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Others Talk To And About the Runt

Last updated: 5 Jun 2009

James Hudson: "His idea of subtlety is to use one claw instead of all six."
(Alpha Flight 17)

Heather Hudson: "Dear heaven, if Mac did use Logan and me like that, what kind of a husband was he? What kind of a friend? If Logan had known... he might have killed Mac! And have proclaimed his love for me! Would I have had him? Maybe... if I'd known what Mac had done to us both!"
(Alpha Flight 34)

Heather Hudson: "Wolverine could have disemboweled his attacker, but he retracted his claws enough at the last second to incapacitate him! He's not the killer Mac tried to make him! And he's teaching me that when you possess power, you've got to exercise restraint!"
(Alpha Flight 34)

Nightcrawler: "You young gentlemen like this film? I, also. Chewbacca's my favorite character. I have a friend who's much shorter, but almost as hairy and I always let him win too."
(Classic X-Men 4)

Meggan: "I thought my senses were sharp. Compared to Wolverine... I'm nothing. Everyone around me -- every thing has its individual scent. Makes a special sound. I'm aware of them all! Not that I consciously follow every bit and piece.. but when I need to focus on a specific one.. there it is."
(Excalibur 19)

Morph: "Handsome? I guess. In a psychopathic werewolf-on-crack kind of way. But he is one tough monkey... I'd never want to meet him in a dark alley!"
(Exiles 3)

Narrator: "Mimic and Wolverine share many similarities beyond their mutant powers. They both share a love of foreign culture. They have surprisingly excellent singing voices that they keep quiet about. And they both love beer."
(Exiles 3)

TJ: "Uncle Logan never forgave himself. He's so somber now. Grim."
Kitty: "You mean as opposed to the happy-go-lucky, laugh-a-minute, champion-of-optimism Wolverine--?
TJ: "Yeah, okay. but he's different now. Sadder."
(Exiles 41)

Wild Thing: "Your predecessor was an acquaintance of my dad, a gentleman known as Wolverine!"
J2: "T-The Wolverine--?!? Of X-Men Fame--?!"
Wild Thing: "None other! You a fan? I'll get an autographed eight-by-ten for your hospital room."
(J2 5)

Kitty Pryde: "They don't know I'm a mutant, one of the Uncanny X-Men -- taught how to fight by one of my teammates. Probably the sneakiest, scariest guy there is: Wolverine!"
(Kitty Pryde and Wolverine 2)

Sapphire Styx: "Stubborn little cuss, ain't he? But at least right at the end, Inky, you made him scream. That's something for a whole day's work."
(Marvel Comics Presents 4)

Punisher: "If ever there was a man who needed an off-switch."
(Punisher volume 4, Issue 36)

Jean Grey: "Are you awake, Wolverine? I hope so, because there's something I really want to tell you before the doctors take a scrubbing brush to our memories. I want you to know that I finally understand. After six weeks in this horrible place, I think I know why you hated people as much as you did and I want to apologize for judging you back in Washington. The fact that you could still embrace the professor's dream after all those years of being tortured in here and the fact that you came back to this hellhole just to save us.... well, I guess you must have more hope in your heart than just about anyone I've ever met. And I'm really, really sorry for doubting your sincerity. That's all I wanted to say while we still have our memories intact or before they send us into the jungle or wherever to have our brains blown out. Sorry."
(Ultimate X-Men 11)

Captain America: "You, sir, must have about the most screwed-up morality I think I ever encountered."
(Ultimate War 4)

Jubilee: "Is it like my imagination... or is every old buddy Wolvie's got in the whole world like some incredibly fabulously gorgeous babe?!!"
(Uncanny X-Men 268)

Ivan Petrovitch: "Boszhe moi! This wasn't even his fight -- he joined up with us almost it seemed for the fun of it -- yet he shielded your body with his own."
Natasha: "He told me to be brave, Ivan Petrovich."
(Uncanny X-Men 268)

Ororo: "Remember how deftly Wolverine manuevered you under Harry's mistletoe...."
Jean: "That little terror can kiss, I'll give him that."
Ororo: "Verily, the 'Best' he is at what he does."
Jean: "And then some."
(Uncanny X-Men 270)

Jubilee: "Dude. You ever hear the words 'Mouth Wash'?"
(Uncanny X-Men 423)

Nightcrawler: "Logan. Often called Wolverine because he's short, tough, and has these hundred-inch claws that shoot out of each hand. A great friend to me over the years, and just about anyone he gets along with."
(Uncanny X-Men 423)

Vanisher: "You're a fascinating beast. Watching your bullet wounds heal this past few hour has been exciting indeed. Obviously you're much too valuable to kill."
(Uncanny X-Men Annual 2001)

Antonio Vargas: "For one glorious year.. one glorious Carnaval.. you were the best bouncer in Rio! Remember the samba they wrote about you? It was called 'The Man of Harsh Business'..."
(Wolverine: Black Rio)

Cyrus: "The bestial one.... I sense an old soul."
(Wolverine: Black Rio)

Ezra: "You are full of surprises yourself. Your blood... is unlike anything I have ever tasted. So much truth contained within.. it's positively exquisite... you've been around, haven't you?"
(Wolverine: Black Rio)

Montagnard tribesman: "You are not like them. You are a forest creature. A wild thing."
(Wolverine 32)

Lady Deathstrike: "Wolverine! Come forth and test your claws against mine! Let us rip and tear and smash and mangle for honor's sake and other meaningless causes."
(Wolverine 36)

Hemingway: "Your friend has more guts than sense, Judd."
Puck: "That's how you get when you're short and ugly, but he's still a lot of fun at parties!"
(Wolverine 36)

O'Donnell: "Some entrance, Logan! You know, we don't generally start busting up the furniture until dawn, but, hey - it's your party!"
(Wolverine 87)

Roughhouse: "See ya later, runt. Gotta give your bones a chance to knit before we can break 'em again!"
(Wolverine 123)

Richie (Nova): "You know, Bernie -- it's weird. Even after seeing him in the heat of battle, all bloody and bruised -- I think he actually enjoyed that."
Bernie: "What can I say, boychick? Man loves his job. Just keep him away from mine."
(Wolverine 149)

Gom: "The Wolverine considers himself to be an honorable man. A hero. All honest and noble men have weaknesses which can be used against them."
(Wolverine 150)

Yukio: "I can't slip or break my bonds. You must.. try and free yourself..."
Amiko: "B-but Logan is coming, he'll...."
Yukio: "Logan would give his life for us, but these are treacherous people and we must make our own way if we can."
(Wolverine 151)

Kia: "But Logan's not here. is he? This place is a labyrinth. If you don't know your way, you could be lost forever."
Amiko: "You don't understand, lady. Wolverine doesn't get lost. A maze won't stop him, nothing will!"
Kia: "Shut up!"
Amiko: "He'll find you -- you can't hide your stink!"
(Wolverine 153)

Gangster: "Hey, this guy smell like a rat to you...."
Alpha Gangster: "Nah. He's too friggin' short to be a cop."
(Wolverine 181)

Freddo: "Damn! I like you, little man. Comin' in here talking all kinds of smack. I'm almost gonna hate wastin' you. Almost."
(Wolverine 182)

Narrator: "Maverick has known Wolverine for a long time. Since before the X-Men were a twinkle in Charles Xavier's eye. And he knows the best way to find Wolverine is to let Wolverine find him."
(Wolverine '95 Annual)

Cassie Lathrop: "You served together?"
Sycamore Blaine: "Yeah, Vietnam. Over thirty years ago, now."
Cassie Lathrop: "He doesn't look that different."
Sycamore Blaine: "He wouldn't. Coffee?"
Cassie Lathrop: "Thanks."
Sycamore Blaine: "I'm not that comfortable talking about him with someone who works for the government, you understand that, right?"
Cassie Lathrop: "I told you, I'm not here on business. This is totally personal."
Sycamore Blaine: "Yeah, I'll bet. He does have that effect on the ladies."
Cassie Lathrop: "That's not it."
Sycamore Blaine: "Course it isn't. My mistake."
(Wolverine - V. 3 7)

Cassie Lathrop: "ATF, Nestor, my rotund and bespectacled little friend. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms. Three things that are all bad for you if you don't know how to control them. And like all bad things, you get a taste, you want more."
Nestor: "To Logan. Who is probably more dangerous than all three of those things combined, senorita."
(Wolverine - V. 3 10)

Willoughby: "C'mon, Creed. It's not as if you like Logan."
Creed: "Nah, that's true, you're right about that, Willoughby. Thing is, though.... I like you guys even less."
Willoughby: "Urrrk!"
(Wolverine - V. 3 18)

Elektra: "I believe the Hindus call this karma, Colonel Fury."
Nick Fury: "Excuse me?"
Elektra: "If you take a man and turn him into the ultimate living weapon, you really can't complain when someone else gets their hands on the trigger."
Nick Fury: "Not funny."
Elektra: "Not trying to be."
(Wolverine - V. 3 21)

Arcade: "It was just a game. Like shooting marbles.. shooting dice.. shooting your parents. You know - a game! Every game's got a winner and a loser. Fair is fair. But every time we played, he's always won. This looked like it was going to be the best game yet..."
(Wolverine/Gambit: Victims 4)

Gambit (at grave): "Hello Alexandra. Dis here is my friend Logan. I'm sorry you never got t'meet him. Like you, he's got a very strong belief in what's right and wrong. Makes it hard to be with him for any kind of length o' time. You two would've gotten along fine...."
(Wolverine/Gambit: Victims 4)

Maverick: "We were a small group then -- a hand-picked cadre of agents from different countries. Logan from Canada... Creed from who knows where... and me, the resident West German freedom fighter. We were quite the team. Until Creed snapped."
(X-Men 6)

Cyclops: "I believe you people have something that belongs to us?"
Gambit: "Short li'l fella."
Jubilee: "All adamantium and attitude. He's one of a kind. We'd like him back."
Beast: "And don't forget out resident psionic Japanese-by-way-of-Britain ninja warrior. You can imagine how hard they are to replace!"
(X-Men 7)

Stryfe: "Such raw and untamed ferocity, Wolverine. I'm very impressed. And utterly unharmed."
(X-Men Annual 2000)

Cecilia Reyes: "Wolverine! Are you crazy? Get off that thing!"
Tokitoshi: "Is your friend insane?"
Cecilia Reyes: "I'm afraid so."
(X-Men Unlimited 24)

Polaris: "When Wolverine came to the X-Men he was a third cousin of the human race -- he'd sooner bite you than look at you. Now, oftentimes, he's the conscience of this team. Who would have though that?"
(X-Men Unlimited 25)

Kitty: "There are times, guys, when that man scares me silly."
(X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills)

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