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Team CBR's Violent Games... And Rocky!

This site was once for Team CBR, but now I'm not in it... SO I guess it's not anymore eh? The links and shit will still be up, so you can still see whatever I have done...

Violence in the real world is different though, there's nothing cool about it. We at Team CBR do not commend real-life violence in any way.

And Rocky, geez, the best series of movies EVER... I won't get into it here though. Go to the Rocky Section to see that!

Make sure to check out the other Team CBR sites... CBR Gaming, Team CBR's Final Fantasy and the other launch site (along with this one) Fort Noble Eagle

November 1: Well, I launched it, is that good enough? HAPPY ANIVERSARY TO TEAM CBR! Even though I've only been a part since like August 2001... Long live Team CBR, and S-2 (sorry, it's my band, gotta mention them)

Yeah, that's rite!