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Marietta Gonzales

Name: Marietta Gonzales

Age: 17

Birthday: July 31

Fav Food: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Fav School Subject: Math

Likes: Everything exciting

Hates: History

Best friend: Ceaira Syona

Marietta is a very energetic and optimistic student at Reidenton High School. She never hesitates to try something new or to make a new friend. She is always encouraging Anastasia to join in the fun, but always seems to fail. She pities her twin sister, but soon forgets about her and goes off to have fun. However, despite this, Marietta is very mysterious. What is she hiding? And why does she sometimes spy on Ceaira?

Role in GemCaptor Chronicles

Marietta appears in Episode 17, and is a social butterfly from the start. despite this, she and Anastasia seem to have many secrets surrounding them. When brought home to hand out one day, Aquilia seemed to suspect her of possessing a strange energy. Like her sister Anastasia, there seems to be some mysterious connection between them and Sabaki. Question is, what is it, if there is one?

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