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The Doctor Strange Sourcebook -page 2

BARON MORDO Karl Amadeus Mordo Sorceror

Fighting: TY (6)
Agility: TY (6)
Strength: TY (6)
Endurance: RM (30)
Reason: GD (10)
Intuition: RM (30)
Psyche: AM (50)
Health: 48
Karma: 90
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: -5

Abilities- Magic: Baron Mordo is a Master of Chaotic Magic. After intense study and apprenticeship under the Ancient One, Baron Mordo has access to most magical powers and spells, including those of the Vishanti. He has minimum energy use for spells used for non-evil purposes. The following are magical abilities always available to him.* PersonalAstral Projection: MN (75) Shield-Individual: AM (50)Telepathy: UN (100) All other Personal spells he may use are of an IN (40) power rank.* Universal Conjure: IN (40) Eldritch Beams/Bolts: AM (50) Mesmerism: MN (75) Necromancy: IN (40) -Mordo can create zombies from the dead, as he once did with Lord Phyffe. These zombies' stats are: F-GD(10), A-TY(6), S-GD(10), E-PR(4), R-NA, I-NA, P-NA, Health-30, Karma-na; zombies can either slugfest or use hand-held melee weapons. Mordo must make a power rank FEAT roll for every zombie he animates. Teleportation: UN (100) All other Universal spells he may use are of an AM (50) power rank. * DimensionalDemons and Chaos: MN (75)Denak: MN (75) Ikonn: AM (50) Mabdhara: AM (50) Satannish: AM (50) Valtorr :IN (40) All other Dimensional spells he may use are of an AM (50) power rank.* Miscellaneous Spells All Miscellaneous spells he may use are of an IN (40) power rank


History More History

LOKI Loki Laufeyson of Asgard God of Mischief

Fighting: RM (30)
Agility: EX (20)
Strength: AM (50)
Endurance: AM (50)
Reason: EX (20)
Intuition: EX (20)
Psyche: MN (75)
Health: 150
Karma: 115
Resources: RM (30)
Popularity: 25

Abilities- Dense Flesh: EX (20)- protection from physical and energy attacks.Mental Abilities:Loki possesses a number of highly developed mental powers that are non-magical in origin.Light-Casting: CL 1000- telepathic communication, though he cannot read minds, he can plant suggestions with AM (50) ability.Enhanced Senses: Allowing him to perceive happenings in distant regions or other dimensions.Image Projection: Loki may project an image of himself, similar to Astral Projection. Magic: Loki has developed a host of magical powers over the long years. The following are magical abilities always available to him.* PersonalShape Shifting, Unlimited: MN (75) Imitation: UN (100) All other Personal spells he may use are of an MN (75) power rank.* Universal Matter Rearrangement and Transformation: UN (100)- altering materials up to SH X material (previously UN)strength. Eldritch Beams/Bolts: MN (75) Animate Objects: UN (100) Shield-Individual: MN (75) Enhancement: Loki can increase the abilities of others (usually mortals he uses as pawns) and invest them with temporary mystic-based powers. Loki may enhance up to the Monstrous rank in this fashion. Make a Psyche FEAT roll for nature of enhancement; Loki may add Karma to the roll. White result- 2 abilities raised +2 CS; Green result- 3 abilities raised +3 CS (previously +2 CS) plus one random power; Yellow result- 3 abilities raised +3 CS plus two random powers; Red result- 4 abilities raised +3 CS plus three random powers. This enhancement lasts as long as Loki concentrates on the spell, band can be made permanent by use of magical talismans. All other Universal spells he may use are of an MN (75) power rank. * DimensionalDimensional Aperture: MN (75)- with a talisman, Loki may cast spells between dimensions as well.Life Protection: Kill results will not destroy Loki; his life force will remain intact. The exact workings of this ability is unknown. All other Dimensional spells he may use are of an MN (75) power rank.* Miscellaneous Spells All Miscellaneous spells he may use are of an MN (75) power rank


Contacts-Odin- father


Page 1- Doctor Strange & The Ancient One Page 3- Clea & Nightmare