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Welcome to the Tailer Park Boys page!!To me,these guys are like fuckin GODS to me!The show is like made for stoners!!!!Whenever i watch the intro,i say to myself "thats my future...".The show also relates to real life,ya know what im sayin?Like Us,the Windsor forks crew(Yours Truly,Keith,Kimby and Wightman)are like the Trailer park boys of Windsor. for example,i have a little Ricky and a little J-roc into me because like Ricky,i know im gonna end up living in a car and growing dope(i mean,who would'nt??)and as for J-roc,we have somethin in common.We're both into the Rap shit,ya know what im sayin?We both live in small,gangsta-areas cause out here in Martock,its just so gangsta out here.And last,we both have Albums comin out.Im currently working on mine"B-roc and Friends"(comin out whenever the fuck it comes out.) As for Keith,he is like a mixture of Julian and Randy because with the Julian side,hes a Heavy Drinker,and as for Randy,he is currently working on a Berr gut and once he gets it,he'll never wear a shirt again! You also can't forget to mention that Jerry Hussey and Kyle Woodward are like the Jim Lahey and Randy of windsor,cause they're sworn to TAKE ME DOWN!!!(haha like thats ever gonna happen!)
