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DOC SAVAGE Clark Savage, Jr.

Fighting: AM (50)
Agility: RM (30)
Strength: EX (20)
Endurance: IN (40)
Reason: IN (40)
Intuition: IN (40)
Psyche: RM (30)
Health: 130
Karma: 110
Resources: MN (75)
Popularity: 50

Abilities- Danger Sense: AM (50)

Talents- Archaeology Biology Chemistry Electronics Engineering Geology Languages (over 50 of them) Law Leadership Marksman Martial Arts A-E Medicine Mesmerism & Hypnotism Military Pilot Trance Weapons Master Wrestling

Equipment- Armor Vest- EX (20) protection. "Super-Firer" Gun- fires EX (20) tranquilizing bullets. And various other "James Bond"-type gadgets and vehicles. Just pick one, he's got it (or he can make it).

Contacts-The "Fabulous Five" Patricia Savage (his cousin) NYPD

History- Clark was raised from an early age (14 months!) to become the powerhouse that he is. He is physically stronger than any normal man and more intelligent than any scientists. Using his abilities, he naturally became an adventurer. It is to be noted that Doc Savage does not believe in killing and will only use weapons designed to subdue an opponent.

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