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Mutual Wants

A Swordfeast Universe Story

Time: Immediately following "Conclave".  The conclave is just breaking up.    

Cameron murmurs a general goodbye, not that anyone's listening, then cuts out, Charlie Wing in his wake, intent on finding out about the fire fiasco.

Lillie rises to kiss Morgaine goodnight, taking her time about it. When they break apart, Lillie murmurs her goodnights to Julian as well, smiling.

Morgaine lingers on Lillie's lips. After they break, she moves to Cash's side, leaning in over his shoulder. She kisses his cheek and whispers "You did well, my love."

Daedalus stands, nods to the others, and walks out, the silent Evan in-tow.

Cash whispers to Morgaine, "Love, how could you bear to share him, I am jealous of my own childe to be...."

Thorne hangs back, then turns to leave with Davic, seeing how the others who are old friends are chatting.

Stone sneaks out.  He desperately wants a beer, talking for the first time in a formal conclave was... nerve-wracking.

Lillie pauses to speak with Thorne for a moment, a whisper or two.  Summer waits by the door.

Thorne smiles at Lillie, brushing her cheek with his lips.  Then he lets her go, still hesitant.  He would have liked to speak to Julian, Cash... but this is probably not a good time, if they're preparing for an Embrace.

Lillie and Summer leave, arm in arm.

"Thorne, leaving so soon? Why don't you stay? Have a drink?" Julian finds himself saying.

Sonny and Michael walk out, side by side, arguing the movement of the stock market in the wake of the latest mortal political maneuvering.

The Tremere meets the eyes of the prince.  "Ah, that would be very nice, thank you, Julian," he murmurs, gesturing to Davic, who is half turned toward the door.

Julian unbuttons his jacket and turns to the wet bar area, retrieving a bottle and a handful of glasses, which he deposits on the table. He fills them and gestures for the remaining Kindred to take a glass.

Cash runs a hand back through his hair and now what was merely mussed is now standing up in spikes.  He prowls around the table, unable to settle yet.

Thorne takes a glass and hands Davic one, then, grinning at his silent second, runs a hand around his waist, drawing him close.  "Your first Conclave, Vic," he murmurs.  "And you didn't squeak at me once.  I'm so proud."  Thorne grins at him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh, Thorne," Davic answers, glancing self-consciously toward the prince, "you have no idea how hard it was... but thanks."

[Do you make him squeak often?] Julian muses on the thought as he sips the wine.

Morgaine picks up two glasses and swiftly moves to the Gangrel's side, stopping him in mid-prowl. "Sssh, drink," she purrs in a stage whisper. "Forget them."

"It's not *them* I'm worried about, lover.  What if I mess this up?"  He refers to Frank's Embrace, scheduled for tomorrow night.  Cash gestures broadly, almost tipping the wine out of his glass.  "I would never forgive myself."

"You won't." Morgaine stifles a laugh as she runs her hand along Cash's thigh. "Let me ease your mind ... upstairs."

Cash almost purrs at her touch.  "My witch, my *mind* isn't what will need easing if you keep this up...." the Gangrel teases back.

"Davic, my sweet," Thorne murmurs to his second, "could you please give Selsor a call? I don't want her calling the mansion again."  He grins, then adds, [I think I'll fly home tonight... you go on.]

Davic has noticed the careful glances toward the prince, and he returns the grin, understanding.  "Good night, Thorne," he replies, kissing his sire on the cheek and then departs.

"Come," Morgaine says, taking Cash's hand. "Let us say our good-nights to Julian and be on our way." She leads him back to Julian's side. "We're going to take our leave, if that's all right, my lord."

Cash grins, rather abashed, at the prince.  When Morgaine makes up her mind, a wise man just goes along for the ride.

Julian's reverie in the blond image before him - Thorne - is broken by his sister's voice. "Oh, yes. By all means, go ahead." He catches the "introduce us" look from his sister. "But, I forget my manners. Thorne Severan, this is my elder sibling, Morgaine."

Thorne inclines his head, smiling easily.  "It is good to meet you, Morgaine," he murmurs warmly.  But he is forcing the politeness.  The last Ventrue woman he has encountered was Lady Anne Havormere, Ventrue Prince of London, and the memories are not happy ones.  He and his kind have suffered much at her hands.

Morgaine curtseys, ever so slightly. "And you, too. I trust we'll be seeing more of you at the mansion." She cuts a knowing glance at Julian before kissing him deeply.

"I should hope so," Thorne replies smoothly.  He'd been starting to relax a bit since the tension of the Conclave, but the thought of being around this Ventrue beauty, reminder of the callous and cold Lady Anne, is a bit daunting.

Julian breaks off the kiss after a moment, turning his attention to Cash. He fingers the silver choker, tugging at it lightly, just enough to cause it to pull against the Gangrel's neck. "You toed the line very well tonight, Cash. Go, let her fix whatever it is that's bothering you." He claims Cash's mouth roughly.

Cash leans in, obedient to the tug on his neck.  [Yours, yours, Julian.]  The Gangrel opens to his lover's kiss, one hand slipping up to grasp Julian's jacket.  [Lover and lord.]

The Tremere turns aside, hiding his amazement at the prince's handling of the Gangrel, recognizing the obedience of a thrall/submissive to the hold on his... collar? by his regnant/dominant.  An interesting... and stimulating... dynamic which hasn't been as obvious before.  And that Julian should let him see this... Thorne wonders, for that matter, if he should even be here, as these three are obviously intimate.  He's the newcomer and he feels his newness to this inner circle all too well.

Julian lingers on the kiss, probing familiar lips and tongue, welcoming Cash's touch ... before breaking off. "You are mine forever, first and foremost, always the one I come home to," he says softly. "Remember, we are part of each other." He shoos Ventrue and Gangrel away with a loving mental command. Morgaine tightens her grip on Cash's hand and teasingly tugs him out the door.

Cash smiles and nods, surrendering to Morgaine's insistent tug,  [Always yours, beloved, first and foremost.]  He turns away and just as the door closes, the two elder Kindred hear a startled yelp of feminine protest and a laugh from the Gangrel.

Julian returns to the glass in his hand, taking a long sip of the wine, shaking his head at the antics of his lovers.

"I think they're going to have a good time," Thorne murmurs quietly, still looking rather more at his hands than anything else. [Ventrue women... it was inevitable...]

"They usually do," Julian replies, reaching with his right hand to brush the hair back from Thorne's face. "For hours on end."

The touch sends a delicious shiver through Thorne.  "I called Jim Ellison."

"Thank you," Julian murmurs, continuing to finger the dark golden tresses of the Tremere.  "Do you know yet what the visions are all about?  Can you help him, help them?"

Thorne, sighing, holds still for the attention.  "I don't know yet, Julian.  I will have to spend some time scrying to discover more, perhaps enlist the help of one or more of my magus.  I'll let you know when I learn more."

"Very good..." Julian inhales the scent of the other, enjoying the fresh spice musk.

"Guard them close, Julian," Thorne whispers.  "Somehow those two mortals are important to us."

"Of that you can be sure," the prince whispers back.  [Another time, we'll talk about mortals another day, you and I...]

The Tremere aches for more touches.  "So... that's Cameron.  A piece of work, isn't he?"

"Yeah, a piece of work. That's one way to describe him." Julian drains his wine and sits the glass on the table. He puts both hands to Thorne's face, stroking lightly, fully aware of what he's doing. "I'm truly glad you're on my side and not his."

Thorne looks deep into the prince's dark eyes.  "I can be nowhere else, even if my Clan did not have the antipathy we have toward the Brujah.  I would always choose you, Julian."

"Why?" Julian asks, punctuating the question with a brush to Thorne's lips. "Tell me why you'd choose me." His hands still frame the Tremere's face.

A small puff of air escapes when Thorne's lips are touched.  "Julian, I have told you what the Camarilla means to me... I feel the same fervor for a new and permanent peace between Kindred that you do.  But... it's more than a common goal..."  He sets his fingers to Julian's waist.

Holding the Tremere's head steady with a light, but firm, touch at the temples, Julian pulls him forward and stops any more talk with a strong kiss.

Since their interrupted liaison three nights ago, Thorne has wanted to return to this mouth so much... he pulls the shorter man fully into his arms, returning the kiss eagerly.

[Yes. To taste this.] Julian pushes into the kiss, his tongue seeking egress into unfamiliar realms. His hands fall from Thorne's face to rest on his shoulders, pulling himself deeply into the embrace.

Opening his mouth in response to the pressure of the other's tongue, Thorne is only to happy to allow the prince entrance and a search warrant, wanting to get to know him intimately, whatever he allows.

Julian's hands move down Thorne's tunic between their bodies even while his mouth explores every nuance of the other's. Julian sucks in the scents of this new passion, the flavors, the touch, feeling his senses to the brim with Tremere.

Thorne caresses the prince's back, loving the tensile steel of the strong muscles underneath jacket and shirt.  [Ventrue, yes, not an enemy, so senseless, like in England... should be strongest allies...]  Letting politics slip aside gratefully, Thorne considers that he simply likes, admires, desires the man in his arms. [Good enough reason for me...]

Julian breaks off the kiss, pulling back against the arms holding him tightly, not wanting to escape but wanting to feel their embrace. "I want you. Not prince and primogen, Ventrue and Tremere. Just want you, pure and simple."

Thorne gasps as his mouth is released.  "So do I... gods, Julian, I want you so much, have wanted you since..."  His mouth becomes occupied with Julian's throat for a minute as he works off the necktie and loosens his collar.

Julian quietly revels in the other man's hands over his body, making quick work of the clothes. The touch of lips to his throat sends a pleasant tingling sensation throughout.  His senses come back briefly, and Julian picks up on Thorne's comments. "Since what?"

Once the tie is gone and the shirt is open, Thorne slips his hands inside, feeling the soft dark hairs on the muscled chest.  "Since," he murmurs, caressing him, "I told you about... Lacroix.  That he tortured me.  When you did not shrink from me then, I knew I could trust you with..." He hesitates.  "Outside my clan, I find it hard... to trust.  Besides the Toreador, I mean."

Then he chuckles at himself.  "Shut up, Thorne."  His hands continue to roam, learning Julian's body with wonder.

"Ah ... I saw the dark side and didn't turn away." Julian moans as hands runs along his chest.

"Then... we share that..."  Thorne whispers in Julian's ear, then his tongue begins a trail back down to his throat.  He draws Julian's shirt off his shoulders and off, then his hands go to his belt.

"It is your darkness I yearn for ..." Julian lets the words out in a single breath, before he can think of what he is saying.

Thorne makes a strangled noise, then has raised his head to look the other man deep in the eyes again.  "You do not know what you invite, Julian, when you say things like that..."

Julian runs a hand through his hair, mussing it, and smirks. "I know right now I'd like your mouth on my cock. We can talk about what else I might be inviting later."

With a snapping sound the belt is whipped free and Thorne begins working on opening Julian's fly, a wicked grin on his face.  "Deal," he murmurs.

Then he's sliding his hands into Julian's pants, running them over the firm hips, drawing the fabric down over them as he feels his ass.  "Shit, Julian, you have an incredibly beautiful body... I want all of it..."  Sighing, Thorne kneels as he continues to draw Julian's pants down.

"We can negotiate later on that," Julian counters.

"Negotiate," Thorne echoes, smiling as he divests the Ventrue of the rest of his clothing, then sets his hands on his hips, the evening's prize before him.  "Mmmmm," he makes a noise in his throat, beginning by rubbing his face, then his hair over Julian's ample endowments.

Julian leans back against the table's edge, bracing his hands along its top.

Thorne opens his mouth and lets his tongue tip draw wet trails up the side of Julian's cock.

A small gasp escapes Julian's lips as the tongue slides along his cock. "Mmmm ... yes."

"Want this," Thorne murmurs, his voice dropping seductively.  More of the surface of his tongue is being applied to the other man's cock now, and a couple times Thorne pauses to mouth Julian's balls as well.  Then, pushing his hair out of the way, Thorne takes Julian's cock into his mouth finally, making a noise of pleasure as he starts to suck on it.

Julian thrusts his hips forward, gently at first, pushing his cock deeper into the Tremere's throat. "Take it," he growls.

With a grunt, Thorne shifts his hands so he is grabbing at Julian's ass, then he can better hold on as he's working his cock.  He avidly works the other's cock up and down, taking it into his throat, sucking as much as he can.

"That's right," Julian moans, clutching against the table as the heat inside his groin starts to spread through his body.

Thorne's own cock is straining painfully against the front of his pants as well.  He shifts so he can rub it against Julian's leg, never missing a beat in the powerful sucking he's involved in.  Groaning deep in his throat, Thorne reaches up with his hand to rake his fingernails over Julian's chest as he keeps on sucking on the hard rod in his mouth and throat.

A deep shudder. A sudden gasp for unnecessary breath. Julian is taken aback, quite pleasurably, at the Tremere's technique. He borders on the edge of release, pushing his cockhead to the very back of Thorne's throat, seeking the precipice.

On and on the Tremere works the cock, raking with fingernails as he continues, feeling the tension in Julian's body as it prepares for release.  A low growling deep in his throat creates a wave of vibrations that add to the powerful suction action.

Julian's hands clutch at the table, nearly denting the edge of the new wood. "Yesssss," Julian hisses, his eyes flashing silver as his body convulses in orgasm. "Take it all."

Enthusiastically, the lusty Tremere "takes it all", swallowing all Julian's luscious cock has to give up as he comes deep into his throat.

The prince relaxes, letting his body slump slightly against the table as he reaches unconsciously for the wrist connected to the hand that has been raking at his chest; his thought to drink, to taste blood on his lips.

Releasing the softening cock, Thorne leans into Julian's belly, resting though his own ache is still fierce.  When the hand closes around his wrist, he stiffens, realizing immediately that the prince is about to drink from him, something Julian isn't really likely to want. [He's that out of it...]

Quickly he takes his wrist away, standing up to collect Julian in his arms again.  Murmuring to him, he whispers, "My prince, you don't want to do that..."  Tenderly he kisses him.

"What!?" Reality dawns on Julian as Thorne's arms collect him. "No, I guess I don't." He leans up into the kiss.

[I would relish, cherish your blood, my prince,] Thorne thinks, but does not share the thought with his new lover.  He rises from the kiss, and shows his bloody fingernails to Julian.  "This is your blood... clean it off."  His voice is quiet.  "Do not leave any."

A slightly puzzled look crosses his face, but Julian, feeling the need to taste blood, even his own, consents. He slowly licks and sucks at each finger, cleaning the Tremere's hand of any trace of Ventrue blood. "Thank you, Thorne ... for everything."

Thorne meets his eyes, serious.  "I would not want you to worry what I might do with your blood, Julian.  Never that."

Still holding the Tremere's hand, Julian meets the gaze with a simple thought. "I trust you."

Smiling suddenly, Thorne kisses the hand in his.  "Thank you, Julian."  He nears and whispers in the prince's ear, "I trust you... and I love you.  Good night."  Releasing him, Thorne brushes past the prince and departs the house, taking to the air in flight.

The End