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Ceaira's Story

      It was on an unbearably hot July weekend when it all began. Ceaira had been 17 for a month. She was a lonely teenager with no friends living in the busy city of Cairo, Egypt. Her mother, Mikomi, had died when Ceaira was 3, while her older sister, Hannya, had died four years before. With her dad, Misuteri, leading the excavation of the Kitomi Tomb, she had no one to talk to in her home of a small apartment which she shared with her father. Originally from Hong Kong, she had as well lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Being a descendant of a powerful magician, she found she was gifted with the powers of magic.
      Like for Sakura, it all began with a mysterious dream. A mysterious tower stood in the distance against the full moon. She stood atop the roof of a strange shrine as rain poured down all around her. A strange blue bird rested on her shoulder. On another roof, a shadowed figure with dragon wings and a mysterious trident faced her. Then the dream ended and she was left totally confused and intrigued by the scene she saw.
      Ceaira had been invited to go inside the Tomb of Kitomi to see what the entire excavation has been leading up to. She wandered off on her own, where she suddenly started hearing a strange female voice. She looked around, but found that no one was there, and that the voice had silenced. Feeling relieved, she leaned against the wall, but hitting a secret switch caused her to be thrown into a secret room. Inside, it was entirly empty except for a sapphire blue chest with gold designs, sitting on a pedestal under a beam of light emitting fron a crack in the ceiling. Ceaira felt herself drawn toward the chest as it began to glow. But once she touched the lid, the light disappeared and the padlock flipped open.
      Ceaira's curiosity had engulfed her common sense at that point. She had heard about a mystic treasure buried in the tomb. Thinking the chest in front of her was that very treasure, she decided to look inside and see what it was before showing it to her father. She lifted the lid with the image of a mystcial blue bird, and inside she found many sparkling jewels, each bearing different images, colors, and names. she removed two and studied them carefully. One had a pink heart against a red background, and written on it was "The Love". The other had a yellow rope tied into a knot against a blue background, and it had "The Friendship" written on it. Reading the names out loud, a large burst of light emmited from each jewel, which began shooting in every possible direction. She screamed from confusion and terror, fearing one of the beams of light would hit her and inflict great pain. One of the beams collided with the pedestal, causing it to tip over. The chest topped to the ground, spilling every single gem onto the floor. They began glowing in many different colors, then leviatated from the ground. Ceaira cried out in shock as they began flying through the walls. Ceaira panicked, but realized she had to save at least a few of the jewels to show to her father. She ran forward and attempted to grab the last few, but they escaped her grasp and vacated the tomb.
      Collapsing to her knees, she looked down at the two gems of Love and Friendship within her hands, then toward the empty chest. She dropped her gaze to the ground and sighed sadly, knowing she just caused her father to waste her time. Suddenly, the chest began to glow again, which caused Ceaira to jerk her head upward. Emerging from the lid was a strange budgie with blue feathers and red eyes. She greeted Ceaira warmly, then explained that her name was Aquilia, guardian beast of the Kayo Chest and the Kayo Gems. However, when Aquilia looked to the chest, she began to panic when she saw it empty. Ceaira then showed her the two remaining gems, and explained what happened to the rest. Aquilia, out of panic and frustration, immediatly bit Ceaira's index finger, causing her to scream and bring about her father as he was looking for her.
      A week passed and Aquilia had no luck locating the remaining Kayo Gems. At this time, the small bird had developed quite an appetite for cupcakes of all varities. Ceaira was still a little edgy about having a talking bird in her apartment, despite her father knowing about her. Aquilia explained to her about the Kayo Gems and Clow Kayo, which was when Ceaira told her about having an ancestor by the same name. She then continued by mentioning that two descendants were supossed to open the chest, the other being ruled by the moon. Telling Aquilia that she was Hannya and that she died, Ceaira became depressed. Aquilia was saddened, but perked up quickly by saying Ceaira could handle the mission at hand. She then created the Kayo Bow from Ceaira's Arrow Pendant, creating the Key of Syona. After a bit of argueing, Ceaira finally accepted her new title as "GemCaptor."
      That night Ceaira and Misuteri were watching a taped news report about a mysterious meteor shower which occured a week before. Aquilia reconized the stars and proclaimed to the two that they were in reality the Kayo Gems. She then realized they had fled Cairo and were heading toward the eastern part of the world. When Ceaira asked where, Aquilia couldn't reply. Suddenly there was a loud cry from outside. The three rushed out onto the balcony of their apartment, to see that a large firebird was flying over the city. Aquilia turned to the two and told them that the bird was really the Firey Gem, the first Kayo Gem that needed to be captured. Ceaira became serious, for she knew it was time because she could sense the firebird's magical powers. However, before leaving she changed into a battle costume which had been passed down through the family. Aquilia was pleased for it was a costume worn by the female fighters of Kayo.
      The primary battle began not too long afterward, however Firey seemed to by winning as it had Ceaira on the run in her jeep, throughout the entire city. Aquilia told her Firey was one of the eight Elemental Forces, so it had more power than a normal Kayo Gem. However, since Ceaira had no attack gems the battle would be much harder. After a long chase, Ceaira finally came up with a plan and headed for the reservior. She taunted the firebird, causing it to fly into the water and wakening it greatly. It was then that she learned to how to capture a Kayo Gem, and it was also then that she made the first official capture.
      Weeks passed after that day, and Aquilia made it official that the rest of the gems fled east of Cairo. Misuteri announced that he was transferred to a museum in another city, so they would be moving. When Ceaira asked where, he said Reidenton.
      A week of packing passed, and after spending the night on the plane the three arrived in Reidenton three days after the new school year started. Misuteri was quick to register Ceaira at the local high school, where she met Yuuki, Kara, Hope, and Mujaki. One day on the way home from school (after getting lost again), she turned a corner and bumped into someone, both of them spilling their belongings everywhere. When she got all her books together, she looked to see who the stranger was and fell head over heels at that moment. The young man introduced himself as Tori Avalon, and Ceaira introduced herself. He offered to show her the way back to the subdivision where she lived, and she accepted. Upon getting to her house, he offered to show her around the rest of the city if she wanted. She agreed on the next night, and Tori went home to his house.
      Ceaira was on cloud number nine it seemed, for she couldn't stop thinking about Tori. Aquilia was happy for her, for moving was hard on anyone. However, as they celebrated, Aquilia felt a strange energy in the air. Ceaira sensed the same energy, and both concluded it was another Kayo Gem. The two figured out that the remaining gems were in Reidenton, but the reason why they chose the city was still unknown to them. Getting her battle costume and a mask for her eyes, Ceaira summoned her crossbow and told Misuteri where she was going. Discovering three teenagers carrying a box full of clothes, she knew the Kayo Gem was with them. Hence began the major storyline . . .
      This brings the story into the last half of episode one, where Ceaira appeared and fought Amazon with the help of Sakura. Now you know the story behind Ceaira Syona and Aquilia. You now also know how the gems were released and how she aquirred Love, Friendship, and Firey. Stay tuned for more background stories for more characters in the GemCaptors World.

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