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The SANDMAN Wesley Dodds

Fighting: EX (20)
Agility: GD (10)
Strength: TY (6)
Endurance: RM (30)
Reason: EX (20)
Intuition: RM (30)
Psyche: GD (10)
Health: 66
Karma: 60
Resources: EX (20)
Popularity: 10

Abilities-Precognition: AM(50), manifests as abstract dreams.

Talents: Acrobatics Chemistry Detective/Espionage Engineering Guns Martial Arts A & E

Equipment- Gas Gun: EX (20) intensity sleeping gas. Wirepoon: With a wire of 300ft. Can also be used to grapple. RM (30) material strength. Gas Mask: Provides EX (20) protection to gas-based attacks.

Contacts- Dian Bellmont JSA NYPD

History- With money left to him by his father's estate, Wesley Dodds decided to take up the career of fighting crime to put the money to better use. Creating a gun that shoots out a green gas that puys others to sleep, he donned a trenchcoat, hat and gas mask to become the Sandman. Finding the role of adventurer exciting, he later joined the Justice Society of America.

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