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Fox in a Henhouse

Fox in a Henhouse

Where did this story come from? The episode Nightstalker was never shown in the U.S. 
(they should have, it's one of K:tE's episodes that I think is the most slashy) Anyway. The 
basic story line is that a paranoid schizophrenic named Starkweather, who was abused as a 
child, has been embraced into the Gangrel Clan. Problem is, he takes this as permission to 
kill without retribution. Since this could blow the Masquerade wide open (think about the 
scene in Dracula with the peasants and burning torches and you get the general idea) Frank 
and Julian must work together to catch the killer. In the end, Julian saves Frank from being 
hanged by Starkweather and then lops the latter's head off. This story takes place just 
after Frank has told Julian that he will not tell the police what happened, and Julian leaves. 
The original character here is Starkweather's mother. She wasn't mentioned in the episode, 
so this is my take on what may have happened. And, Tommy Lee Jones--thanks for 
playing Two-Face in Batman Forever--you inspired me, you beautiful man! 

Fox in the Henhouse (NC-17)

By Ladyserez

"There are no serial killers among the Kindred. Kindred justice
doesn't permit it." Julian Luna, Nightstalker

     Frank Kohanek rubbed his aching neck as he watched the morgue wagon take the two 
pieces that used to be Starkweather away. Sonny Toussaint came over, shivering in the 
night cold. "Man, what happened? I heard you came in and found Starkweather
dead--beheaded. What's the story?"
     Frank shrugged, "There is no story. I came in looking for that singer, Elaine something, 
and found the shithead with his head cut off. I'll say this--whoever did that, did us all a
favor. Saved the state of California a expensive trial and execution,too. Hell, after O.J. 
Simpson, we need all the money we can get." 
     Sonny looked narrowly at Frank. He could see the thin line etched on Frank's neck, and 
knew more than what Frank said had happened. However, it was obvious that Frank wasn't 
going to say any more. "Ah. Ok, Kwan wants you to come down to the station and do the 
paperwork on this psycho. If you don't feel like it, I'll tell him, and you can come in tomorrow 
afternoon and do it. And, by the way, what's that on your neck? More vampires?"
     It was all Frank could do to laugh. "Yeah, vampires, except this one runs more to the 
necktie kind. You don't have to cover for me, I'll go in and do the paperwork. You know as 
well as me that if I stay away from paperwork for long, it has babies and grandbabies, and 
Kwan's not going to like that." Sonny laughed along with several other cops who had 
overheard Frank's comments. But inside, he knew that whatever had happened tonight, 
Julian was somehow involved.
     Frank twitched up his collar and walked to his car. Sonny watched as Lt. Kwan came up to 
Frank, apparently to say the same thing Sonny had just said. Frank shook his head, got in 
the car, and drove off in the direction of the station. 
     Kwan walked up to Sonny, and looked around. "Toussaint. I knew Kohanek had a 
dedication to duty, but this is a bit too much. Why didn't you persuade him to go home for 
tonight? He could have done the paperwork in the morning--and been more ready to face 
the vultures. As it is, IA is going to be all over him. That Boyd mess didn't help any, and 
since Alexandra..." 
     "He does seem to be recovering, sir. He's improving a lot."
     "Yes. Because I put you with him. He's got an uncanny ability to put 2 and 2 together 
and get 12, but sometimes he goes off on a weird tangent--like with this vampire thing. 
You've got a talent for handling him--his last partner couldn't handle him at all. All I want is for 
you to keep that up." 
     With that, he walked off. Sonny looked up at the top windows of the Haven. Julian was 
standing at a window, looking at the stars. Sonny quickly looked down, he didn't want others 
to wonder what he was looking at, and then look at the same place. Sonny turned away 
from the Haven and walked slowly to his car. Most of the police cars and ambulances had 
already left, with the familiar yellow stripes left across the door of the Haven as a reminder of 
the violence done that night. Sonny smiled as he thought of the scene that Lillie would throw 
upon learning that she couldn't open the bar as usual the next night. The smile quickly faded 
as he thought of Frank's odd behavior. This would have been the perfect opportunity for 
Frank to broadcast what he knew to the world, with Starkweather's body as evidence. Why
hadn't he done so? That thought would haunt Sonny during the drive home.  


     Julian sat in his favorite chair in his study at the Wolf House, thinking. Archon walked in 
and took his customary seat beside the fire. "On nights like this, Julian, a fire is very much 
appreciated." Archon sighed. They sat together in silence for quite some time. Then Archon 
stirred, "Julian. Is the problem of Starkweather solved? And more importantly, is the 
Masquerade intact?"
     Julian lifted his head and looked straight at Archon. "What would you think, if you handed 
a kine a weapon to destroy us--but he didn't use it? What would you think of that kine's 
reasons, Archon?"  Archon's forehead contracted as he considered that question. "Does that 
have anything to do with that cop, Kohanek? The one Alexandra asked you to protect?" 
Archon's voice sharpened as he thought over what he had heard regarding Starkweather's
death. "Julian...what happened in the Haven with Starkweather? You may be my Prince, 
but I am your Sire and I love you as a son. Tell me what happened, and perhaps your 
confusion will dissipate as you talk it out."
     He reached out to touch Julian's arm. Julian smiled,"True. You are my Sire, and should 
know what happened. That singer, Elaine Robb, came back to the Haven to get her things.
Starkweather apparently killed the police guard, and told Robb that it was the changing of 
the guard. She believed him." Archon shook his head. "He killed a cop? Maybe it was for 
the best you killed him when you did--because the San Francisco P.D. would have hunted 
him down, and broken the Masquerade in the process."
     "I know that now, but at the time I didn't. All I knew was what Daedulus had told me, that 
he had seen Elaine Robb with Starkweather. You know I called Kohanek..I don't even know 
why I did. Maybe to reassure that singer. Whatever my reasons, he came to the Haven to 
confront Starkweather, and brought his gun. Starkweather knocked Frank out, and tied him 
up to one of those pipes Lillie likes so much. He was strangling when I came in." 
     Archon leaned back into his chair, and thoughtfully knit his hands behind his head. He 
hadn't expected that. Kohanek was still alive, so obviously Julian had gotten him down. But 
why? It would have been the perfect opportunity to get rid of that bothersome cop, Frank 
Kohanek. All Julian had to do was let Kohanek strangle, and Starkweather would have been 
blamed. As he was dead, unable to defend himself, no one would have known anything
     He said as much to Julian. Julian looked up with a startled look on his face. "But I 
promised Alexandra. She knew her life was forfeit, and so was Frank's. In memory of the 
love we once shared, I agreed to spare Frank's life and give him my protection. That's all, 
Archon." Archon thought, are you really sure of that, Julian? Are you? But he kept that 
thought to himself. Julian had a tendency to pick unsuitable mortal women as his 
companions. Look at Alexandra and, now, Caitlyn. Archon's mouth twisted a little. Caitlyn. A 
silly woman. Good at her job, true, but still..she would be terrible as a Kindred. Frank, now.
	Now that one was something to watch. He did what Caitlyn and Alexandra had never 
done--he frustrated and intrigued Julian by turns. Archon didn't think Julian would ever grow 
tired of Frank, as he had grown tired of countless mortal women. A spark of an idea took root 
in the back of his mind. He would have to think about it some more, and also find out more 
about Frank. What was Julian saying now?
     "..and blue lightening? Archon? Were you listening?" 
     "Uh, yes." 
     "You weren't, Archon. I know that look in your eyes. You're plotting again, aren't you? 
What? Ah, you won't tell me. Ok. Now, where was I? I came out and challenged 
Starkweather. He sprouted some of the things insane people say, and..he shot at me. I cut
Frank down just in time. As he turned with the gun he took off Frank, I cut his head off. Frank 
was just getting up." He breathed out. "He staggered over to me and Starkweather's body. 
I asked him what he would tell the police, and he said that he would say that he came in 
looking for Elaine Robb, and found Starkweather with his head cut off. He didn't elaborate, 
but I think he can fill in the missing pieces quite well. I turned and walked away." 
     Archon stared at Julian with his eyebrows raised. Oh,yes. He definitely would look 
closely at Frank Kohanek. Even if his plan didn't work out, Kohanek would be a worthy 
addition to the Ventrue clan. Oh yes. "That's all? No threats or recriminations from the good 
detective? My. You handed Starkweather rather well, didn't you? Although I'm sure you 
wish you had done it earlier before he killed eight, no, nine people. Still. It's done, and the 
Masquerade is protected."
     He planted his hands on the armrests of the chair and pushed himself up. Julian had bent 
his head so that Archon looked down at the rich black hair. "Julian. You did do a good job. 
Sometimes things happen that we can't control. Starkweather was one of them. Maybe 
you should go and talk to Kohanek, see what he thinks. If nothing else, your mind will be put 
at rest." He smiled and touched Julian briefly on his head. "The sun's coming up. I'm going 
to bed, and I suggest you do the same." 
     Julian nodded, and Archon walked out of the room. With a sigh, Julian rose and walked to 
the French windows. He nudged the curtains aside enough to see the sunrise. He hadn't 
told Archon the most important, and puzzling, thing that Frank Kohanek had said. "Buddy." 
What had Kohanek meant by that? Did he meant that he trusted Julian--as he would trust a 
fox in a henhouse? Julian sighed, and released the curtain. He walked out of the room, and
to his rest.


     Frank Kohanek watched the same sunrise as Julian, but from a far different perspective. 
He had just finished the last of the paperwork, lying all the while about what had really 
happened in the Haven. He hated lying, but how could he explain what Starkweather really 
was? "Yes, chief, Starkweather was a vampire and he tried to kill me." That would have 
gotten him thrown into the nearest loony bin, probably the same one Starkweather had had
killed the doctor in. He leaned back in his creaking chair and laughed hollowly. 
     It was bad enough that the brass thought he was still having problems over the death of 
his wife and Alexandra, and it would have been even worse had they thought the stress 
had finally cracked him up. He sighed, picked up his coffee and drank it. His taste buds 
rebelled, and he realized that Sonny had made the coffee. Only Sonny could make bad 
coffee out of instant. For a moment, Frank smiled. 
     A disturbance broke out at the entrance, and Frank perked his head up. A woman's voice 
came through, loud and shrill-- "Who's that S.O.B. that killed my darling son? Who!?!" 
Frank's forehead creased in puzzlement as he rose and walked to the screaming woman. 
     "What's going on here? Who is this woman?" Frank asked. The woman tossed her dark 
hair back and stared at him. That hair and face looks familiar.., Frank thought. 
     "My son. The one you called Starkweather. He isn't a murderer! He was just a little boy 
with problems!" The woman shrilled. Frank and the other cops blanched, and moved closer 
to the woman. "So you're Starkweather's mother? Do you want to talk to the lieutenant?" 
Frank questioned. 
     "No," the woman snarled, "I want the bastard who killed my son. I want to cut his head off 
like he did my precious little boy." Kwan had by this time emerged from his office. He 
frowned at Frank for being still there, and then he turned to the woman.  "Mrs. Starkweather, 
we do not know who killed your son, and Det. Kohanek, who discovered your son's body, 
does not know either. However, your son was responsible for nine murders that we know
of, and as a result, there is a huge pool of suspects, including the victims' families. Why 
don't you come in my office and we'll talk?" 
     The woman turned, looked Kwan straight in the eye, and pulled a gun. Everyone yelped 
and jumped back. In a still, freezing voice, the woman said, "My son is not a murderer. He is
not! Who's Det. Kohanek?" Kwan had a look in his eye that promised swift and sure 
punishment for the idiot that had let this maniac by him or her without being searched. 
"WHO IS HE!!!" screamed the woman, and shot her gun at the ceiling. Everyone, except 
Kwan and Frank, ducked for cover, including a Gangrel and a Brujah who were being 
booked for fighting in a department store. 
     "Ma'am? Just put down the gun and we'll talk. Wouldn't you prefer that to being 
     "Who is Kohanek! This is the last time I'm going to ask. Next time I have to ask, I'll shoot 
that pretty little girl over there, and that would be a terrible pity, wouldn't it?"
     Frank couldn't see any other option, so he stepped forward, "I'm Det. Kohanek. What 
would you like to know about your son's murder?" A unholy light lit the woman's eyes, and 
Frank got a very bad feeling. "'re the one who killed my darling boy," hissed the 
woman, "and you're going to pay for that, you little shit! Come on, move!" as she roughly 
turned Frank around and pushed him toward the door. The last anyone saw of Frank and
his captor was when the woman shoved him into a nondescript car and drove away.


     When Julian and Cash walked into the station to give their statements about 
Starkweather, they found it in a uproar. Sonny was working the phones with O'Neil, Kwan 
was berating the unlucky rookie who had let the woman in the station without searching
her, and people were rushing all over the place. 
     Kwan spotted Cash and Julian, and screamed for someone to search them, before he 
gave them a lecture no one would ever forget. Sonny looked up, nodded to O'Neil who 
had also seen Julian and walked swiftly over to Julian. "Sorry about this, Sire, but Kwan'd 
have a heart attack if I didn't do this." He quickly searched both, stood up and called, 
"They're both clean!" Kwan nodded, and went on berating the now crying rookie. Sonny
nudged them over to Frank's and his desks. 
     "What happened? They're all acting like they've got something up their asses," Cash 
half whispered. "Det. Kohanek got kidnapped earlier tonight by Starkweather's mother, and
everyone's either out on the street looking for him or in here trying to find out more about 
that hell-born family." He dropped the formal language and sprawled in his chair. "I just hope 
we can find him before that bitch kills him." Sonny dropped his head into his hands.
     "Hell-born family? You know more about Starkweather, Det. Toussaint? I would like to 
know what happened, so I can aid you if necessary." Julian sat down in Frank's chair and 
heard creaking. "This chair needs oiling, too. Well, Det. Toussaint?"
     "She came in wanting to know who killed her son. The thing about her, she really thinks 
Starkweather didn't kill anyone, and is determined to find and kill whoever did it. God. She 
somehow become convinced that Frank killed Starkweather, probably because he found 
that bastard's body. After she took Frank hostage and left, we started to find out more 
about Starkweather and his family. If there ever was a more twisted family than that one,
I'd like to meet them. You know about the abuse his father inflicted on him. Well, turns out 
his dear mommy abused him,too-- but not in the same way. Incest, probably. God. 
Anyway, she wouldn't win Mom of the Year award, that's for sure. She divorced 
Starkweather's dad about 10 years ago, but apparently she got tired of Starkweather, 
because she flitted off to Mexico and didn't bother to take him with her. Right now, we're 
looking for any places that she may have bought, and we're also watching Starkweather's 
house. So far, no luck."
     During Sonny's explanation, both Julian and Cash steadily turned whiter and whiter. 
Julian let out a breath and sat back in Frank's chair.
     "Yes, sir." 
     "Have you found that Gangrel yet?" 
     "No, not yet, but do you want me to put the word out on the street about Starkweather's 
     "Yes, she may know about us, and let Fiori know, too. She may be using one of his 
warehouses. Set your Gangrels to watching the street, and I need her description from you, 
     "You'll have it, Julian." 
     "I need to go. Don't worry, Sonny--Frank is a survivor. I'll find him." 


     "Ooog! Damnit, you didn't have to bang my head so hard. I keep telling you, I didn't kill 
your precious boy, and I don't know who did. Frankly, your son was asking for it, and I see
where he gets it from, too." Frank's head hit the floor again, assisted by the woman. 
     As Frank's vision cleared, he saw he was in the same warehouse that Boyd, that long-
dead union boss, had been killed in. He still had nightmares about the chains hanging from 
the ceiling, especially because he knew how Fiori had used them in Boyd's murder. He 
shook his head to try to clear his vision. He thought it amazing that all the cartoons that 
showed birds flying around one's head after a bang on the head really did happen. Frank 
tried to put his hands on his head to stop the annoying birds, but found himself chained to 
one of the dangling chains. 
     As the woman hauled Frank off the ground and tied the rope that held the chain 
suspended, Frank started kicking. "Hey! You crazy lady, what the hell do you think you're 
doing?" The woman turned to him. 
     "What do you think my sweet boy was doing here in San Francisco? He was visiting. It 
was amazing, to tell you the truth, when he told me about that slut in the closet. My, to find
that she was a vampire....and that my darling son was one too. Of course, he offered to 
make his mother one, too. Never to grow older, never to worry about wrinkles, no 
Ensure...a beautiful future. But you took my boy from me! We were to have shared
eternity together! You bastard!" She hit Frank's knee and started him swinging.
     Frank closed his eyes and thought, "Oh shit. Julian, you better get your Kindred ass over 
here, or my ass is cooked." The woman laughed, "Oh, is the big bad wolf coming to get 
me, Det. Kohanek?" But the smile faded as she continued,"But you'll die first. I'll make sure 
of that." She threw her head back and laughed. 
     There was some movement near the huge doors. Frank lifted his head and squinted. It 
was hard to squint, what with the headache and the light, but he managed it. He saw what 
he thought was Julian's watch. Julian's watch? Frank lifted his head, and saw a glint of 
gunmetal, and knew the Kindred were here...and watching. Suddenly, Julian emerged from 
the darkness to confront the insane woman. 
     She turned as she saw him coming, and laughed even louder. Julian stopped a few feet 
away from her, and simply looked at her. Frank kicked his legs to let Julian know he was 
there, although he probably did know. It made Frank feel better, anyway. Julian's eyes 
flickered upwards, then back to the face of the woman. "So, you're the big, bad wolf? You 
don't look like much to me! What are you going to do, you shit? You can't stop me--my son 
told me so." Then the woman smirked. 
     "Oh, your son was mistaken. There are certain things that can stop us. Beheading is one." 
Then Julian smiled. The woman grew alarmed and darted behind Frank's dangling feet to 
pick up a gun. Julian looked up at Frank again. "Can you keep your feet up, level with your 
waist? If you can, do it now!" Frank picked his feet up, and Julian dived to the side as the 
hidden Kindred opened fire with their phosphorous guns on the woman. The woman 
screamed and tried to run, but it was useless. In a space of less than 10 seconds, the 
woman was dead. 
     Frank let down his legs, and started to yell for someone to let him down, his arms were 
killing him. Julian picked himself off the ground and started to laugh at Frank. "You look trussed chicken!" Julian howled. Frank scowled back, then realized what he must 
look like, and smiled. "Just don't lower me on that woman--I'd hate to do some more
explanations. What are you going to do about this Starkweather?" Julian gradually 
sobered, and went to find the rope to let Frank down. He told Cash to dispose of the 
woman's body, and for everyone to go home. 
     "Frank, I need you to tell the police that the woman changed her mind about killing you, 
and chained you to these chains, then left. That should be believable--she was extremely 
unstable, and the police will know that. Archon called the police, they'll be here. He told 
them that he's the night watchman, and that he was the one who got you down. I'll meet you 
at the Nighthawk Cafe when you've done with the cops. We need to talk, Frank. Don't
hide at the station."
      Julian cocked his head as he heard the sirens coming closer. He pushed Frank to the 
floor and indicated that he should stay there. Frank lowered his head to his knees. When he 
raised his head again, Julian was gone, and Sonny, a relieved smile on his face, was there.


      Julian stared out the window at the Nighthawk Cafe, waiting for Frank. How many times had 
he done this? Two, three times. And he had grown to cherish these times. Clashing swords with 
Frank always was fun. He didn't turn his head as he heard footsteps coming, then a sliding 
sound as Frank wiggled on the vinyl covering of the cubicle. 
      "It's done. Kwan and Sonny were thrilled to see I was still alive. O'Neill wasn't--he had 
a bet the woman would kill me. He's now out $30. Didn't know people would place bets on something 
like that. Now, what did you want to talk about?" 
      Julian smiled at the remark about O'Neill, then sobered. He pulled out a bottle full of 
whiskey, and Frank whistled. "That's Kentucky whiskey! How'd you get that?" Frank's eyes narrowed, 
"And what does a bottle full of whiskey have to do with your *sudden* desire for a talk?" 
      "A great deal. I thought you would need a stiff shot after what happened last night and 
then this morning. Here, have a drink. Don't worry about driving home--I'll do that." 
      "Fine. Just don't do it where any IA stiffs can see you." Frank took a swig of the whiskey, 
then coughed as the fiery liquid worked his way down his throat. Julian poured himself a drink, then 
swigged that one down as well. Frank turned around and looked at the waitress. "We better move, 
Julian. She's giving us nasty looks, probably because we're drinking something we didn't order. 
I think in a minute, she's going to come over and thunk us on our heads. It probably wouldn't hurt 
you, but it would me. Come on, let's move." 


      Frank sat down in the living room in his apartment. He looked at Julian, sprawled out on the 
couch. He felt that Julian's priorities had gotten mixed up,but if it meant drinking fine Kentucky 
whiskey, he didn't mind. He grinned, then took another swig from the bottle. He was tired and 
sleepy, and Julian was just fine where he was on the couch. Frank got up and staggered to the 
bedroom, tossed the covers back, got undressed down to his boxers, and fell on the bed. He was 
asleep instantly. Julian opened his eyes, and realized his face was squashed against the fabric on 
the couch. He pushed himself up and off the couch. He spotted the bottle on the floor, then made 
a mental calculation of how much he and Frank had had to drink. Julian shook his head, wobbled 
into Frank's bedroom, took off his clothes, pulled the covers back and fell onto the bed. He 
breathed in and out for a while, then fell asleep. 
      The first clue Frank had that something very odd was happening was when he felt a hand on 
his hips, very slowly stroking the soft flesh there. That hand then moved along to his ribs, and he 
felt a finger touch each one. He stirred, and the fingers stopped moving. Frank thought mussily, 
its Julian. It's ok, it's Julian. Waitaminuit--why is Julian's hand on my ribs? Then the hand started 
moving again, and Frank sighed and settled down to enjoy the feel of the hand stroking him. He 
purred, and Julian opened his eyes and realized what he was doing. Julian stopped his hand again. 
Frank stirred in objection. Julian knew both of them were still fogged from the Kentucky 
whiskey, or else they wouldn't have gotten into the same bed together. In a dim part of his brain, 
he realized this had been coming, probably from the first time he met Frank Kohanek and he had 
tried to kill Julian. They were very much alike, probably why Alexandra had chosen Frank as 
Julian's replacement. However, they were just different enough to strike sparks. 
      Frank turned over and made a noise in his throat, a threat of mayhem if Julian didn't finish 
what he had started. Julian smiled and promptly forget what he had been thinking. He bent his 
head and kissed Frank on the forehead. To Frank's surprise, he grabbed Julian and started french-
kissing. Julian wriggled to give himself more room, then got annoyed and ripped the sheets off. 
He wrestled Frank away from him, then started kissing him again, slowly and deep. He took one 
hand off the back of Frank's head, and started to stroke Frank's ribs again. His hand encountered 
the boxers Frank had on, and without looking pulled them off. 
      By this time, Frank was exchanging caresses. He pulled his head away from Julian and 
lowered his mouth to Julian's chest. Frank grinned as he saw the eager nipples and started to 
mouth them. Julian threw his head back and clutched Frank to his chest. Eventually, Julian 
remembered something he wanted to do. He slowly moved himself and Frank closer to the 
night stand and prayed that Frank had something like a lotion. He was busy stroking Frank to a 
erection and Frank was doing the same, then suddenly Julian moved to the edge of the bed and 
pulled Frank with him. Julian reached over and groped for the night stand drawer, all the while 
trying to keep himself and Frank from falling off the bed. It wasn't easy. Both were still a little 
drunk, and when you're drunk, reactions are slower. Even if you're a vampire, you still stay 
drunk for a while. 
      Julian finally found the lotion, without help from Frank, who had decided he wanted to play 
with the family jewels. Frank had slid to the floor, and started licking the tip of the penis 
like a lollipop. Julian had a hard time focusing enough to get the top off the lotion, Frank was 
doing a very good job. Frank grinned drunkenly and took the whole penis into his mouth. Julian 
jumped and dropped the lotion on the bed. He grabbed Frank and hauled him off his penis. 
      "Frank...sit on my lap. Hold this, ok? Here...ah, that feels good!" Frank had latched himself 
on the nipples again, and was swirling his tongue on the right nipple, just occasionally biting 
it. "Frank, please. Why don't you lie back and relax? Yeah, right there." 
      Frank sighed as his head hit the pillow. Julian poured some lotion in his hand and started to 
stroke Frank's inner thighs. Frank smiled bemusedly at Julian and tried to get up. Julian pushed 
him back down again, and Frank decided he didn't want to get up again. Better to let Julian do 
that nice massage..oooh. 
      Slowly, Julian worked his way up Frank's legs and after a while, reached Frank's bottom. He 
very slowly started to insert a lubricated finger into Frank's anus when Frank tightened up. He 
stopped moving and waited for Frank to relax. The passage loosed up again, and Julian started 
stretching the passage. One finger, then two, then three, hitting the prostate all the while, until 
both Julian and Frank was panting. Frank looked like he was ready to burst if Julian didn't do 
something. He knew that face up wasn't a good idea for the first time, but the problem was that 
he needed to feed, and doing that would be a problem with Frank on his stomach. He silently 
hoped Frank wouldn't hurt so much in the morning. He quietly withdrew his fingers and started 
lubricating himself with a great deal of lotion. Frank's eyes were closed and his breathing was 
shallow and rapid. 
      Julian then had an idea of how to fuck Frank without hurting him too much. He pulled Frank 
up and into his lap. Sitting on the bed, Julian put Frank's legs on either side of his, and positioned 
his penis and head for max access. Frank had opened his eyes during the process, and helped by 
moving around until he could feel the penis underneath him. Julian stopped moving. He drew a 
deep breath and started pulling Frank onto him. 
      Frank sat upright, and he could feel Julian pulling him on his penis. He could feel Julian's 
penis poke its way into his sphincter, just past the first ring. He tensed up, and Julian started to 
stroke his lower back, getting him to relax. As the penis found it's way, Julian carefully pulled 
Frank's head and shoulders down until he could reach the neck. As the penis hit the prostate, 
Julian sank his teeth into Frank's neck. 
      Frank rested his head on Julian's shoulder and rode out the pleasure. As Julian drank, his 
penis was getting closer and closer to climaxing, and so was Frank's from the pleasure the 
drinking was giving him. Up to the peak both went, until Julian's penis convulsed and shot. 
Frank's penis took the hint and shot as well. 
      Exhausted, Frank slid off Julian, aided by Julian's powerful hands. Julian had some blood on 
his mouth, and Frank sleepily reached up and wiped it off. He smiled, rolled over and went to 
sleep. Julian swung his legs onto the bed, nudged Frank a little so he'd let the pillow beneath his 
own go for Julian's use. Julian pulled the pillow out, and looked for a blanket. Finding the sheets 
he had ripped off earlier, he pulled them over Frank and himself. He then laid his head down on 
the liberated pillow and was asleep in minutes. 


      Frank woke the next morning to find his bed looked like a orgy had taken place, and that 
Julian was gone. He sat up, looked at the window and wondered where he and Julian would go 
with this new facet of their strange relationship. He sighed and fell back onto his pillow. He 
didn't have to go in till the day after tomorrow--Kwan had forced him to take two days off after 
the kidnapping. he would use that time to rest and think about what had happened...and why. He 
knew his life had changed forever. He thought he had known that after Alexandra was killed, but 
he knew better now. 
      The fact that Julian Luna, Prince of San Francisco, had slept with him changed everything. He 
didn't know quite what to do with this newfound knowledge, but he felt that whatever happened, 
he would treasure last night, even if he didn't quite remember all the details of what they had 
done. With that thought, he went back to sleep. 


      Archon walked into Julian's bedroom. He looked at the sleeping Prince, and thought about 
what the butler had told him. Julian had come home smelling of liqueur (Archon's best Kentucky 
whiskey) and sex. The butler thought Julian had been with Caitlin, but Archon suspected he had 
been with Frank. He looked towards the ceiling and smiled. He hadn't had to push Julian to make 
the first move, but he felt that the next step would have to be up to him, since Julian probably 
would chalk last night up to a moment's madness. Archon knew it wasn't. Now Julian had to 
figure it out on his own. 

The End 

(The sequel to this story is "Archon's Gift")