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I collect Toasters!

Why I Like Toasters!

Why Do YOU Like Toasters? I need To Know!!!


Pictures......join my mailing list from this page!!!!!!!!

Road Trip Through Hantsport

WILD '98 pictures.. more to come i think

YOU WANNA FIGHT?? I have a new poll on the poll page so do it.

JAM '99 Pics.... Not done yet

Dramafest '99--1 pic, more to come

My Tribute to the Coolest Person in the World

Everything you need to know about Craig.

Look at me I scanned a bunch of pictures and put them on the internet. They weren't here before.

I scanned more pictures.. lots more.

RFDD Camp 1999 pictures

Do the polls please.

Thank you for expressing an interest in toasters. Someday, we will be able to see the world through the eyes of a toaster and understand why we are all really here. Who thinks it's about time to change the topic of my page? WEll i don't but if you think so, I don't care.

One time I was on my way to the mall where I sit, and oh yeah go to suSan's page and get the new Tom Green song it;s really funny.

Try to find the secret page I made located on this page somewhere. It's really hard and I bet you can't do it. If you do tell me and I'll give you a prize. The only person who found it searched for 36 hours straight, or so the legend goes. The other 2 people I told them where it was....


Join the Leave Gary Coleman Alone!!campaign
View my guestbook!

Try my new Love Calculator!!!!!!!!!!

+ =

*****I moved the polls to the poll page conveniently located somewhere above this.*****

SHAKE THE SCREEN!!!!! THIS IS REALLY COOL. (By the way I found it but Steve decided to steal it..... Actually Steve never did get around to stealing it but I think I should leave this here so he won't.)


Ok I know people have been visiting my page cause the counter thingy is getting higher and I know it's not all me so why aren't they signing the guestbook? Or should I say why aren't YOU signing the guestbook.....?So do it.

my wonderful friends! Kristen, Hannah, Sarahe
