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Ceaira Syona

Name: Ceaira Syona

Age: 17

Element: Sun

Birthday: June 3rd

Fav Food: Popcorn & Kiwi's

Likes: Biking, Tori, Egyptology, Archeology, Ancient Legends, Classical Music

Hates: Being rushed, Biology, Spiders

Best friends: Li Showron, Sakura Avalon, Aquilia, Meilin Rae, Julian Star

Ceaira is an exchange student from Egypt at the beginning of the series. She is the chosen GemCaptor, which is similiar to a CardCaptor, only she goes out and recaptures the Kayo Gems which escaped from the box they were kept in. Her guardian beast is a small bird named Aquilia, who symbolizes the stars. She met Sakura and Li when Tori brought her home to meet everyone. She was revealed to be the GemCaptor in the battle against the Watery Gem, when her eyemask was knocked off of her face. Her talisman is a crossbow which she uses to summon and seal the gems, which she keeps as a necklace like Sakura. Like Li, she is able to use magic because of her ancestor being Clow Kayo. She dreams of becoming an archeologist, but for now has settled with being the GemCaptor.

Role in GemCaptor Chronicles

Ceaira is the chosen GemCaptor, so of course she has one of the biggest roles in season one. Without her, the gems could not be sealed because the Kayo Bow plus her magic are necessary. She is currently dating Tori, who she has come to truly care about. She opened the Kayo Gem by accident, sending all the gems to Reidenton. One remained in Cario however, the Firey Gem ,which she was able to capture. She as well, blames herself for the death's of her mother and sister until Episode 21. She joins the archary club later on in the series. She is as well, a descendant of Clow Kayo which makes her distantly related to Li, ans results in her having no rival. Ceaira in the end of the season will have to go through the final judgment as well, and how it will end will be determined by her powers.

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