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Please send all comments to Lady Serez

K:tE belongs to Mark Rein*Hagen and his horde of Malkavian lawyers who should

have been locked up long ago, but for their talent for writing a great brief.


Chapter 1

*You never knew who would walk in this station next. It could be a woman

who was just mugged, or a armed robber running for his life, and took the

wrong turn somewhere in San Diego. And look who just walked in. Julian Luna,

bigger than life Mafioso. Only, he's not a Mafioso. And I'm stuck with him.*

Frank Kohanek sighed as he looked up from his desk into the dark eyes

of Julian Luna. Sonny was nowhere to be seen, and he could sense the

whispers begin.-isn't that Julian Luna?- -I heard...-- --I thought Kohanek

had better sense than that..-- Frank turned his head, and saw Kwan looking

more serious than usual.

"Kohanek? Hello? Earth to Frank?" Kwan remarked, looking annoyed. "Yeah,

boss. What's up?" Frank leaned back in his chair, and heard the chair

complain. *gotta put oil on that joint, or stop eating all those donuts.*

thought Frank. "Kohanek, someone made threats against Luna's life. You and

Sonny have a light load right now, and Sonny can do the paperwork. In short,

you've been assigned to Julian Luna. Have fun."

Chapter 2

*Did Kwan say what I thought he said...let's reprocess that.. Luna?s life

been threatened, I'm his bodyguard. Bodyguard?!?* "Uh, Kwan. Doesn't Luna

have a private army to guard him already?" Kwan looked at all the cops

standing around, whispering and stealing glances. "Let's go to my office. We

need some privacy for this." Once in the office, Kwan sat down with a audible

groan, and muttered, "Really should take that vacation. Hawaii will be

great.... OK, Mr. Luna, Kohanek, sit down please."

Kwan sighed loudly, "The first death threat came two days ago, at the Wolf

House. At first, Mr. Luna thought it was just a crank call. Later that night,

someone shot at him at The Haven, a local bar run by a woman named Lillie

Langtry. He didn't report that because he felt..."

Julian interrupted, "That it was a normal part of my...job. After all,

when you're a CEO, people tend not to like you too much. However, the next

day Lorraina found a pipe bomb tied to the muffler of one of my limos. I

started to get concerned. At about 5:00 my butler received this call.

Fortunately, he taped this."

Julian put a small tape player on the desk, inserted a tape and pressed

the play button. Frank leaned forward so he could hear it.

(Tape) Muffled voice, low-pitched : "Luna, this is your one and only

warning. If you don't pay $4 million to this account: 56757346 at the

Switzerland National Bank, I will reveal you to the world for the monster you

are. The shot you ducked last night at the Haven is proof of how serious this is the pipe bomb your bimbo found. HEHEHEAAHAHAWHA!" (phone hung up.)

Frank leaned his chair back, and remarked, "That's one of the most

weirdest death threat I've ever heard. Who is this guy?" Kwan glared at him.

"That's your job, Kohanek. You're going undercover as Luna's bodyguard."

Frank did a double take, and even Julian's head flinched a quarter of a

inch. "Uh...Kwan, what are you, nuts? All of Luna's boys know me, and about

2/3 of them hate me. What makes you think this is gonna work?" Kwan smirked,

and leaned back in his chair. "That's the beauty of it. No one is going to

believe that YOU are willing to act as bodyguard for your...uh...romantic

rival. What, you think I didn't know about Alexandera? Frank, EVERYONE knew,

and was glad for you. Losing the wife that way is bad, but losing your

girlfriend is even worse...and Luna was her former boyfriend."

Frank looked like a stunned deer, so Julian took over. "Mr. Kwan, I

believe that if we told him who the suspect is, that it would be easier on

Mr. Kohanek. And talking about his and MY romantic life is not only

embarrassing, it's also a invasion of privacy. Hmm?"

Kwan looked affronted at being told about manners from a Mafioso, then

realized that Julian was correct. "Sorry, Kohanek. OK. We think this perp is

a man named the

Preacher. He's been in and out of hospitals since the Vietnam war, which by

the way he was in. The Preacher was diagnosed with multiple personality

disorder, highly dangerous."

Julian inserted, "and the Preacher is *known* to me. He's cunning, and

mad as a hatter. I need Kohanek, because the Preacher won't know what to

expect from him. He would, from my "private army" as you called them,

Kohanek, but he doesn't know anything about you. And that's my ace."

And at that precise minute, Julian's limo exploded.

Chapter 3

Frank turned his head to a nearly perfect 90o degree angle, as he looked at

the limo's front fender hanging off the telephone pole. Several foot away,

Julian was shouting into his cell phone to the Kindred's version of AAA.

"I need another car, and I would like it right now, if you don't mind,

gentlemen! What? What are you talking about, Cameron has the other car for

tonight? I don't remember giving permission for, I most definitely

did not give permission for that!" Julian looked up to see several curious

cops looking at him, and quickly lowered his voice to a rasping undertone.

Kwan gazed with awe at the damage the bomb had done. When the bomb went

off, it blew out all the windows in a 2 blocks range and totaled the limo.

The biggest piece of it was about 3 foot across...and it was understood that

after all the forensics people were done, the pitiful remnants of the limo

was to be given a ceremonial escort to the nearest scrap yard.

"Will you look at that? Whatta you think, C-4 or fertilizer pipe bomb?

Toussaint back yet?" O'Fallon, a Kindred Irishman who had been in San

Francisco for several generations, remarked. "Well...looks like a C-4, but

we'll need the forensic guys to say yes or no."

Frank turned, and saw Cash roaring up and nearly running into a drooling

rookie. "Nice motorcycle, man! A Indian?" the drooling rookie said,

ignoring the fact that he had almost gotten a chance to examine the

motorcycle from under its wheels. Cash grunted, then called out to Julian.

"Where's Lorraina? She was driving tonight, wasn't she?"

Julian turned, "Lorraina should be around here somewhere. I gave her

permission to give a message to Lillie. After all, I didn't expect to

get....ambushed outside a police station. She should be fine. If you wish,

you can search for her."

"No way, man! You could have gotten killed! After that thing a few weeks

ago, I'm not leaving you alone. Not even for you to go to the restroom. I

mean it, Julian! Zack can do it for me. Were you able to get a car from AAA?

No? I've got room on my Indian. You can ride with me." Cash finished.

Julian looked dubiously at that proposal. He remembered the first time he

had ridden on Cash's Indian. "Cash, last time I did that, I got thrown into

the foundation at Wolf House. I have no inclination to repeat that experience

again. Thank you for the offer, nevertheless. Mr. Kohanek here will drive me.

Won't you, Mr. Kohanek?"

And that's how Frank found himself driving in his Corvair with Julian in

the front and Cash crammed into the back. Zack had taken Cash's motorcycle,

after many directions from Cash concerning what to do with his precious

Indian and gone off to look for Lorraina. *well, I thought waxing the front

end with Lady Dior lotion was a little ..too much.*

"OK, Julian. Who's the Preacher, and what does he want with you? I know,

from the emphasis you used on the word mine in the office, that he's Kindred.

But what Kindred? I don't think even Brujah would even *think* about doing

something this birdbrain." Julian glanced at Frank at that, "Turn left

here, Frank, and then go straight ahead until you reach a gate. Cash, what

are you doing?" Cash looked up, "Why do you have a pile of coffee cups back

here? Looks like 4 months worth." "Hazards of police work. Doesn't Sonny have

a similar pile in HIS car? Ah, we're here. Now what?"

Julian smiled, and leaned across Frank to speak into the intercom affixed

to the gates. Frank smelled something seductive, then realized that Julian's

smell was similar to the smell Alexandra had, except it was more.. masculine.

Long ago, that had been.. Alexandra smiling at him, grabbing his jacket

lapels, and kissing him...

"Frank? You can drive on now. Frank?" Julian looked concerned. "Oh!

Sorry--was daydreaming. Where can I park this--over there?" Julian looked

hard at him, shook his head and pulled away. "Yes, right over there. Are you

all right?" "Yeah, stop worrying...and get that Cash out of the back before

he tears it up! Hey! You little..."

Julian paused briefly to break up the brewing fight between Frank and

Cash, and started walking to the front door. *Why did Frank have that look on

his face? He's only had that look when he's remembering Alexandra.. and why

should he remember now? And what was it about me that caused him to remember

her? I'll think about that later. Right now, how do I explain the Malkavians

to Frank...and will he believe me? He better...or the Preacher's going to tie

him up in knots.*

Chapter 4

As the three men walked toward the Wolf House, a man hid in one of the

trees that covered Julian's estate. *Hehehe.. so Julian thinks he can beat me

by introducing an unknown element into this oh-so interesting game...I'm not

a Malkavian for nothing!* The man, known as the Preacher, stood up and leaned

against a branch, trying to see through the French doors. The Preacher was

about 35, with a head of light black wild hair. In fact, he looked like

Einstein on a very, very bad day. He had faded green eyes, filled with the

joy of madness. The Preacher wore a clerical suit, faded and threadworn with

age, but the collar still shone bright white.

Inside, Julian asked Cash to send word to all Kindred in the city to look

for the Preacher, but it was understood that a Blood Hunt had not been

declared yet. Cash left under protest, but he went. With that done, Julian

escorted Frank into his sable-colored study and poured Frank a glass of

brandy. "Julian, I really don't want a brandy, and we're not allowed to drink

on duty. What I want to know is, who is the Preacher and what does he want?"

Julian raised his eyebrows, sighed, and slugged down Frank's brandy.

"All right. But bear with me please. First, I need to tell you what clan

the Preacher belongs to, and what they're like. Then, I'll tell you why the

Preacher has a grudge against me. In exchange for this information, I want to

know about your family. You do have one, I suppose?"

Frank twitched, and sighed. "Yeah, I do. But I really don't like to talk

about them. How about I tell you about my sister Cat? That ok?" Julian cocked

his head and nodded. Frank demanded, "But I'm not telling you anything until

you tell me what you know."

"All right. You're not very patient are you?"

"Comes of sitting one too many all-niters outside warehouses, waiting

for Eddie Fiori to trip up."

"Hm. I must say, I'm relieved he's dead. He was endangering the

Masquerade too much as it was. And eventually, he would have challenged me

for title of Prince. Fiori was a stupid and dangerous fool, but he could

control the Mob here. Just for that, I would have put up with him for much

longer than I normally would have."

"Julian, forget Fiori. What about the Malkavians? Who are they, and what

do they want, and why haven't I seen one?" "You saw a potential candidate in

the Nightstalker. Remember him?" "Who could forget? Sliced through 7 people

in one week, tried to hang me until you cut me down, and then lost his head.

Yeah, I remember him."

Julian walked to a chair, and showed Frank another chair he could sit in.

"By potential Malkavian I mean that that clan takes insane people and sane

people who have the potential to be, as they view it, gloriously insane. They

believe that they're the only sane ones and that everyone else is mad. You

are aware of the concept of nirvana I take it?"

"By nirvana you mean the idea of perfect peace, not the band?" *the Julian

patented glare* "Quite. You really should get to know Cash. Your mind and his

follow some of the same tracks. Nevertheless. The Malkavians are one of the

clans here in San Francisco, and before you ask why you've not seen them,

this is why: they prefer to live in mental hospitals, asylums, and halfway

houses. I know that you often go to these places, but they're very good at

hiding themselves. Tell me, if someone started to yammer at you or talk to

invisible people, would you run away or figure out if they're Kindred? Three

times out of four, people generally run. If they don't the Malkavian usually

shadow their minds--plant misinformation. It's also very difficult to talk to

one. They'll tell you what you want to know, but they'll couch it in vague

and confusing terms....or you won't know what they're talking about.

*Delightful* people. Archon hated them, and once you meet one, you'll

understand why."

Julian stopped to think for a minute. Frank got up, and started to walk

around the room. "Ok, Julian, I get the general idea. Now why does this maniac

hate you?" "He doesn't hate me--he just enjoys tormenting me." And then Sasha


Chapter 5

"Sasha? SASHA! Is everything all right?!?" a very frightened Julian ran

into Sasha's room, with Frank close behind. Sasha looked up at Julian, and

with a shaking finger pointed at the smirking creature in the corner, "What

is THAT creature, and why is it laughing at me?"

Frank had run into the room with his gun out, but then put it back into

his holster, once he realized who the creature was. "Petunia. What're you

doing here? Come on, let me help you up. I thought you said you would stay in

the shelter for tonight. What happened? Some punks harass you?" He reached

down and helped Petunia up.

Julian stared in shock at Frank and Petunia. "Frank--Did you know that's

a Malkavian? And what are *you* doing here?"

Petunia cackled, and hopped forward to sit on the bed. Sasha grimaced at

the damage being done to her favorite bedspread, and took the opportunity to

look at this creature. She hadn't, earlier. She'd been too busy screaming.

Petunia looked like a average bag lady, except for one thing--she had spoons

pinned to her clothes, and they clanked together as she moved.

"Ooooo Frank! You didn't tell you had a new girlfriend. Heheha! She's *way*

dangerous.. but then you knew that, didn't you, gingerbread boy! *cackle*"

"Petunia, trust me, Sasha is *not* Frank's girlfriend. She's Cash."

Petunia looked up at that, "Cash the wolf boy! With a Brujah?" She looked

at Sasha then, and had a spate of laughter that lasted several minutes.

During Petunia's spate, Frank had grabbed Julian's lapel and demanded to know

what he thought Petunia was. "Frank, she's the Primogen of the Malkavians.

I'm surprised, to say the least, to see that you know her. But this just

proves what I said earlier, about Malkavians being able to disguise


Petunia's hand shot out and grabbed a cigar from the nightstand. She lit

it and started to smoke it, in pure pleasure. "Uh, Petunia, what're you doing

here scaring Sasha?" Frank asked. Petunia's black eyes looked piercingly at

him, and she started to sing, "Oh, little boys play together in the fog, oh,

yella hair no good, collar no good either, oh!"

Julian sighed, and she turned her attention on him. "You know the

Preacher's after you, right? You and gingerbread boy better get together and

figure out how to get rid of him.. permanently. *cackle* Told him yet why the

Preacher's after you? Hehehehe! Gingerbread boy, the Preacher's after the

Creole's bod, yo better stop him before he gets all of it, ha!" Petunia

nearly fell off the bed, cackling with laughter. Julian had staggered to the

nearest chair, dropped into it, and buried his head in his hands. Sasha

decided she had had quite enough of this conversation, which was growing

weirder by the minute, and get out before it got even weirder. She slinked

toward the door, and then was gone.

"Why? Why? What did I ever do to deserve this?" moaned Julian. "You got

embraced, that's what," the unhelpful Petunia said. "Julian? Why did Sasha--"

Cameron stopped just short of the door, stared at Petunia for a minute, then

disappeared. Julian and Frank could hear Cameron start to run, and a door

slammed somewhere.

"Cameron ran? A Brujah ran? What's wrong with this picture? Petunia's not

that bad. You just have to be patient." a puzzled Frank remarked.

"You have no idea. You have no idea."

"Well, maybe it'll help to explain things...and tell me about the

Preacher. I want to know just how deep in the quicksand I am."

"All right. All right. But be quiet. I'll answer any question after

the story, but not during. I'm afraid I'll kill somebody if you do."

"If you insist." "I do. Now shut up."

Chapter 6


San Francisco--Spring 1850

Julian Luna raised his head from the table, his lanky hair dripping with

beer. *where am I?* The burly miner roared with laughter and pinched the

giggling Chinese girl. *no. what time is it?* "Hey, Creole! Come on. You

can't mourn your wife forever. Look at all the hurly girls!" The miner

slapped his huge hand on the table, making it jump.

"Man, I understand. I lost my wife too...but life got to go on. You can't

mope around for her too long, 'pecially here. Here men slit throats for a

speck of dust. You got to pay attention, you idiot Creole!" the miner slapped

the table, this time causing it to break. "Oops. Damn, here comes that

Chinaman. Hey man, here's...." His voice sounded more and more fainter to

Julian, and he wondered why...a few seconds before he hit the floor.

Before the miner could do anything, a man peeled off the wall and started

to walk quickly toward Julian. The miner, in a liquor-fueled haze, peered at

the silver-haired man in a finely tailored black suit with a black hat. *damn

if I could have a suit like that...*

Archon knelt in the beer-soused floor the miner and others like him had

left. *why am I doing this? he's nothing. he'll die in less than a month, and

no one will mourn him. WHY?* But the minute he turned the black haired

stranger to look at him, he knew. *he looks so like my lost dancer. the look

is the same...* "Mr. Raine? Mr. Raine, can I help you with anything?" The

Chinese had finished his harangue of the miner, and come over to see if

Archon needed anything.

"Yes. Yes, I do. Chen, go get my driver and tell him to come in. And

hurry. I don't want to be in here for much longer."

Julian moaned as he came up through a fog. "Don't move. Have some water,

it'll help your thirst." A glass was raised to his lips, and Julian drank.

"Well. I would like to know who the lostling in my bed is. Who are you?" The

voice was kind, but Julian could hear the steel in the voice. He didn't think

it was a good idea to deny this stranger anything.. "Julian Luna. Of New

Orleans. Where am I? This isn't the Pleasure Palace of the Gods is it?"

"Pleasure Palace of the Gods? Chen must have gotten fancy. Really. No,

it isn't. This is the Wolf House. Now, don't sit up so quickly. Quinn says

you have a touch of pneumonia." Julian looked with alarm at the white haired

man, and subsisted. *the Wolf House! the one everyone in the Marina talks's dangerous to even be on the yard, and I'm in the House itself!

I really got myself in it, my love.*

*Look at the fear in his face. It must be the rumors. Damn! These rumors

are good for keeping trash like those Kangaroos out, but it scares decent

people so much they don't come here. Not even the milkman. Damn!* "Let me

guess. You heard those baseless rumors didn't you? That's what they are:

fiction. Lies. You pick the word." " don't do human sacrifice?"

*WHAT?!? That damn Preacher. He's at it again! I really need to talk to

Petunia...hope today's one of her good days.* "No. Why do you think I do


As Julian looked around the room, luxuriously appointed in red, Archon's

mind raced. " don't have any of the signs. I'm from New Orleans, so

I should know. Voodoo and all that." "Voodoo? That city must be interesting."

"It is. Or it was. My wife and I moved here some time ago." "Your wife? Then

why were you in that saloon?" "Ah. I should tell you, as you were kind enough

to pick me up off the floor. She died a few weeks ago, leaving a son named

John. Childbirth. It's a curse. She was so beautiful, and lovely...but she

didn't want to come here. I made her, promising her everything. That soon

turned to ash in my mouth. She's gone. What do I have to live for?"

"Your son, for one. He needs you, and you need him. Do you have a job?"

At Julian's shake of his head, Archon continued. "I need a secretary to keep

my files in order, and to keep this house going without too many problems.

The pay is good, but one of the problems I have had with keeping my

secretary is the parade shall I put this? Unusual people. Do you

think you can do that?" The glow in Julian's face was answer enough. *gods

look at him! I think I'm in love. Gods!* "All right. I'll take that as a

yes. You can put your son with a woman who lives a few houses from here. She

has other children, so she knows how to take care of John. Will that be fine

with you?"

"Yes. Yes, you have no idea. And I think I will have no problem keeping

your files and house in order. Thank you. When do I start?" Julian started to

get out of bed, but Archon stopped him.

"No, I don't think so. My pile of papers can wait until you recover.

Where do you live?" Julian told him, and Archon nodded. "You write a brief

note, and I'll send one of the servants to get your boy. Stevie Ray? Stevie

Ray, I need you to take this note to Mrs. Gervans' boardinghouse and get the

baby John Luna." When Stevie Ray left, Archon turned to Julian, "Go back to

sleep, and recover. Next week, if Quinn allows it, you'll start work. Sleep."

And with that Julian slid back under the covers, disbelieving his good

fortune. Archon closed the door, and leaned against the walls. *gods, what

have I gotten myself into this time? a lostling. a lostling!*

San Francisco--Winter 1851

Julian winced as he heard yet another door slam. Archon was angry today,

more angry than when Julian had accidentally misplaced the shipping reports or

when Stevie Ray had staggered in at 4 in the morning, dead drunk and singing,

"Irish Eyes are fucking Smiling!"

Archon came into the study, muttering something about the Preacher. *oh

damn. not the Preacher again.* thought Julian. Ever since he had come to work

at the Wolf House, the Preacher had been at him night and day. It was readily

apparent that the preacher was insane, and it was also apparent what he

wanted. Julian's body.

Julian. As Archon stomped toward his desk, that's all he could think of.

The Preacher had burst into council this morning, causing Petunia to do

something he'd never known her to do--threw the coffee Stevie Ray had made at

the Preacher. Admittingly, the coffee was bad--*Julian should have made it*

came the unbidden thought-- but not that bad. With coffee dripping down his

face, the Preacher had demanded permission to embrace Julian. Archon and

Petunia had refused, for various reasons.

Angry, the Preacher walked out, stopping long enough to threat to break

the Third Tradition--the one that demanded the permission of the Prince to

embrace a mortal. That reason alone had caused Archon to decide to order

Julian to stay in the Wolf House. Archon pushed back that part of his brain

that taunted, *no that's not want Julian to yourself.* And he had

spat back, *me? I?m too old for him, and besides he's attracted to women.*

The voice replied, *in the embrace, sex of the person means nothing. love and

affection does. and Julian has a fondness for you. look at him now.* and

Archon looked at Julian, tiptoeing toward him, as if there were glass under

his feet, and realized why Julian was doing this.

"Julian, don't do that. I'm not angry at you. I'm just angry at...the

Preacher. He demanded something I couldn't give him." *I don't want him to

know about the Kindred...he should stay in the mortal world for his son.*

"I understand. I heard a lot of angry shouting, and thought it had

something to do with the Preacher. Would you like a cup of coffee?" And

Julian smiled that sweet smile, that had caused Eva Luna and Archon to fall

for him, and more than a century later, a certain cop.

Archon looked at Julian, and figured, *Preacher won't do anything. it

was a idle threat, nothing more. He knows what I'll do if he ever did what he

threatened.* "Yes I would. With a bit of cream, please." "Of course. Here's

some sugar." He was wrong. Dead wrong.

San Francisco--April 3, 1851

"Where is he? WHERE IS HE!" A furious Archon walked among chaos. Stevie

Ray was ordering his Gangrels to find Julian, Daedalus was rocking baby John,

now more than one year old and an handful, and Petunia was hanging on the

wall, where Archon had put her.

"Archon, calm down. Archon? You're frightening the baby." "Don't joke,

Daedalus. Look at him, he's more fascinated by your ear than he is frightened

by me." replied Archon.

Archon thought back to the night before, April 2. As a reward for Julian's

first year of service, Archon had taken him to a nice restaurant, Paris , and

then to the opera--or what passed for opera in San Francisco. Archon wasn't

exactly sure *exactly* what a boatload of sailors had to do with a woman

dressed up like Queen Victoria, but Julian had enjoyed it. He had seen Julian

home, forgetting his resolve to have Julian move into the Wolf House...and

then Julian had vanished. At first, Archon thought the Kangaroos had taken

Julian, knowing him to be secretary to one of the richest men in San

Francisco, but with the receipt of a note, he knew it was the Preacher.

Now he had to find Julian before the Preacher embraced him or told him of

the Kindred.

One of Stevie Ray's childe ran in, yelling, "We found him! We found

him!", sounding like a puppy depositing his prize at his master's feet.

Archon turned and snarled, "Where is he? Why didn't you bring him?" Refusing

to be deflated, the childe replied, "Come and see. The Preacher trussed him

like a chicken! And we can't get to him."

Upon arrival at the warehouse where the Preacher had taken Julian, Archon

saw why the childer couldn't get Julian down. The Preacher had tied Julian,

complete with a gag, and suspended him in the air. Daedalus got him down,

blowing the Masquerade, and Archon knew he had no choice. Julian was

exhausted from the long night, and Archon knew that night wouldn' t be easy.

Later that same night

Julian woke suddenly, afraid the Preacher would be there. A voice soothed

him, "The Preacher isn't here. He isn't even in San Francisco. If he ever

comes back, the Blood Hunt will be called." At these strange words, he turned

his head and saw Archon sitting besides the nightstand. At first, he couldn't

believe what he was seeing. Archon was wearing only a robe, and he was sure

there were nothing on beneath.

Julian looked down and realized he was in Archon's bed, the same one he had

woken in a year ago. And that he was, as his mother used to say, 'naked as

the day he was born.' " you remember anything?" Julian jerked his

head, "I remember a man--he got me off the rafters. He looked very strange,

pale with odd ears." "Yes, well your son likes them. Julian, you saw

something you shouldn't have seen." "The Preacher--he said he was a

Kindred--I got the impression he was a vampire."

*oh no. oh no. Damn you, Preacher. Damn you for giving me what I most

want--but in the getting I may lose him. Damn!* "Yes, Julian, he was telling

you the truth. Unfortunately that truth has pulled you into my world, and I

can't let you out." And Archon told Julian everything about the Kindred.

At the end, Julian was hunched up in bed, quietly crying. "Julian. The

Embrace doesn't have to be bad. It can be, but it isn't. Julian. Look at me.

Look at me!" Archon stood fluidly and let his robe fall to the floor. Julian

looked tentatively at him, and Archon almost laughed. *a virgin. oh gods a

virgin! What did they do, do it in the dark? Probably.*

"Julian, I want you to look at me, and I want to look at you. We'll go

slowly, but you must be Kindred before the sun comes up. Take that blanket

off." The command was obeyed, and Archon stood looking at the beautiful body.

*ooh. stand up, please.* Echoing Archon's thoughts, Julian stood up. He

didn't look at Archon, but looked away. Archon stepped close to Julian,

brought his face back to his, and kissed him.

*Oh. I never knew a kiss could be like that,* Julian thought. He

smiled, and Archon knew he had Julian. Taking Julian into his arms, he let

Julian feel him while he felt the texture of Julian's skin. *so

smooth.. silken* Slowly, Archon's hand stole to the valley between the cheeks,

and began to look for the opening. Julian started to sweat and moan with

pleasure. *I don't need him to pleasure me this time. Do that later. Right

now, I need to distract hi...oh gods!* Archon found the opening and slipped a

lubed finger inside.

As Archon fingered him, Julian forget about the Kindred. He forget about

everything except the pleasure. He threw his head back and moaned. Archon

looked at him, and decided it was time for bed. He walked Julian back to the

bed, Julian moaning all the way. Before he sat Julian on the edge of the bed,

he took the finger out. Julian was totally out of it, because god, it felt so

damn good he thought he was going to die. Slowly, Archon spread Julian's legs

as he stood between them, and bent Julian's head so that his neck was

exposed. The bed was high enough that Archon could start to feel for the

opening again, and when he found it, his penis followed where the finger

went. As Julian felt it go into him, he moaned with both pleasure and a

little pain.

Archon decided now was the perfect time. He lowered his head, and Julian

tried to raise his head. Archon wove his fingers into that lovely hair, and

kept the head. As his mouth touched Julian's skin, his fangs came out and bit

deeply into Julian.

Julian jerked, then quieted, as the pleasure spread through his veins.

Archon finished, then raised his head. Julian was starting to stagger, a sign

he was dying. Quickly, Archon cut his neck, and bent so Julian could reach


Julian opened his eyes, and saw the blood flowing from Archon's neck. He

turned his head a little, and saw Archon and *hope.. why hope* in his eyes. He

bent his neck and drank.

After the exchange was finished, Julian pulled away from Archon and

crawled under the covers. Archon looked sadly at him, and leaned to pick his

robe off the floor. As Archon headed for the door, a voice stopped him.

"Archon...stay, please. I don't want to be alone...and I don't think you do

either. Come on. Archon?" Archon turned, and walked to the bed.

**end flashback***

Chapter 7

"Archon fucked you? He actually did the nasty with you?" exclaimed an awed


"What did you think, that we Kindred have no sex life? Apparently yes you

did. And before you ask, we were lovers for many years, up to the day he

died. God. I miss him greatly. He was a good friend before he was a lover,

and I consider him as the best thing that ever happened to me. He taught me

quite a lot, but I don't think you want to know about that now, do you?

Petunia, why are you pointing at the door?" remarked Julian.

" 'Bout time you and gingerbread boy told each other the truth. And

Sasha, Cash and Cameron?s behind that door, and I 'hink I heard Cash grab

Sasha and, well, like gingerbread boy here said, did the nasty. But not in

public. They just don't have the soul of a Malkavian. *sigh* Now, the good

old days..."

Julian looked narrowly at Petunia, as Frank tried to process this new

information. It wasn't easy....Archon and Julian?

"Gingerbread boy? I thought you were going to tell us the sordid story of

your life.. only fair, since Julian told us *his* story. How about it? Or are

you too much of a coward to tell it?"

"You bitch." "Ooooh! Dirty words from the clean cop! What a rush!"

cackled Petunia. "I said I'll talk about my sister, and that's it. I won't

talk about anything else," snarled Frank.

"Just get on with it. We did have a deal, remember? I told you about

the Preacher, and you were to tell me about your sister. I want to know more

about your family, because frankly, I'm curious. We weren't able to get much

from vital records..." "Vital records?!? You went through my private life?!"

yelled Frank. Julian held up a steadying hand, "Remember, we didn't know very

much about you, and you -were- threatening us. We needed to know as much as

possible about you. Understand?" Frank nodded, but he didn't like it. He

leaned back into the chair and started to talk.

"The first thing I remember in my childhood is my sister Cat. She's

older than me, by about 11 years. I had 3 sisters, and she was the oldest. I

remember.." Frank absently minded hunches up in his chair. Julian noticed,

and didn't like that. "She protected us from our parents. Or, at least, she

tried. But sometimes she couldn't..."


San Francisco--1970

"You bitch! You can't do anything right! You couldn't even give birth

to the right baby!" John Williams screamed at his wife Maureen. She screamed

back, "And you, you can't do anything right either! How long has it been

since you were able to hold down a *fucking* decent job?!? You can't, because

you're so fucking drunk you smell like a brewery!"

Frank Williams, 4 years old, huddled in the corner, hoping he could get

to the door that led to the rest of the house before his parents noticed he

was there and decided to hurt him for "eavesdropping". Out of the corner of

his eye, he saw Cat, 14 years old, beckoning to him. She whispered, "Crawl,

Frankie. You can do it. I'll distract them."

Frank didn't whimper, because he knew that meant the tall people would

hurt him, and he didn't want that. No, he didn't. He remember the last time

Cat had taken him and Marian to the hospital after the last beating. The

doctor had frowned and shaken his head, "This is the fourth time, Cat, that

you've said that Marian and Frankie fell down the stairs. Now, explain to me

-how- they managed to get burned falling down the stairs? Cat?"

Frank looked at Cat, and she nodded. He began to crawl, stopping only

when it seemed either John or Maureen was going to see him, but they kept on

fighting. When he reached the door, Cat picked him up and hustled him to the

kitchen, where his other sisters Marion and Calia waited.

Cat started to prepare supper, what there was of it, while the children

listened to the fight next door. She handed the children peanut butter with

jelly sandwiches, and told them to keep quiet. As Cat sat down, Frank saw a

bruise on her face, and knew she'd gotten that from the man they called


Later that night, when the children had gone to bed, Cat stayed with

them, braiding her red hair and telling them stories about San Francisco.

"And when the gold rush began, many many people came here, and what was once

a sleepy port turned in a big, busy town.." *gunshot*

All the children jumped, knowing that their father must have shot at their

mother, or vice versa. This went on all the time, and Cat returned to her

story, "..and then Julian Luna set up a huge saloon, where people went and

had fun..." *gunshot* This time Cat looked concerned. She could hear a

police car's siren going off, and it sounded like it was coming closer to the


She again tried to go back to the story, but the noise kept getting

louder and louder, until she decided to go and see what was going on. "Frank,

Calia, Marion--stay where you are until I come and get you, OK? I'm going to

see what happened." The children nodded, and slid down under the blanket

until only their hair, including Frank's buzz cut, showed.

Cat crept down the stairs, and came face to face with a bearded cop with

kind eyes. She blinked in surprise, and pointed at him. "Little girl...did

you hear the gunshots?" She nodded, and he continued, "OK, is there any other

babies in the house?" Uh..yes. Frankie, Marion, and Calia.I'm Cat. What

happened? We heard the gunshots, but we thought it was the same thing.." Cat

jerked her head up to see John Williams being led out of the house in

handcuffs, screaming. "mama.." Cat whimpered.

Janek Kohanek looked at the red-haired girl, but after one whimper, she

straightened up and said, "You want the kids, right? Let us get dressed

first,please." She turned and went up the stairs. Sometimes Janek couldn't

understand it--why he and his wife Miryam, who wanted children, couldn't have

them, and why people like John and Maureen Williams had children...

Cat walked back into the room, called the children, and told them to get

dressed. Janek followed, and watched in disbelief as the children put on

clothes that apparently had seen *much* better days. He then noticed bruises

on Cat and the kids, and remembered that the other beat cops had been here

before. He sighed. John Williams, in a fit of rage, had shot his wife to

death. Finally. Everybody, even the children, had been expecting this for a

long time.

On impulse, Janek picked up the two youngest, Frank and Marian and all of

them walked down the stairs, Janek steering them away from the kitchen where

the killing had taken place. "Janek! Janek!" called his partner, Zack

Bethany. "Janek, the social worker says they have no place to put the kids,

and she wants to know if you and Miryam would be willing to take them for a

night or two. Or at least until they find something." Both Frank and Marion

was out cold on Janek's shoulder, and someone had given Cat and Calia a

stuffed animal each and two for the youngest kids.

"Zack, let me call Miryam and let her know what's going on. Hey little

one, I need that," as Janek slid his CB radio out from under Frank's cheek.

"Miryam, " as Janke sat down in the patrol car, keeping both kids from waking

up, "We've got four kids from a killing tonight. Their dad killed their mom,

and the social worker can't.." "Janek, don't say anymore. Just bring them.

Find out if they have had something to eat." "Cat..." "Just peanut butter and

jelly sandwiches, that's all."

Janek finally pulled the kids off his shoulders, and put the seatbelts

on them. It was the end of his shift, but his sergeant had told him he could

take the kids home and sign the sheet tomorrow. As he drove, all but Cat fell

asleep. Cat sat bolt upright, looking out the window. He pulled up the drive

in a nice suburb of San Francisco, and he saw Miryam standing outside.

"Hello, children. Come in, the beds are all made up for you. Oh, Janek,

give me the little girl," as Janek handed her Marian. They went inside, and

Miryam fed them, bathed them and got them into bed. As Miryam turned off the

light in Cat's bedroom, she sighed. "Janek...these kids are so sweet. Is

there any way we could keep them all? I think this is a gift from

God....after all these years. I think maybe...we were asking Him for the

wrong thing--a baby of our own. We should have asked Him for

children--period." Janek smiled a weary smile, and "Miryam, if you want to

try, we can."

Cat opened her eyes, and smiled. She had this feeling that they were safe

now... with that cop with kind eyes and the women with black hair.

**end flashback**

"You were adopted. That explains why we couldn't find you--we were looking

under the name of Kohanek, when we should have been looking under Williams."

Julian sat back.

"Yes. We were adopted by Janek and Miryam Kohanek, and we've done well

ever since. Cat's a U.S. deputy Marshal, and Mom worries a lot about her,

because she *loves* her job. Remember the movie, "The Fugitive?" She's the

female Samuel Gerard. Calia's a lawyer in New York, divorced with two kids,

Will and Rose Kohanek. Marian's...well, I have no idea why she wants to do

that-- it's even more stressful than being a cop.She's a emergency room

doctor, and a damn good one, too. Dad retired a few years ago, and he was

driving Mom crazy until he became a guardian ad litem. He's doing a good job,

too. Mom belongs to the Hadasseh Sisterhood, and she's on the temple board.

She runs everything in sight. I was damn lucky to get them...and if any of

the Kindred ever touches them..." Frank finished.

"Don't worry about that. Don't ever worry." Julian promised. And at that

minute, Kamala Torres, Cameron's latest sweetheart, screamed out, "Get off my

car, you crazy shithead!"

Chapter 8

*The things I do for my clan,* thought Cameron as he ran outside to see

what had disturbed his latest...and probably permanent, girlfriend. He'd been

eavesdropping on Julian, along with Sasha and Cash. The shock he'd gotten

listening to Julian telling about himself and Archon, had been equaled when

Sasha had gotten horny and started kissing Cash--right in front of her

Primogen! Worse, she'd hauled Cash off somewhere, and he now thought he could

hear Cash screaming in orgasm. *ugh. why couldn't Sasha have picked a nice

Brujah boy?* The revelations about Frank startled him, but now that he knew

something about Frank, he began to understand Frank a little better. Or at

least, why Frank was so obsessive a cop. There were several things Julian

didn't know about Frank's family that Cameron knew...and would tell Julian.

Now, to find out why Kamala was yelling her head off.

Kamala Torres, 24 years old, red-haired with legs that had Cameron

moaning each time he looked at them, stood yelling at the wild-haired man on

her car. She had just walked from the door of the Wolf House when Cameron

didn't answer, and found this man on her car. "WHO ARE YOU, YOU SHITHEAD!?!?

AND GET OFF MY CAR! I JUST BROUGHT IT!" Petunia wobbled out of the house

then, and ran down the hill to the gates. "Peabrain, damnit! I told you never

to get on cars! Julian," as Julian arrived, Frank with his gun out,"this lady

is right. Peabrain is a shithead. However, he must have information about the

Preacher...oooh. That's a good way to shut someone up, other than stitching

their mouths shut." at the scene that Julian, Frank, and Petunia were looking

at. Cameron had caught up with Kamala, and now was kissing her---a kiss that

caused Petunia to remember the man on the estate where she grew up..*now that

man could curl my toes..*

Peabrain looked as well, and was a little disappointed that no one was

looking at him, except the cop. "Gingerbread boy, here's my message. To the

right, to the left, and straight on till morning. Make it so! In Xavier did

Kublai Khan build a pleasure's the rest of it go? I don't care.

Bye, you old bat! I'm off to hide in a tree!" yelled Peabrain, and


"Where's he go? And what was that about Kublai Khan? " Frank frantically

said, casting his gun about. Julian narrowed his eyes, and thought. "That

line with Kublai Khan is from a poem by Coleridge--" "the greatest of us

Malkavians!" Petunia cut in. "Thank you for that, Petunia. I have no idea

what the straight on till morning was, but you're right, Frank, 'Make it so'

is from Star Trek."

Frank stopped, put his gun back in his shoulder holster, and said,

"Where did you meet Archon? Something about a guy named Chen and a pleasure

palace? Maybe Peabrain was trying to tell you that Preacher's there?"

"Most likely. But we can't do anything right now. Look. The sun's coming

up and I need to Feed. Go back inside and wait for me in the kitchen.

Petunia, you should go and rest. Cameron..Cameron?" At that, Cameron jerked

his head up, "Yeah, Julian. I need to tell you something before I leave with

this lovely morsel here.." "Oh sweetie, stop!" "I told you never call me

sweetie, damnit! Ah well. Go and wait for me in the car, liebchen. I need to

finish something up first." Cameron noticed then that Frank was trudging back

to the house, and Petunia had disappeared in much the same way as Peabrain.

Kamala nodded and walked back to her car. She noticed the scratches and

sighed. *got to go to that professional car wash again. Maybe I should bill

Cameron for this? Each time I go out with him something happens. No, on

second thought, I'll make him get me insurance in case something happens,

like the kidnapping on the first date. First date!*

Frank looked back at Julian and Cameron, who were still talking, and

walked into the foyer. He wasn't sure where the kitchen was, but..oh. Look. A

door, with a nice soft, inviting sofa inside. *Julian's got taste. He also

doesn't have anyone who's pregnant, here.* With that thought, he got on the

sofa, kicked off his shoes, placed his gun holster where he could get at it

in case of emergency, and went to sleep.

Julian and Cameron had managed to have a decent conversation, and

Cameron had informed him of several things he didn't know about Frank's

family. One, John Williams had been embraced about four years ago by the

late, unlamented idiot Eddie Fiori, and two, the Preacher had been making a

nuisance of himself down at the Brujah headquarters. Apparently Eddie had

been protecting him over the years, without Archon and Julian's knowledge,

and now the Preacher was insisting that the Brujah help him kidnap Julian.

Three, Williams and the Preacher had joined up.

With that grim knowledge, Julian watched as Cameron palaced his

girlfriend and drive off. He looked at the sun, and walked inside. But Frank

wasn't in the kitchen. Puzzled, Julian walked toward his bedroom, only to

find Frank out cold on the sofa. Julian needed to Feed, and Frank would do

just as well as his secretary.

Frank woke to see Julian's face near his, and Julian's hand smoothing

his side, as a person would soothe a nervous dog. Frank snuggled even deeper

in the bed......BED? *how did I get here--oh. never mind. this is great. just

perfectly soft, the way I like it...* Frank started to retreat into

dreamland, but then came awake as Julian kissed him on the neck. *Julian said

he needed to Feed...oh shit. I'm his breakfast.*

Julian nuzzled Frank's neck, smelling the cop. He licked, while he kept

soothing Frank with his hand. He felt a quiver go all along Frank's body,

and knew he had to hurry up and feed. But he didn't want to. Not really. But.

He opened his mouth, and the fangs emerged. Julian then bit down, and started

to drink. Frank opened his eyes wide,*he had never felt this with Alexandra*

and then passed out from the pleasure.

Julian finished up, stood up and smiled at the unconscious Frank. He

knew how Frank felt, because Archon had done the same to him. He got a wet

cloth, and cleaned the wounds on Frank's neck.Frank stirred, and woke up a

little. He then forced Frank to drink some orange juice, and once Frank

finished drinking, pulled the silk cover up around Frank's neck.

And for the first time in several years, Frank slept smiling.

Chapter 9

Julian sat up in his bed, seeing the dying light that comes before

darkness come through the curtains, realizing what he had done earlier. He

looked down at a peacefully sleeping Frank. *I bit Frank....and enjoyed it.

Wonder what Archon would say? The hell with it probably. Now, to deal with

the Preacher and John Williams. Cameron probably will help me do this, he

doesn't like either one. Then what? We need to talk. I've never had a feeding

quite like that one.*

Frank, at about the same time, stirred and stretched. *Oh, but that was

a GREAT wet dream. Wanna do it again. Waitminuit..Julian DID bite me. Uh-oh.*

He opened his eyes tentatively, afraid of what he would see. Julian smiled

at the almost-afraid look on Frank's face. Sonny had looked the same way

once, long ago. *Long ago and far away, as the song goes.*

"Frank? Frank, we need to talk. We have to find a way to deal with the

Preacher, and then we'll talk about what just happened." Julian said. Frank

shifted around on the bed, and finally sat up. When he did, dizziness hit him

almost instantly. "Frank--take it easy. Here, have some toast and orange

juice. I took more than I meant to, and I'm sorry." Julian handed him the

foresaid items, and at that moment, Cameron kicked in the door.

"That little Malkavian shit! I'm going to KILL him when I find him! Kill

him! OH. Excuse me, please." At that moment, Cameron finally realized what he

was looking at. Julian...and Frank, in bed together. "What is this, an orgy?

Cash and Sasha, you and there something in the water?!?!" Cameron

angrily remarked, then sat down at the foot of the bed and sighed.

"Cameron. Not that I appreciate you kicking in the door, but what

happened?" Julian got out of bed, walked over to the chair, picked up his

robe and put it on. Frank started looking for his clothes when he realized he

couldn't see them anywhere. "Frank, try the closet--yes, to the right."

"Julian, I don't wanna look like your clone. Don't you have any jeans and

shirts?" "Frank..." "OK, OK, here's something I can live with."

Frank got into the dark blue shirt and black linen pants. He didn't know

that these were the clothes that Julian had wore when he went to meet with

Alexandra for the last time.

Julian, however, did know the story behind these clothes, and sighed.

Cameron finally looked up and said, "The warehouse's gone. It's been blown to

kingdom come. That little shit. Julian, when you finally corner him, I want a

piece of him." "Cameron. What warehouse?"

Frank looked up from his orange juice, "The warehouse where Boyle died?

It was blown up?" "Yes, the one with all the chains. God. I loved that

place--it was uniquely Brujah. Damnit!"

Julian turned around, putting on his vest. "Blown up? What happened?"

"That little shit--he called at about 3 in the morning, saying that I didn't

live up to my end of the deal. What deal? I don't remember making one with

that twerp. As a result, he said, he would take the thing most dear to us

Brujah. We thought he meant the Marina. Well, it was pretty close. That

warehouse was the headquarters for all the Brujah in the city. I lost

everything--paperwork, records, etc. Damnit. Worse, Kamala saw the place blow

up. She's at the hospital getting stitched up, she got a cut over the eye and

one on her arm. I want a piece of that shit!"

Julian looked at Frank, "You better call in to the department. See what

they have on the warehouse." Frank shook his head, "Depends on if anyone was

killed. They only call us in when someone dies. Did any die, Cameron?" No.

Injuries, but no deaths." "OK. You really need this information, Julian? If

you do, I've got a friend who can get it for me. Aria, or probably Hawk. Let

me call them."

"The phone's right there, Frank. Just dial 4 first to get out." As Frank

called, Julian beckoned Cameron closer. "Cameron--you said you could track

the Preacher and John Williams down. Can you?" "Sure. Now?" "No. I need to

get the clans together first, figure out how to concentrate our efforts.

Cameron? Why don't you go get something to eat, or take a nap? You look like

someone drove over you."

"This--from a Venture? My God. There really IS something in the water.

My God." Cameron staggered out of the room. He leaned against the wall, and

at that moment, he looked right at the stairs. Cash and Sasha had finally

come out of their room, and now was kissing like there were no tomorrow.

"Sasha? I need you to come with me. Sasha, are you even listening to me?"

Cameron moaned, and slid down the wall. *Disasters on top of disasters. Why'd

I get out of bed today?* At that moment, Julian's butler walked up to him,

"Sir. Your bed is turned down and ready. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yeah. Bring me a straight shot of whiskey, but in my rooms. I really don't

want to deal with anyone right now, much less Petunia. Whatever you do, don't

let her in my rooms. I'm going to take a two hours nap." With that, Cameron

got up and walked to his room. His last glance was of Cash and Sasha, still

kissing. *There has to be something in the water. *sigh**

Frank and Julian sat on the bed, looking at each other. Neither was

sure what he wanted to say, but he wanted the other to be the first to say

something. Julian broke the silence. "Frank--you were the best." "Nice to

know you like Irish blood with some whiskey, Julian." Julian looked at Frank

for a long second, then started to laugh. After a startled silence, Frank

started to laugh too. Both rolled on the bed, laughing helplessly.

Two pairs of eyes glared at the giggling, laughing couple, promising

vengeance. One thought, *the cop has what should be mine.* The other thought

*so that's my son. doesn't look like much. a pig, no less. should have killed

him instead of his slut of a mother.*

Chapter 10

"Aria and Hawk say that the arson squad report will be given out in a few

days, but they already know what the report says. According to Hawk, "The

warehouse was so wired with explosives that if someone had even breathed

sharply, it would have gone up. Nice fireworks, by the way."" Frank smiled

and hung up the phone.

Someone had finally managed to separate Cash and Sasha, but they still

grinned like love-struck calves at each other. At the name Hawk, Cash's head

jerked around and glared at Frank. "Hawk? Hawk Mavkinsky? I know him--"

"Yes you do. He was undercover with the Gangrels a few years ago, but

never got as far as the upper circle. If I remember correctly, Stevie Ray had

asked me for permission to Embrace him, but when it came out that Hawk was a

cop, he beat him up in the Haven. Lillie complained about the bloodstains for

weeks after that. Speaking of who, where is she?" Julian looked around, but

Lillie wasn't there.

Cameron looked up from the hair of the dog he was nursing, "Why is that

kine here, Julian? You're so damned hot on the Traditions, and then you

bring that, that cop in and fuck him! Why don't you just do it on the Marina

and sell tickets?!?! "

Julian's face turned white with anger, but Frank beat him to the punch.

Walking rapidly around the table to Cameron, he punched Cameron and watched

as he fell out of the chair, and adding insult to injury, deliberately poured

the hair of the dog on Cameron's face.

Frank spoke slowly and steadily. "Cameron. What happens between Julian

and I is none of your business unless it jeopardizes your precious

Masquerade. You were right to question my presence at this table, but wrong

to insinuate that Julian cares nothing for the Traditions, whatever they are.

I understand that you've been under a lot of stress lately, but next time you

say something like that, it won't be a punch you'll get. It'll be a phosphorus

gun. Understand?"

Cameron wiped the tomato mixture from his face, looked at Frank and

quietly nodded.

Cash had to work to hide his grin. He liked this cop and his attitude. Of

course, his help with Zane hadn't hurt any. His thoughts grimly turned to

Hawk. Stevie Ray's last love. And his last grief. But he would worry about

him later. Now, the Primogens had to deal with the Preacher.

At that point, Petunia sashayed in the room. Julian's head swerved to

behold the vision that was Petunia. "Don't you like those clothes? You

should, I stole them out of Lillie's closet. Don't think she'll mind--she's

flirting with her latest prospect for embracing. Gingerbread boy--you smell

of Cajun cooking! *cackling* Ha! Ooh. The Preacher should be busy untangling

the presents I gave him. *sounds of paper ripping* Nice paper, Cajun."

"Petunia--I'm not Cajun, I'm Creole--why am I telling you this? You're

just going to forget it one millisecond after I tell you. Do you know where

the Preacher is? Cameron's hopping mad--" "That Preacher destroyed his little

clubhouse? Julie , dear, that's what we Malkavians do. We commit mayhem and

wipe-spread destruction. You really think the earthquake did all that damage

back in '89? Nah, was us! But, see, the Preacher went over the edge,line,

whatever. He wasn't supposed to stalk the Prince--only the primogen can

harass you. Now don't you feel loved?" And with that Petunia smiled.

"Sure. I do. Petunia, come on. I do need to stop them before they crack

the Masquerade wide open. Frank, what else did they say?"

Frank had unknowingly taken the Ventrue clan seat, and Julian blinked at

that. "Well, Aria still has contacts, as does Hawk from their undercover

days, and they say that these contacts saw Williams and Preacher near this

rundown hotel next to a bar named "Rosie's". It's their guess that our boys

live there temporarily."

Petunia had been playing with the paper, twisting it into a horse-shaped

object, when she heard the word "Rosie's". "That's where they are--and where

I left the presents. Heh."

Cameron, who had climbed back into his seat, fell off again when he heard

Petunia's confirmation. Standing, waving his glass in the air, he howled,

"What the hell are we waiting for?!? Let's get these SOBs! Brujah! Godamnit,

what the hell are you doing, fucking in the goddamn fountain?"

Julian quietly got up, whispered to Cash to get the cars ready. When Cash

asked about the Brujah, Julian just shook his head, "I think all the Brujah

in the city heard Cameron from here. They know, and they'll be there." He

stood up and looked at Frank. "Frank--go back to the station. You'll know

soon enough what happened. And--thank you for the nourishment.We'll talk


"Only you Ventrue could use the word "nourishment" to describe sucking

someone.." muttered Petunia.


Two Days Later

"Look at this--the place looks like it's in Sarajevo. Wonder what happened

there?" Hawk Mavinsky waved the picture of the destroyed hotel in Sonny

Toussaint's face. Sonny pushed away the picture, and glared at Aria *my

mother was a hippie, what can I say?* Wind. Frank grinned at Sonny. He knew

it wasn't any fun dealing with the most wildest people the 35th had to

offer--excluding him, of course.

He looked away and saw Cameron and Kamala walking toward him. Kamala had a

nice whopper of a black eye, sustained from the explosion and Cameron had an

air of someone who've been satisfied--thoroughly. Kamala began. "We've come to

give our statements about the explosion at that warehouse."

As Frank went through the statements with both Kamala and Cameron, and

asked them to sign the papers, a thought occurred to him. "Kamala, what do you

do?" he asked.

Kamala smiled and said, "I'm a IRS investigator--I investigate illegal

activities....Cameron! Cameron, what the..?" Frank looked over the side of

the desk, and called for the guy who replaced Charon in the morgue to come

help. "He's a doctor?" "Yes, but he cuts up bodies for a living.."

The End...of this story.

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