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Current number featured: 16
Last updated: 19 Jan 2003

Logan's been around awhile and been not only all over the globe, but off it a few times as well. Beyond English, here are the languages that he's been shown to use so far.

Afghan (probably Farsi)

From a search/rescue mission in Afghanistan - the lady he's translating for is named Sooraya.

Algonkian (Siksika)

Forge went traveling back into the wilderness of eighteen century Canada and Logan tagged along to, as he put it, 'watch his butt'. The two were accepted in as part of a tribe of Siksika. Whether or not the two were fluent in the dialect prior to the trip or not, they both were by the time they left.


From a 'did it happen or didn't it' dream sequence in the story arc 'Wild Frontier'. Regardless, I suppose you have to know a language to be able to dream in it. Marvel Comics Presents #95

Chinese (Cantonese)

By his own admission, not his best language, but he gets by in it. How long he's known the language is unknown, but he knew it prior to the Weapon X project.

Chinese (Mandarin)

The Chinese dialect that Logan's the best at. Again, no idea how long he's known it of why he learned it, but one storyline suggested that Logan's first encounter with Ogun was on Chinese soil, so that would suggest it was quite some time ago.


Not sure what you'd call what it is the Doopster speaks, but Logan seems to understand him without any problems. Love to see the story of how these two first met.


Being from Canada, only natural that Logan speaks French. From the Normandy invasion during World War II to communicating with Northstar (who speaks French almost exclusively) and Gambit, it's come in handy a few times.


How long has Logan known German? Hard to say, but he was fluent in the language during World War II without doubt.


A language Logan has spoken fluently and often for years. Although exactly when and where he picked it up is a big question mark, it is known that he spoke Japanese prior to his start as Wolverine.

Nowek (Savage Land)

Logan showed the ease he could pick up on languages back in Incredible Hulk #454. Near the beginning, he was following the gist of what was being said. By around mid-book, he was speaking it well enough for the natives to understand him.


In his pre-X-Men days, there was a time when Logan was in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil working as a bouncer in the Devil's Grill. He seems to be, if not fluent, at least competant in this language.


Another language Logan was fluent in - he had at least two known missions to Russia as a member of the Old Team.

Spanish (Cuban)

Yet another one that there's not telling how long he's known it, but Logan under his codename of Emilio Garra spoke Spanish in Cuba well enough to pass as a native before everything blew up after the Bay of Pigs episode.

Spanish (Spain)

Yep - he can speak European as well as Carribean Spanish as was demonstrated when he and Judd (Puck of Alpha Flight) unwittingly took an unscheduled jaunt back into the past back to Spain during World War II.


One of Logan's 'get away' retreats is the Himalayas. As he puts it "Himalayas ain't most folks' idea o' paradise. That's just one o' the beauties o' the place." Logan also speaks of the Tibetan people being hospitable and the way he talks about the changes to Tibet would lead to the thought that he'd been there prior to the Chinese takeover in 1959.


Another language that we aren't quite sure when and where he picked it up - but probably from the stint he and the Old team pulled in Vietnam.

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