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Pictures from 2000/2001 Recent Pics

Here is a picture of me on top of Sulphur Mtn. when I was up in Banff with Quorum on our company trip. Jenn and I took the gondola to the top due to a lack of energy and time. It was so clear that we could see forever.

While walking to the Banff Springs Hotel Jenn looked toward Cascade Mountain and saw that the sun was shining on it and it was partially cloud covered so she took this snap and it turned out great.

On a recent trip to Banff we went on a small tour of Lake Minnewanka and Two Jack Lake. Here are Amanda and Roderick in front of Mt Rundle and Two Jack Lake. Moments later I dropped the camera this pic was taken with-seems to be working OK.

One of the silliest things I have done in a bit was when I listened to Simone, Rod and Amanda when they said "Hey, turn around, let take some pictures with that recently married couple". So we turn around and pull up to the spot where they are and the girls walk up and ask if it is OK if we take pictures with them. They were like "Sure!", so we all got in the photo and here is Me, Simone, Amanda and Roderick with the recently married that we do not even know the names of-oh as an aside, their photograhper looked amused so he also took a few pics with his camera.

We then went down to the ever popular Bow Falls where beautiful shots can be taken of the falls in summer. Since everything was frozen Amanda and I took a shot where the river now runs beneath the ice.

Up in Banff there is this cool little store with all kinds of stuffed animals inside. Here is just one of the many animals inside. No animals were harmed in this photo shoot.

Speaking of animals, here is a not so uncommon sight of Elk all over someones lawn. They were absolutely massive and moments lately they were chased off the property by Park Rangers because they sometimes pose a threat to humans. The question is, who is in the wrong? The animals for living where they always have, or us for moving into their world.

Although Amanda and Simone had just met that week-end for the first time the became good friends by the end of the week-end. This shot was taken in the hotel room we stayed at in Banff.

We went out on the town big on Saturday night and here is the next day at Phil's restaurant where we filled our tummies with greasy goodies from bacon and eggs to fish and chips.

On the way to Lake Louise Amanda, Simone and I decided to take this shot in front of Cascade Mountain. Roderick has to be congratulated for his excellent angle on this pic.

So once we arrived in Lake Louise we went on the ice, which was clippery as hell in places. It turns out they had some ice sculptures there so we had to hope in and take some pics. I am on the left, Roderick and Amanda in the middle, and Simone on the right.

Here is a pciture taken when we had a few friends over to the house, one of which now lives with us and one of which has since moved out. At the party are Shane, Gina, Me, Amanda, and Marie-Christine,

This is me and Jeff Douglas aka Joe Canadian together at the Molson Indy in Vancouver this past September. After doing the previous somewhat tame shot, I asked Jeff to liven up the pose a bit and take another shot. So here is the I am Canadian pose we decided fitted the moment most appropriatly- what a crazy night we had at the club that night.

A few nights befrore I left for Calgary Jenn and I went up to the camp and since it was a bit cold I was dressed in layers which Jenn thought pretty amusing. Here I am in long johns keeping warm.

The next morning I rose early as usual (just ask Jenn), and went outside to see a foggy Basil's Lake. It was very calm and quiet that morning so this shot is what I saw outside the camp.

My first picture taken in Banff was of Bow Falls. The beauty, veiw and shear power of the falls will be sure to remain in mind for years to come.

Next I went up a hill by the Bow Falls and took this shot of the Banff Springs hotel. We toured around the inside and it was beautiful.

Here is the newest addition to my page. I have created a 3D Photo Cube so that you can view my pics of when Jenn came to Calgary to visit.