Tokyo) 4.香港區 5.唔係 6.音樂 7.可口可樂加冰 8.死貓 9.14歲,經朋友介紹認識初戀情人 10.兩樣都簽 11.Dobson High School(Phoenix) 12.Biology,成績優異達92% 13.第96期 14.冇胎記 15.OK啦 16.戴o係頸 17.冇,因為三個都密晒 18.冇近視 19.Diesel, Killer Loop, CK, CEBE, Mac Look 20.陳奕迅, 揚千嬅, 李燦森 21.識駕車, 但冇車牌 22.鐵拳3 23.一日沖兩次涼都唔用香皂 24.經常入院, 最大鑊o個次係十三歲o係三樓跌落o黎, 右眼骨碎o左七塊 25.加拿大護照 26.屋企 27.唔化妝, 唔護膚 28.研究緊一種革命性新樂器 29.勁睡不省人事 30.番禺 **結果分析: 0-20分 初級Fans 你最好有咁快得咁快走去刮阿Nic o既資料惡補o下,否則就算Show張Fan Club會員証出o黎,都冇人信你係佢Fans 21-50分 中級Fans 鍾意同了解係兩回事o黎o既,你而家明白啦!一直自以為好了解阿Nic o既你唔使灰心, 因為來日方長, 慢慢o黎o羅 51-100分 超級Fans 至堅係你喇,咁刁鑽o既o野你都知得一清二楚,有o的懷疑你對學校o的功課都冇對阿Nic咁熟! YES! 305 Nic Fans Challenge answers~~ 1. 萬誘引力(3rd track in his first CD) 2. Joey Tang 3. 東京音樂學院(Tokyo Music School) 4. Hong Kong Island 5. No 6. Music 7. Coca Cola with ice 8. 死貓(don't know how to explain that but it's not real food) 9. 14 yrs old, a friend introduced the girl to him 10.Both 11. Dobson High School(Phoenix) 12. Biology (highest was 92) 13. #96 14. No birthmark 15. OK la 16. on his neck 17. none...cuz they all closed up 18. not near-sighted 19.Diesel, Killer Loop, CK, CEBE, Mac Look 20. Eason Chan, Miriam Yeung, Lee Chan Sum (sorry forgot his English name...) 21. Knows how to drive, but doesn't have a liscense yet(in HK) 22. Tekkan 3 23. Takes shower twice a day but doesn't use soap 24. Always goes into the hospital, most serious one was when he fell from the 3rd floor and his right eye bone broke into 7 pieces when he was 13 25. Canada passport 26. Home 27. doesn't make up 28. interested in this new instrument 29. sleep 30. 番禺 (in china) 1-10 ---> 2pts each 11-20 ---> 3pts each 21-30 ---> 5pts each 0-20 You better search for more Nic info...or else people r not gonna believe that you're Nic fans even if you show your Fans Club ID~! 21-50 Like and understand are two different things....You thought you really understand Nic but you really not... don't be upset...cuz u have a lot of time to do it~! 51-100---->Super Fans could you answer such hard questions? I bet you know this more than your homework~!
