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deeds not words

Literary & Debating Club


The Literary and Debating Club is one of the oldest clubs of our Institute. L& D conducts a variety of literary events and a host of interesting and creative competitions within the campus. L& D also organizes workshops on different topics ranging from Personality Development to Photography. Eminent personalities from the respective fields handle these sessions.

L&D holds weekly programmes in English, and other languages where students can train themselves for improved public speaking, writing , mental ability and organizational talents. At times, public speaking and English improvement classes are organized as part of the club activity.

The club conducts a cultural programme "Debutante", every year, exclusively for the first years. "Debutante" truly lives up to its name and is looked upon by the entire college community. It provides the newcomers of the college, a platform to showcase their talent and familiarises them with the rich array of neo-cultural events.

Among the other events, "Chrysalis" stands apart as the only Inter-branch fiesta where the 2nd years and the 3rd years test their literary talent. The typical L&D events are Debate, Creative writing,Extempore,Declamation, Shogun & Elle (Personality Contest), Dumb-charades, Just A Minute, TDH, Block & Tackle, Movie Spoof, Rock Mime etc.

Another prestigious event for the Whiz kids is the Ramesh Memorial Quiz, which is conducted annually. Major workshops we have conducted last year are the ones on Newspaper preparation( from editorial to printing, everything encapsulated) and Photography .

The very existence and success of the club over such a long period has been possible only because of our strenuous efforts to bring out the best in everyone and not to decide who is the best . The rest is well said in our motto "Deeds, Not Words".