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Encounters, Part 3

A Swordfeast Universe RP session  



Cash leaves the Harley in the courtyard, and heads up the front stairs to the mansion at a dead run.  Pushing open the front door, he heads for the study.  [JULIAN!!]

Just outside the study door, he pauses to calm down for a moment.....  [Oh, gods, this is not good.  They basically know... the Masquerade...  DAMN!]  He knocks on the study door.

Julian opens the door, holding a book in his hand.  "Yes, Cash, what is it?"  He is calm, composed.

"Julian, I just made contact with the mortals   they are very aware of the Kindred.  They know about Anthony and me.  They can peg us by our lack of heartbeats..."

"Come in, Cash." Julian's voice is still calm as he shuts the door behind them. As soon as they are alone, he flings the book down.  "Who told you to make contact? You were sent to observe them."  Julian moves toe to toe with Cash, his anger beginning to flare.

"My lord, they walked right up to me.  Should I have run?"

"It might not have been a bad idea."  Julian raises his hands, clenching his fists to keep from throttling Cash.  [Arggh. I should have sent Daedalus; the Nosferatu are adept at this.]  He stalks around the room, visibly irritated, more by the fact that this is one more thing to deal with than that Cash did anything wrong.

As Julian stalks away, the Gangrel slips to his knees.  The prince in a temper, better to make oneself a smaller target.

Julian turns back to find Cash on his knees and smiles, bemused at the penitent position his lover takes.  He walks toward the Gangrel, running his hand through his hair. There is still a harsh edge in his voice, but the initial anger has been abated. He leans down into Cash's face.  "Did *you* break the Masquerade?"

"My lord, they already know that we are different, they have spoken to Frank.... he is to be Ellison's mentor in a police exchange program.  They have all the pieces and are not stupid men, my prince.  You need to speak to them."

Julian raises his hands to the heavens with an exasperated look. "Why is that *everything* comes back to Frank? I really should reconsider Embracing that man."  The last is a mutter.

"My lord, he is not discrete with his suspicions.  As unruly as a Gangrel, that one."

Julian laughs at the analogy.   "Perhaps a little Ventrue discipline would change that," he says with a smirk. "Off your knees, Cash."  He motions for the Gangrel to stand.  "My anger is less with you than with the situation. Too many things coming at once."

Standing, the Gangrel continues, "Yes, there are strange currents in the city.  New enemies, but maybe new allies as well.  My lord, the mortals, shall I summon them?"

"If you feel I should speak with these men, then I will. Make the arrangements," Julian replies.

"When would be convenient, my prince?"

"Let's go ahead and get this over with. Call them now, and I'll rearrange my schedule."

Cash moves to the desk, pulling out his copy of Blair's business card.  He dials the number......  "Voice mail," he mouths to Julian.  Into the phone he speaks, "Dr. Sandburg, this is Cash.  Please call me back... 557 1960.  Mr Luna would like the honor of your presence as soon as possible."

Julian thinks to himself: [I guess the Tremere will just have to wait while I deal with these mortals. Perhaps I can catch up with Thorne in the morning.]

In Jim's truck, Blair's pager begins to beep. He pulls it off his belt and looks at it.  "I got a message, Jim."

Jim glances over, thinking that was fast.  His partner pulls out his phone and calls up the message.... listening....

While they're waiting, Julian walks up behind Cash and puts his arms around him.  "Sorry, cara mia. Too much of being the prince."  He nuzzles the Gangrel's neck.

Blair says, "It's Cash. 'Mr. Luna would like the honor of your presence as soon as possible.'  He left me a number to call... for directions, I'm assuming."

The detective takes a deep breath.  "Okay.  We can do this, Chief.  You ready?"

His voice is a bit tight.  "Yeah.  Yeah, I'm ready if you are, Jim."  Blair is not smiling.  He dials the number and waits.

"Camera della Luna."  The Gangrel's voice is crisp and professional."

"Cash? This is Blair Sandburg."

"Dr. Sandburg, Blair.  Thank you for calling back so promptly."  His voice warms just a bit.

Blair talks as calmly as he can.  "We got your message. Jim and I need directions but we can come over now, if that's all right. Your message... it said 'as soon as possible'."

"Yes, now would be fine.  We are on the east bluff of the bay, overlooking the bridge, 3812 Marina Boulevard.  I'll tell the gate to expect you.  Are you taking a cab?"   Eyeing Jim out of the corner of his eye, Blair speaks into his cell phone, "No. We're in Jim's truck."

"Then park to the right of the courtyard when you get here, I'll meet you."

"Right. Okay. Thanks."  Blair hangs up, tells Jim the address. "Do you want me to pull out the map and find it, Jim?"

In the meantime, Cash buzzes the gate.  "Michael, the prince is expecting visitors, they will be driving a truck, two mortals."

Jim responds to Blair, "Please, Chief, I don't think you want me looking at the map while driving over the Bay Bridge, do you?"  He smiles, trying to put his partner at ease.

Blair laughs.  "No, I guess not."

Fifteen minutes later, the blue and white Ford Ranger pulls onto Marina Boulevard, which fronts directly on the San Francisco Bay.  They pull up to the only mansion on that stretch.  There's an impressive view of the Golden Gate bridge off to the west from there.  "Wow..."  Jim whistles under his breath.  It's a veritable castle.

"Oh man! What a spread!" Blair exclaims.

The iron gates are pulled to across the drive, and a tall man in a long duster comes to the driver's side of the truck.

"May I help you, sir?" Michael inquires politely.

Jim looks over the man, curious.  "We're here to see Mr. Luna.  He should be expecting us."  His throat is dry.  Blair suddenly feels underdressed.  The man wears a neat pinstripe suit under the open duster, very formal for a gatekeeper.

"Yes, he is, I will ring the house, you will be met in the courtyard."

Blair wipes his hands nervously on his jeans... swallows nervously.  He whispers to Jim, "Is that the butler?"

Michael smiles and waves them through the opening gates.

Jim shrugs, tries to remain calm.  "I have no idea, Chief."  He turns, gives him a smile, then drives the truck through the gates.

Cash is getting  the message at the house. "Julian, they are here, I'll meet them in the courtyard."

The detective pulls up to the courtyard, parks.  Giving Blair a thumbs up, he climbs out of the truck.

Cash walks slowly down the long front stair.  The mortals are just getting out of the truck as he reaches the bottom of the stairs.  "Welcome to Camera della Luna, gentlemen.  I trust you had no problem finding us."  That last is laced with just a touch of sarcasm, he figures that Jim would have checked them out.

Jim narrows his eyes, wondering at the tone of voice in the... whatever.  "We have a good map."

"Yeah, thanks," Blair murmurs.  "Nice digs, Cash."

Cash smiles, having his gambit ignored bothers him not at all.  "Blair, Jim, be welcome in this house."   He gestures to the stairs.

"Thanks."  Guardedly, Jim starts up the stairs, followed by Blair, who unconsciously keeps within physical reach of his partner.

Cash follows the pair, (if the truth be told, he's admiring the view.)

The front door swings open as they approach, the mortal pair pause, the figure in the door, tall, balding, imposing, clad in black, holding the door.  Cash moves past them into the house.  "Thank you, Daedalus."

Blair looks up... muttering, "Oh my!"  Jim, too, gapes at the "doorkeeper".  There is no doubt now... these aren't quite human.  Especially this one.   Blair, hearing the name Daedalus, almost jumps   [THAT's Daedalus??]

Daedalus intones, "Good evening, Gentlemen.  Cash, the prince awaits you in the conclave room."

Blair grabs surreptitiously for Jim, and whispers, "Jim! Did you see his ears??"

As usual, Jim touches Blair on the back, making that physical connection.  His lover's agitation is all too evident.  Straightening, Jim looks directly at Daedalus.  "Good evening... sir."  Blair is trying hard not to gape at the tall vampire.  The air is of civility and culture, and Jim chooses to play that way, too.  His touch to his partner communicates that... "play along"

The shorter man tries desperately to pull himself together.  "Uh...."  He has to clear his throat.  "Um, hello... Daedalus."

Cash leads the way to the conclave room, smiling to himself at their reactions to Daedalus.  He knocks briefly at the door to the room, "My prince, your visitors are here."

Here's another surprise: [PRINCE??]  Jim, too, thinks: [Prince, what's this prince stuff?]  But Jim keeps his expression calm, his manner focused but relaxed, non-threatening.

At Julian's "enter", Cash opens the door.

Julian Luna stands at the end of the long conference table, offset against the blaze in the fireplace. His hands are clasped in front of him, his hair slicked back from a widow's peak, his skin not particularly pale. His black Armani suit is set off by a blood red silk shirt and black satiny tie.

Blair's mouth goes very dry, staring at the head vampire... cautiously.

Cash closes the door behind the mortal pair, and crosses the floor to stand before Julian.  The prince extends his hand, staring straight at the human visitors.  Cash grasps it in both of his, bowing low to touch it first to his forehead, the brushes it with his lips, his tongue just grazes the flesh.  The Gangrel is enjoying teasing the mortals.  "My lord, my prince."  [Lover.]

"Thank you, Cash" [Nice touch, little one.]  He never breaks his gaze from the humans, his face solemn. "Daedalus, please stay."

Jim gets something of an electric.. something... surge through him, looking on Julian Luna for the first time. As he'd suspected, the man exudes power and immense presence.  Jim is hard put to keep to his plan.

A part of Blair's stunned mind is processing all these external clues, the names Cash gives to the man he calls his "Prince".  He senses a very ancient, very feudal history at work here.

Cash nods, then straightening, he introduces  them.  "My lord, may I present to you, Captain James Ellison, Now Detective Ellison, and Dr. Blair Sandburg.  Gentlemen, Mr. Julian Luna, Prince of the city."

Julian nods, acknowledging their presence, but says nothing.

Approaching, Jim offers his hand.  "Thank you for the.. invitation, Mr. Luna.  Your house is... impressive." He has so many questions, but feels that they will be answered.  He hopes.  Already they have told them much... Daedalus, the "prince".

Daedalus, having slipped into the room behind the mortals, takes his place at Julian's right shoulder, Cash slips around to the left.

Blair dredges up a nervous version of his normal bright smile, nods at Julian and says, "Nice to meet you... uh... your highness."

Julian takes Jim's hand with a firm shake.  He smiles at Blair's comment. "You are *not* Kindred. Mr. Luna will suffice."

Jim returns the firmness with relief, managing a smile.  "I wasn't aware San Francisco had a prince, sir.  Excuse me if my manners aren't up to speed."  But he wonders at the word:  [Kindred?]

Jim belatedly remembers to try to listen for heartbeats.  To his amazement, Julian Luna's heart *is* beating, albeit faintly.  Still not human.  "Your heart's beating..."  Jim speaks before thinking, so astonished is he.  He didn't expect to find that.

Cash muffles a snort of amusement.

There is no aggression in the voice of the Prince or in his manner. It is matter of fact, polite.  "Does that surprise you? What were you expecting?"

"The other... Kindred... their hearts did not beat.  But I know you are as they are.  Your heart beats, but still not as a human."  Jim can hardly believe what he is saying, but he knows what he knows.

"You came here with a plan, detective. Is that not right? And I just threw a cog into it."   He pulls back his hand and motions to the chairs.    "Why don't you sit down?"

Jim Ellison looks at Julian, trying not to stare, for he is aware he is in the presence of something truly incredible here.  He wonders how Blair is taking this, glances aside at him.

Blair, however, is unable to keep a bemused expression off his face, feeling like he's stepped through the Looking Glass or something.  His partner nods, touches Blair on the back, moves with him to the chairs and sits down.  In a daze, Blair follows Jim's lead and sits next to him in a chair.  The anthropologist's mind is awhirl with questions and ideas.

Jim leans over to his lover, noting his expression.  "You with us here, Chief?"

"Uh... yeah, Jim.... sorta..."  A grin splits his face.  "I just canNOT believe this is happening! A whole new culture!! Right here under my nose!!"

The three Kindred remain standing while the mortals sit down.  "Your friend seems a bit more dazed by all this. Could I offer you a drink perhaps?"  the prince asks the detective.

"Yes, please."   Jim just rolls his eyes.  Blair *would* find this interesting in an anthropological sense!

Blair laughs, his odd sense of the absurd coming back again.  "Oh, man! could I have a Bloody Mary?" he giggles.

"Water will be fine, please,"   Jim speaks a bit more firmly.

Cash sputters in the background at Blair's comment. [A man after my own heart... What a Gangrel that one would make...]

Julian turns slightly to his left.  "Cash, if you please ... whatever the gentlemen desire."   There is a bemused tone in his voice, an intrigue.

Blair recovers quickly.  "Mr. Luna,  I've got about a million questions that I'm dying to ask you right now!"

"Sandburg..." Jim sighs a warning.  "Shouldn't we let Mr. Luna decide what to tell us?"

"In time, Mr. Sandburg. First, I'd like to know exactly *how* you came to know of us."

Cash, still smirking, goes to the bar and fetches a carafe of ice water and two goblets.  Setting them between the two mortals, he winks at Blair.  [Want some wine, Julian?]

Blair catches Cash's eye and winks back.

Jim takes a deep breath.  They're going to figure out about his senses, if they haven't already.  The story about Ranger training is probably wearing thin already.    "I'm assuming you spoke with Dr. Anthony Carr."

"Yes, Cash, that will be fine,"  Julian answers aloud the mental query, no doubt confusing the mortals' mind even more.

Cash nods and goes back to the bar, pouring out a glass of the vineyard's merlot.  [Let them guess if it's straight wine or something else....]

Turning his attention back to Ellison and Sandburg, the prince moves to take a chair, feeling a little more at ease than moments ago.  "Yes, we've spoken with Anthony."

Jim starts, aware that there is something more going on... can they actually think at one another?  NOW he's getting majorly worried.  What if they're interested in him because of his senses??

Cash sets the goblet of dark red by Julian's hand and steps back, falling into that "parade rest" stance.

The Sentinel notes the glass of red something, can't help but wonder what it is...   His partner notices Jim's start, wonders what caused it... then wonders what's in that wine glass in Julian's hand and sobers instantly.  Blair looks up at Julian again, and at Cash ... in his "stance".  Cash is Julian's bodyguard, Blair surmises.

Julian takes a long sip of the wine, noticing the stares from each of the mortals. [Hmmm, I think I've startled them. How quaint.] He says nothing to ease their minds.

Jim swallows with difficulty.  "I don't know if I can answer that question, Mr. Luna."  He glances to the side, gauging the distance to the door.  If they have to run, how far is it?  Can he signal Blair when they're in trouble and have to try to escape?

The smaller mortal realizes Jim's tensing up... ready to bolt rather than admit to his heightened senses to these strangers... Blair tries to think of something fast.

Cash notes their fear as well and decides on a test, no mortal could hear across the length of the conclave table, so he leans forward to the prince's ear, turning his head so that there is no possibility of lip reading.  "I think they have Kindred ears, my lord, at least Ellison does."

But Jim is careful not to react, though of course he has heard that.

Julian senses the tension and decides a bit of reassurance is in order. after all, he is intrigued by these men, both professionally and otherwise. he sits down the wine glass.  "Gentlemen, you have nothing to fear from me."

"Well, Mr. Luna..." Blair replies uneasily, trying to explain his partner, "Jim's able to sense certain things about people sometimes. You know, like ESP? And... well, he had this twinge about Dr. Carr. And Cash. He does it all the time."

Daedalus perks up at that, a gleam in his eye... his theory of psychic ability confirmed.

Jim sighs a bit in relief, thinking 'good try, Sandburg', hoping they believe him.

Julian shakes his head.  "Not that I believe you're *trying* to deceive me, I somehow don't think that's quite the whole truth, Dr. Sandburg. I think it takes more than ESP to tell if someone has a heartbeat or not."    Julian's look is one of mild disbelief.

"Oh, that's Jim's Ranger training. He's very good. One of the best."

The detective ducks his head, still tensed for flight  "Mr. Luna, you say we have nothing to fear from you."    He looks up, opening his hand.  "How can we believe that?"

Cash points out to the prince, [Julian, listen to *his* heart, he is lying, they both reek of fear, and they were not that afraid upon beholding Daedalus.]

Jim notes Cash's imperceptive shift of stance, his focus of attention on Julian.  Is there some mental communication going on here?

Glancing over at his friend and lover, Blair hopes that Jim can convince them without antagonizing them

[I know, Cash. I feel it. His fear is valuable.]  Straightening up in the chair, Julian clasps his hands in front of him on the table.   "You can believe it, Detective Ellison, because you are sitting here talking with me. If I wished to cause you fear, you would be in less pleasant surroundings."

Blair is a bit chilled by Julian's mild threat.

Jim copies Julian's posture on purpose.  "Clearly you have the upper hand here, sir.  This is your home, you outnumber us, and you have powers of the mind, most likely.  I cannot trust my secret to you under these conditions."    He pointedly looks at Cash  "At least let me speak to you alone. Surely we are not so much of a threat to you that your *bodyguard* needs to be present."  He glances toward Daedalus, but isn't sure he can get Julian to dispense with him as well. Although it would make him a hell of a lot more comfortable.

"You are most definitely *not* a threat. And these men are not here to guard me. They are my advisers ... and companions."  The prince settles back in the chair, smug in his power.  "Would you so easily dismiss your *associate*?"

The anthropologist glances a bit anxiously at Jim.  Ouch... would Jim entrust these with Blair?  Still... his secret is as sacred to him as theirs is to them.  And his only edge here.

"Perhaps a little tit for tat is in order here, detective," the prince continues, "You answer my questions, and I'll answer yours. Honestly."

Blair whispers to his Sentinel, "If you want me to, I'll leave, Jim..."

Julian glances at both Cash and Daedalus, seeking approval for what he is about to do.    [They know of us, so the Masquerade is broken. There is raw potential here. Perhaps they could be made allies.]

Cash thinks back, [Yes, better ones than some.....] thinking of Frank.

Daedalus puts in, [Or Embraced.... eventually]

Jim glances aside, nodding reassurance to his lover, then turns back to Julian. "Sir, you have an entire society to keep your secrets.  Me, I have myself and Blair.  I judge that my personal safety is in danger here, and so is Blair's.  I don't think I can risk that further."

Julian nods.  "Cash, Daedalus ... please, both of you, take a seat. I think it might make our guests feel a little less threatened."  Daedalus sits, quietly in the seat usually occupied by the Ventrue primogen at Julian's right hand.

The Sentinel's ice blue eyes smolder, as the adjustment is marginally acceptable.

Feeling more and more like a bug under a microscope, Blair studies all the faces in the room... Daedalus is calm and brooding, but not threatening... Jim is obviously angry... but there's something about Cash and Julian that makes Blair pause and almost unconsciously place a hand on Jim's arm.... He realizes with a warm start that he suspects Cash and Julian could be... close. Very close. Lovers, perhaps!

Cash, on the other hand, leans in over Julian's shoulder, brushing a quick kiss on his lover's lips before curling up on the floor at Julian's left hand.

Julian pulls from his lover's lips sooner than he would like, but duty calls. He meets Ellison's eyes straight on, momentarily entranced by the deep blueness.  "I can guarantee that nothing you share in this room with leave it."

"Tell us what you are first."  Jim controls a reaction at Cash's treatment of the "prince".  "And my knowledge of that will not leave this room either.  And I pray I shall never have need to break that promise."

"Me, too."   Blair smiles a little, still touching Jim's arm.  "I swear."

Cash meets Blair's eyes, noting the touch, and smiles, rubbing his head against Julian's leg.

Heartened, Jim reaches over and places his hand on Blair's hand on his arm, leaves it there.  But his eyes never leave Julian Luna's.

Blair's eyes focus on Cash's as he smiles, feeling Jim's hand on him.

The prince decides.  "Very good. I think we have reached a compromise."  He lets his hand fall to Cash's head, absent mindedly stroking it.  His eyes flash silver to punctuate his speech.  "We are Kindred, a race set apart from humans since near the dawn of time. Myself, Daedalus and Cash represent three of the 13 clans of Kindred."

Jim settles back to listen, absorb the words.  Blair, beside him, is clearly fascinated, absorbing the words, memorizing this unique culture's history.  But Jim is thinking instead that he knows now with certainty, this is the Silver Wolf he faces.

Julian's mind goes back to the lessons he learned after his Embrace. He laughs to himself; it has been a long time since he has had to give this lecture.  "To answer the question you first asked of me ... our hearts beat after we have fed. Other than that, we for all practical purposes have no heartbeat."

Blair's own heart skips a beat at the word... "fed".

Jim leans forward.  "But you are alive.  Frank says you are... vampires.  So when you say you have 'fed', you mean... what, exactly?"

Blair nervously laughs lightly.  "Uh.... you don't drink the blood of virgins or anything... do you?"

"Please, Blair, let him answer..." Jim murmurs softly aside.

The prince takes another sip of wine, his mind caught by the word vampire    "We are Kindred. Vampire is a word created by humans, and does not apply to us.  And, no, Mr. Sandburg, we do not feed on the blood of virgins. Does that put *your* mind to ease?"   Julian looks at him with a smirk.

The young anthropologist blushes, ducking his head.  "Yes, thanks, Mr. Luna. I didn't mean any disrespect... it's just that... well...sorry."

Cash smothers another giggle. [I like this one, Julian]

"We do, however, feed on blood."  Julian looks again at Ellison.  "Knowing that you would expect no heartbeat, I fed before you arrived. Cash, give me your arm."

Obediently, Cash rises to his knees, extending his wrist to his lover.

Blair watches closely... fascinated... and a bit grossed out in a way.

Jim narrows his eyes, observing impassionately.  [Not vampires?  Right.]

His eyes intently on Ellison, Julian extends a talon and cuts a small path down Cash's inner arm. Blood falls in rivulets from it. He leans down, licking along the cut. [Ah, I want so much more of you.]

Cash throws back his head, the ecstasy of the Kiss plain on his face.... [More, Julian, please!]

The licking of the blood from Cash's arm is so wanton, so sensuous, that Jim to his surprise feels a jolt of arousal.  THIS side of the Kindred he had hardly expected.  Now his mouth is REALLY dry!

Blair is riveted by what he sees... and aroused by Cash's expression.  "Ohhhhhh,"  he whispers.

"Then... you feed from one another?"  the Sentinel's voice is barely above a whisper. Beside him, his lover wishes he had a notebook or something to write all this down in.

Julian kisses Cash's palm and drops his arm. [Later, my love.]  His eyes bore into Ellison's.  "Yes, from one another and from mortals. The blood we need to exist is very little, actually."

Cash's eyes flash silver with passion, he never suspected that his lover had this streak of exhibitionism in him.....

Jim pales, but holds the gaze steady.  "You kill mortals for blood, then."   The door, he has judged, is about fifteen feet away...

Blair swallows in a dry throat, but can't look away.

Cash shakes his head.  [They are so confused, my love, but smell their arousal, both of them.]

"If you expected monsters sinking their fangs into anything that moves, detective, you will be sorely disappointed with the Kindred. We do not kill humans. It is against Kindred law. We take what we little we need without their knowledge ... or with their consent."  Julian licks his lips, savoring the stray drops of Cash's blood.

At this news about not killing mortals, Blair lets out a breath that he didn't know he'd been holding.

Julian laughs at hearing Blair breathe again.  "We are not the frightening monsters of myth, Dr. Sandburg."

The idea of consenting to .... feed... one of these beings sends an unexpected surge of lust through Blair that he can barely believe, much less understand. "No... " Blair clears his throat, responding to the prince.  "Um, no, Mr. Luna... I didn't mean to imply that you were. It's just that... well, all we're going by is all those old legends and you have to admit, they're pretty 'bad press' for you."

Jim frowns, but the sight of Julian licking his lips is a bit much.  Jim shifts position in his chair, a bit uncomfortable.  "Aren't the wounds going to be a little obvious?" Cash turns his arm to show Ellison the unblemished skin.  "Well, so you heal fast, of course.  But the mortals?"

"A mortal would look the same, Captain.  Something in the Kindred Kiss."

Blair listens... even more surprised   "You mean... you can heal the wounds? Even on us?"

[A "kiss", he calls that a kiss!]  Jim is stunned, aroused, horrified all at once.  A lot to take in.   Blair is extremely fascinated.

"Of course, Blair," Cash answers with a chuckle.  "We don't hurt those we feed from..."

"Are you immortal, Mr. Luna?" Jim asks, still focused on Julian.

"Not in the sense that most mortals think of."  Julian pauses, becoming reflective.  "Death is inevitable for every living creature. Kindred just have the ability to postpone it for a longer period of time."

"How long?" Blair asks.

Daedalus replies, "I saw the Inquisition, Dr. Sandburg."

Blair's eyes go wide.  "Oh my."

"And I was born in 1830," the prince continues.  "Cash is somewhat younger."

Jim thinks: [Oh, my God...] But he keeps silent.

Blair grins widely now with all the potential history in the room.   [Oh wow!]

"The 5th Army was my own unit, Jim, not my grandfather's," Cash explains.

The Sentinel nods, realizing this.  "I know.  I read your service record."

"Damn computers," Cash mutters. [Julian, remind me to set up a new ID soon,] he sighs.

"Oh, man! this is so amazing!"  Blair is really focused now, wishing he HAD his laptop with him!

"So," Jim goes on, "you blend in fairly well with humans, and thus have kept your secret... except for the unfortunate movies out of Hollywood on vampires."

"AND that Anne Rice person.... yuck," Cash adds, chuckling.

"Yeah, more bad press, those movies out there." Blair smiles at Cash's comment about Anne Rice.

Julian looks intrigued.  "You seem to know more about us than you let on, Detective. What prompted all this research?"

"I met a man with no heartbeat, Mr. Luna," Jim sighs.  He knows he's going to have to tell now.  "By the way, are you going to let us leave here?"

Blair frowns abruptly at Jim's question about leaving... he doesn't WANT to leave... not yet, anyway.

"I mean, eventually?"

Ignoring Ellison for a moment, Julian turns his attention to Sandburg, following up on a point he let get away from him earlier.  "Those 'unfortunate' movies were created by Kindred. In fact, Blair ... may, I call you Blair?  You'd be interested to know that most of the legends were Kindred propaganda. It's best to keep the enemy looking the other way."

"They were? You did? You are?"  Blair chuckles  "Oh, wow! That's brilliant!" He turns his brightest smile on Jim. "I really am beginning to like these people, Jim!"  His eyes begging the question: [Can we tell yet?]

Jim glances at Blair suddenly, wondering if he'd lost his mind.  This is far from over.

Julian smiles. [I like this little guy. Nice sense of humor.]   Then he turns back to Ellison.  "We are nice people. And we are all around you, in every walk of life."

"So you say," Jim replies to the prince, still wary.  Julian hasn't answered his question.  He looks again at Blair, wondering at his easy acceptance.

Cash reminds his lover, [Well, except for the Sabbat and the Brujah, he's a cop, better tell him about them.]

Julian glances back at the anthropologist.  "I don't think your friend shares your enthusiasm, Blair. He doesn't trust us ... yet."  He steeples his fingers against his lips.  "He's worried the two of you won't be able to leave this room. Isn't that right?"

Jim breaks in.  "I believe I asked that question already.  I'm still waiting your answer."   The cold blue fire returns as his gaze swings back to Luna's.

Blair subsides, his smile lessening a bit.  "Yes."  Then, sighing, wishing he could help Jim with his doubts, he reaches for his glass of water, misses and hits it on the ground with a crash. "Oh, damn! I'm sorry..."  He bends to pick up a shard and yelps, "Ouch!" as he cuts his palm slightly.

Cash stands up, grabs a rag from the bar, and goes to Blair.  He drops the rag over the spill and kneels in front of the anthropologist.

"Thanks, man. I'm so sorry," Blair murmurs, but a large body is suddenly maneuvering between him and the Kindred.

Jim takes the rag from Cash hastily, a look of alarm on his face.  "I'll do that," he half growls.

"Don't worry..."  Cash smiles at Blair.  "May I?" He indicates the cut on his hand...

The detective tends to the spill and the broken glass.  "No," he answers Cash a bit sharply.

"Jim, I won't hurt him, I promise," Cash replies, looking puzzled.

"Hey, Jim, can I have... thanks, Cash, Jim's got it. I need a kleenex or something," Blair says.

Julian smiles at the interaction between Sandburg and Cash, knowing full well what's going on in the Gangrel's mind.

And the Gangrel is persistent.  "Why bother, I can heal it, nothing will happen to him," he tells Jim.

But Jim is already taking out a handkerchief.  He applies it over the cut, wrapping it expertly.  "There, Chief."

"Thanks, Jim," Blair murmurs, and sighs at his own clumsiness.

Julian frowns.  "Let Cash help him, Ellison. If you won't believe our words, let the actions speak for themselves.

The Sentinel whirls on the Kindred, furious.  "No!"

His partner is a bit puzzled, not following what's going on.  "Huh?"

Jim glares at Julian. "Why believe your tricks when you cannot promise we can even leave here?"

"Why not?"  Cash's voice is genuinely puzzled, as he thought Jim should accept his offer.  "Why make him suffer?"

"It's a small cut, he is NOT suffering!"  Jim is on his feet now, really alarmed, ready to grab Blair and run.

"You can leave. Nothing is holding you here but your desires."  Julian sits back, calmly. "I nor any of my people will try to stop you."  Beside him, Cash rocks back on his heels, frustrated.

Blair is a bit panicked by Jim's alarm.  [What's got INTO him??]

Everything in Jim is screaming alarm, needing to get them away from these strange creatures until they've had a chance to think about it.  This is TOO much, too soon.   Cash tries again, "Jim, Captain, you are my guests, I would never hurt you..."

"Let's go, Blair," Jim mutters.  He taps Blair on the shoulder, then glares at Cash.  "Yet you risk our trust... I don't think so." He looks back at Julian.  "This is all just TOO nice, too easy."

"How, we have given you our secrets and you have given none of yours."  Cash shakes his head.

Blair moves Jim aside.  "Wait a minute, Jim.  Cash... I have some questions..."  He looks at Jim, then back at Cash  "We told you about Jim's... abilities. His psychic talents."

The Sentinel looks at Blair, stunned.  He freezes.  The panic in him is starting a slow shut down of his senses, priming him for flight.

Julian is puzzled by the sudden rage in Ellison.  "I have nothing to fear by letting you walk out that door."

Seeing the panic on Jim's face, Blair wonders if he's starting to zone.  He quickly talks in a calm monotone, using Guide voice to Jim,   "Hold on, Jim. don't panic... I'm here.  Listen to the  sound of my voice, Jim... only to me... can you hear me Jim? Come on, partner... focus... "

Jim resists him, still focused on Julian.  "I can hear, damn it.  All too well."

Cash, realizing that all of this was started when Blair hurt himself, backs away gently, his hands spread, [Julian, I just wanted to help!!  Ok, and taste *him*, but why this panic?]

"These guys aren't threatening us, Jim," Blair persists.  "They've given us leave to go, they've been nice and gracious hosts and we're still standing, okay?"  He pats Jim's arm.  "Nobody hurt us... I'm okay... see?" He holds up his hand.  "I'm fine now."

Julian watches and listens, fascinated by the interaction. he speaks softly to his lover, almost in a whisper.  "Cash, everything is fine. You did no wrong. Come, back beside me."

Jim holds still, waiting until Cash has retreated. No fucking WAY was any of them going to have any of their blood today!!

Cash, wary of this mortal now, returns to kneel beside the prince, watching with wide silver-flecked eyes.

"Jim?"  Blair remains still standing there, holding his hand up, waiting for Jim to calm down and look at him.   Julian mentally speaks to his lover. [Little one, that wasn't exactly the smartest move you've ever made.] The mental tone is big brotherly, with a sarcastic edge.]

Cash pouts. [Darn it, I just wanted to taste him, *Blair* wasn't afraid, aroused, but not afraid. AND he's hurting now and I can't make it better.]

Jim's racing heart slowly returns to normal as he calms down, the threat to his Guide removed.  He glances aside at Blair, nods. Then he glances toward Julian, still a bit wary.   "I apologize... please understand but neither of us is *donating* today," he speaks firmly, fiercely, though in a controlled voice.

"Jim!"  Blair is a bit stunned by his partner's words and the vehemence behind them.

Jim is in full blown Blessed Protector mode, all his Sentinel and Ranger talents keyed to defense the moment that Kindred moved toward Blair.

Julian looks up from Cash, a sober expression on his face. "That is understandable, detective. No one was asking, either."

The Sentinel narrows his eyes, not believing that for a second.  He knows full well what was on Cash's mind.

Blair is a bit angry with his partner.  "I wasn't 'donating'!!! I just cut myself and Cash was only trying to be nice and help. He wasn't about to... to..."  He pauses, unable to find the right words.  "He wasn't going to hurt me, Jim!"

Jim returns to his seat, guarded, but the danger *was* removed. "Sorry, Blair, but I couldn't let him."

Confused, Blair rails at his lover. "Couldn't let him? Couldn't let him what??  It was just a little scratch!"

Julian notices Ellison's expression.  "I apologize for the Gangrel's actions. In his desire to assist your friend, he was a bit overzealous. As I said earlier, you have nothing to fear from us."

"Couldn't let him drink your blood, Sandburg.  Get the picture." Jim nods to Julian.  "Thank you.  I would like very much *not* to fear you. *That* was not helping."   Blair glances back at Cash and Julian, then back at Jim. "Huh? Drink??"  He is stunned for a moment.  "But... but there wasn't enough for that! It wasn't really bleeding THAT much."

"NO!!"  Cash objects hotly.  "It's not like that, Jim.  Whatever it is in our blood that makes us heal fast is in our saliva."

The detective smiles thinly.  [Convenient little omission...]  "Well, that hadn't exactly been explained to us beforehand, had it?"

"I wouldn't drink from him, not without his permission."

"Or mine," Jim snaps back, all Protector again.

But Blair is still listening to Cash... fascinated, trying to imagine how THAT worked.  "In your saliva? Really?"

The prince speaks up.  "Actually, Blair, Cash would not have ... and will not ... drink from you without my express permission."  He cuts a glare at Cash.   "There is a great deal that hasn't been explained to you about us."

Cash bows his head before his prince, obedient.  "My lord, I have not forgotten."

Blair resists the impulse to say out loud, [Yeah, we haven't exactly told YOU everything either.]

The Sentinel subsides, hearing about "permission".  He might be able to trust Julian Luna, not yet Cash.  "I don't expect you to tell us everything, Mr. Luna..."  He wishes he could call him Julian.    "Just what we need to know to be safe and keep your secret."

He takes Cash's chin in his hand.  "We will discuss this later," he says to his lover, then  turns his attention back to Ellison.  "No, I wouldn't want to share all our secrets."

Cash cuddles in under Julian's hand again, breathing in his scent.  "At your will, my prince," he whispers.

On a sudden impulse, Jim asks,  "May I call you Julian?"

The prince is startled by the request, and thinks for a minute.  "I think we've seen enough of each other tonight to be on a first name basis. Julian is fine."

"Excuse me a moment."  Julian rises from his chair and walks to Daedalus.  He exchanges a glance with the Nosferatu, then makes an odd gesture to him, indicating Cash.  The other leaves the room immediately.  Then the prince walks back to the chair, sits down and twines his fingers in Cash's hair, tugging a little harder than playfully.    [And he's going to get your room ready, Cash.]

"Now, Jim, before I explain any more about the Kindred, I'd like to ask you a question. Tit for tat, so to speak."

Blair grins a little at Julian's fingers in Cash's hair.  Jim takes a drink of water, then a deep breath.  "Very well, Julian."

Cash buries his face in Julian's leg, turning away from the mortals.   [My lord... regnant]

The prince does not respond to the Gangrel, his attention on the mortals, particularly James Ellison.  "What, exactly, are these abilities you have? And ... please ... no more subterfuge."

Jim sighs, resigned.  "Very well."  He glances at Blair, as if needing to make sure this is okay with him, too.   "I think I have to, Chief."

"Okay, Jim. I trust you," Blair sighs, glancing at Jim.  He places a hand on his partner's arm again, smiling slightly.

Jim looks up at Julian again, heartened by his partner's touch.  He pats the hand on his arm, centering himself.  "Julian, I am a Sentinel... Sandburg here can tell you all the flowery anthropological terms of what that means, but basically I have hyperactive senses."

Julian smiles at the touching between the two men. [More than partners, I would think. Lovers, perhaps.] He rubs his hand down Cash's cheek. "Hyperactive? And that means what?"

Blair smirks at Jim's comment. "What Jim means is that he's a rare but extremely sensitive human with abilities that exceed all of the normal range of human senses."

Jim tries to think of the words, but he's not used to thinking about what he is, he just is.  He sighs.  "There.  What he said. Go on, Professor, you're doing great."

"Ahh, that explains why you could detect our lack of a heartbeat. Acute hearing," Julian notes, interested.

"He can taste, hear, smell, touch and taste far beyond any human limits. There has been recorded cases of extraordinary people who have one or two heightened senses, but Jim... he's got all five.  And... he's more than just that." [How to explain the mystical stuff?] Blair wonders.  [Spirit jaguars and all that!] Blair frowns, trying to think how to explain the spiritual aspects of the Sentinel's abilities and duties.

Jim snorts, "It's often a nuisance.  We're not talking nonstop picnic here.  Blair has helped me understand all this better."  [Careful, Ellison, mustn't say too much about the control problems you sometimes get into.  Can't appear too vulnerable...]

"All five ... that must be rare indeed."  A bemused smile crosses the prince's lips. [Hmm, what that blood must taste like ...]

[Kindred ears, Julian,] Cash says with excitement, momentarily forgetting himself.

Blair continues the lecture.  He's in his element, as he's the real expert on this.  "Jim was once the Sentinel, the watchman for a tribe of primitive peoples in the jungles of Peru when he was stranded there for 18 months after his Ranger unit was killed.  He honed his inborn skills there, due to the extreme isolation.  Since coming back here, to civilization, he's been doing sort of the same job for the people, the larger 'tribe' if you will, of Cascade."

He beams at his lover with pride.  "I'm his Guide. His partner. I'm the equivalent of the village Shaman."

Jim shifts uneasily in his seat.  Not even Simon was ever privy to all of this.  "Shaman of the Great City, Sandburg, tell it like it is."

"I KNEW IT!"  Cash's excited whisper reaches both of them    [The healing herbs....]

Blair finishes, "We've both been given the gift to use these talents to help others. That's what we do."

Jim adds, "You saw something of our Sentinel/Guide relationship when I, ah, had to defend Blair a few minutes ago.  It's practically an automated defense system I have.  Sorry."

"Fascinating ... and what brought you to my city?" Julian asks.

The Sentinel shrugs. "My captain back home wanted me to participate in the Officer Exchange program of the SFPD.  Ironic that I should run into your Dr. Carr and then have to work with Frank Kouhanek, isn't it?"

Blair continues, "I'm also his partner in his police work too. My anthropology background has helped the Cascade PD on numerous cases. I intend to do the same here."

Jim adds, "He's a consultant to the department back home."

"How nice of the fates to dump you on Frank's doorstep," the prince sighs.

The anthropologist smiles.   "Just lucky, I guess!"

Jim shrugs, but with a smile.  "And here we are. Frank doesn't know about my abilities.  No one but our captain back home knows... and now, of course, you."

"Oh, just give Frank time."  Julian smiles, bemused at the bizarre relationship that has developed between himself and Kouhanek.  "He likes a good puzzle."

Blair adds, "The reason we've had to keep all of this such a secret is because we don't want Jim to end up in some lab somewhere being studied and experimented on or something."

Cash shivers, remembering Daedalus' stories of the Inquisition...

The anthropologist finishes, "I'm sure you can understand that fear, can't you?"  He eyes Cash and Julian.

Jim shrugs.  "Yeah... sorry, but this house could hold a lab downstairs... you must understand my caution."

"The Burning Times..." Cash's voice is soft and fearful.

The detective blinks.  "What?"

The prince nods.  "Yes ... some of us understand more than others."  He, too, recalls Daedalus's stories. Then he stifles a laugh.   "I assure you there is no *lab* downstairs." [A dungeon, yes, but no lab.]

He's not catching the inside references, but Jim relaxes some more at Julian's reassurance.

Blair is relieved that they understand.. and remember.  He nods at Cash's comment re: the Burning Times  "Like the Inquisition and the Salem Witch trials."

Jim blanches.  "Oh, that."

"They may not burn you at the stake in the village square anymore but a modern lab would hold the same horrors, I'm sure."

Cash explains, "Our laws and our government come out of that time, Jim.  The rule of the Princes and the Masquerade."

The Sentinel nods, beginning to understand.  "The Masquerade... how you maintain your secret."

Julian's face takes on a more somber expression.  "But you do have reason to be cautious, Jim. Your heightened senses would be quite alluring to some of the clans ... not so much for study, but for what they would become should you be Embraced."

Blair starts.  "Embraced? What's that?"

"Why don't I like the sound of that?" Jim answers nervously, liking it all too well.

Cash adds, "Jim, I said you have Kindred ears now, how much more would they be should you become one of us?"

"Yes, the Masquerade is what protects us from humans, keeps us from being hunted down and killed."  Julian senses Ellison's nervousness.  "The Embrace is the act that makes us Kindred."

The Sentinel is startled... become one of them??    "I... I don't know.  If you already have heightened senses... that's what you're saying, isn't it?  I'm not sure, I suppose mine might be heightened.... more?"

"You mean...  oh wow..." Blair breathes softly, eyes bright.  He's DYING to study this more in depth.

Jim asks, "What's your range of hearing?"  He's aware of his partner's excitement, and pats his arm.  "Easy, Darwin..."  he whispers.

Blair grins excitedly. The idea of Jim being a Kindred makes Blair feel so excited and a little frightened and even a bit aroused.

The prince replies, "Your partner would make an exceptional Kindred, Blair."   He raises an eyebrow.    "My hearing is good enough to make out a human's voice from within a steel building."

The Sentinel  nods.  "I can already do that, and the building can be several blocks away.  If not within a building, I can hear at a range of... five miles, I think."

Julian continues, "But my sense of hearing is not as acute as, say, Cash's or Daedalus's ... the Gangrel and Nosferatu are more attuned to that than the Ventrue."

Cash adds, "And we can smell arousal or fear on a mortal from across the room, more in my wolf form...."

Jim frowns.  "Your clans?  And did you say....wolf form?"

Julian finishes, "Each of the clans has its strengths and weaknesses, and most of us can shift shapes, yes."

Blair inquires, "Your abilities are all different, depending on which race.. I mean, which Clan you're in? And you're shape shifters too??"

"Then you *are* the Silver Wolf..."  Jim speaks before realizing what he is saying.  He pales, aware he is revealing more.

"Oh, yeah!" Blair exclaims excitedly.  "That's right, Jim!" and... stops, immediately.  "Oh man... "  He sighs tiredly and runs a hand through his long hair.  This might be telling too much.  Looking at Jim's face, he knows his lover is wary of sharing their mystic experiences.

The prince responds smoothly, "The wolf with silver eyes. I believe that's the way you saw it."  He knows the statement will probably jar Ellison.

Jim gestures with a finger, pointing.  "Carr told you, of course.  That's why you had Cash track us."  He sighs, realizing he should have expected that.

Blair looks up sharply at Julian, at "tracking".

Julian returns Sandburg's look, his eyes turning silver.

The anthropologist stares at Julian... fascinated and a bit shocked... then blurts out, "Which clan looks like golden-eyed wolves, then??"

Jim rolls his eyes and decides in for a penny, in for a dollar, at this point. "You are the Silver Wolf.  The others had silver eyes, those around you.  But there were other wolves, strange, with green-gold eyes."

Cash is startled, for no clan has eyes any color other than silver....

Julian leans forward, interested.  "*That* is also why you intrigued me, why I had Cash track you."  He nearly growls out the words.  "I want to know who the golden-eyed wolves are."

"Greenish gold," Jim corrects. "They did not seem welcome amongst the others.  We were confused at first because, well, we were in our spirit forms as well.  Blair's is a wolf also, a brown timber wolf.   I don't know who they are!  My form is a black jaguar.  Frank was there, too, in the spirit walk, the Raven."  He smiled, remembering.  "He was making a LOT of noise, and we wondered why you tolerated him.  But we realized he was trying to explain something to you.  I don't know what."

Centering himself, Julian takes a deep breath and regains control.   [Frank a raven. How fitting.]   He brushes his hand through his hair, a nervous habit picked up long ago, which slightly musses the perfect princely appearance.

"Sounds like Frank, the noise," Cash mutters.

Blair explains, "We've always learned from these spirit walks that their warnings have tend to come true in the real world."

The prince cuts a small glare at Cash.  "Frank Kouhanek is a long story, gentlemen. But I'd say the raven was appropriate imagery."

Jim nods.  "I don't know what all this means, Julian, but we can travel back to the spirit plane and try to find out more.  In fact, Blair and I intended to do that soon.  We just haven't had the chance."

Cash puts in, "We could try to foresee, Julian, Daedalus and I."

Now that he's told this much, Jim wants them to know everything.  "There's a mystical side to the Sentinel thing, Julian... and sometime shortly after Blair and I became lovers, his Shamanic abilities manifested themselves more... we developed the ability to walk the spirit plane together."    Thinking about it, Jim's face is transformed in a sudden smile.

The look on Jim's face is so beautiful Blair's heart breaks.

Julian glances from one mortal to the other, smiles.  "I had a sense your relationship was ... unique ... more than partners. It's something we Kindred understand."

[Knew it Julian, they *are* lovers and beloved of each other]

Blair smiles back, happy.  "We... we complete each other."

Jim is looking at the prince, startled.  "Do you understand?  You and Cash... but you're not even of the same Clan."

Cash rubs his face along Julian's thigh again.

"Apparently that differentiation doesn't matter," Blair murmurs to his partner.

Julian  reaches down to stroke Cash's face.  "It doesn't matter ... to a point. There are some clans that cannot be together."

" Why?" Blair wants to know.

Cash murmurs, "And some Kindred don't like this kind of bonding, but we have been lovers for nearly three decades now, off and on."

Seeing the intimate gestures between the two  Kindred, Jim gets that twinge again.

The Gangrel continues to explain Julian's statement.  "Ummm, Blair, it's like this, each clan has a basic *personality*, the Embrace works best if you are brought across into a clan that compliments your own basic personality.  Some clans just really do NOT get along well together."  [Yeah, Gangrel and Brujah... want to tear those slime-ridden filth Brujah throats out...]

The younger mortal sighs, "Oh wow... 30 years..." He smiles a bit at Jim, knowing they will be together at least that long... the rest of their lives.

Julian goes on, "Cash is the leader of his clan in this city, its primogen, as well as my bodyguard and my lover.  A Kindred without a clan is what we call caitiff.  Some eschew their own clan affiliation, become outcast."  He muses for a moment, thinking of unions that didn't work.

Blair asks, "And you're the leader, aren't you? The Prince. What clan did you come from?"

Jim puts in, "Cash is Gangrel, you are... Ventrue?" He tries out the strange names. "What other clans are in the city?"

The prince answers, "Yes, and Daedalus is Nosferatu. The city includes a good number of Toreador and Brujah as well."

"And now the Tremere, maybe," Cash adds.


The Gangrel shrugs.  "Look out for the Brujah, Jim, they are thugs, mostly.  Organized crime is a game to them." [our poor Sasha]

Blair is intrigued by that last name... "Tremere... "

"I am considering their petition for the right to stay in the city," Julian explains.

Jim comments, nodding.  "So others can't just barge in."  Then he  thinks about that name in the newswire database... "Fiori.  Was he a Brujah?"

Cash's laughter peals out. "OH YEAH.... WAS being the operative word here."

His anger surfacing at the mention of the name, Julian's eyes flash silver and quickly return to their normal color.    "Yes, fortunately, Eddie Fiori is no longer with us. I'm sorry, Jim, you asked about barging in? What do you mean?"

Jim clarifies, "A clan who isn't already here can't just move in, apparently.  I imagine there are... rivalries.  Competition, perhaps.  That's why there is a Prince."

"No, that could be interrupted as an act of war, a threat against the prince. Within a domain, the clans agree to adhere to Kindred laws as set down by the prince and abide by the decisions of the conclave."

Cash adds, "And if a clan wants to expand, to Embrace someone   we must have the prince's permission."

Laws, Cash had mentioned laws.  No kidding, Jim thinks.   "Sounds very sensible."

"Who are your cops, then?" Blair asks.

Cash replies, "The Justicars, in extreme cases, but mostly we police ourselves, there aren't that many of us..."


"Blair, you know the concept of feudal justice, the high justice and the low justice?"

Julian adds to that, "You'll find that Kindred law is quite absolute and its justice swift."

Blair nods, glad to hear the emphasis on justice.

Jim is relaxing more and more.  This is evidently a highly controlled, regulated society, and he can respect that.  Luna obviously holds the reins well here.  Whatever threat to mortals in the city, it wasn't going to be coming from these Kindred. It is a comfort to discover this.

"Julian holds those rights over each and every one of us."

Blair admits, "I understand. It's... kind of a relief to know that."

"I am his lover, his beloved, but I am totally beneath his hand.  If he had determined that I broke the Masquerade today, I would already be dead."

Blair's eyes go wide.  "Oh gods! really?"  His lover only says, "Oh." and pales again.

"Only the Kindred, Jim." Cash adds. He bows his head again beneath Julian's hand  as he speaks.

Jim recovers.  "But you'll need us to keep the Masquerade now, too."  He exchanges glances with Blair, knows he's with him on this.  "We understand the necessity.   We will keep your secrets."  Blair nods, agreeing.

"Our discovery of you... how badly have we upset things here, Julian?" Jim adds, dreading the answer.

Julian sighs.  "What you have discovered, Jim, puts you in more jeopardy than it does me or my kind. By Kindred law, a human who knows of us has two choices: death or Embrace. In part because of the secret you hold, I will not ask you to choose." [I would hope you would choose the latter.]

Jim is immensely relieved, awed that the choice includes the Embrace. "Thank you."

Blair nods his thanks, too, knowing which one he'd prefer.

"I will offer you my protection, as prince. This means that no Kindred may harm you without forfeit of his own life. This is not an offer made lightly."

Jim is touched, knowing the power this man wields.  "Thank you, Julian."

Blair is awed by the offer.  "Yes! Thank you!"

The prince extends his hand, this time for shaking instead of kissing.

The detective gratefully takes his hand, immediately moving toward him.  "We will assist you in any way we can, Julian.  As Sentinel and Shaman."

His partner now stands at Jim's side  "If you ever need us..."  Jim nods, agreeing with Blair.

Julian nods.  "The same here. Cash will give you the private number. If you need me ..."  He smiles wistfully.

Cash smiles up at Blair. [I have your number, beautiful one...  It won't be *that* long...]

Jim,  thinking of work, sighs.  "I think I can fend off the Raven now... but Sonny, Frank's partner, was fairly brittle with us.  Maybe you could say a word to him?"

Blair smiles back, remembering.  "Yeah, he was pretty... intense."

Julian smirks.  "Sonny was protecting his sire ... me. I will speak with him."

Cash stands at Julian's word, and goes to get some of Julian's personal cards from the desk,  Daedalus's elegant calligraphy adorns them.  He pauses for a moment, grabs a pencil and scratches something on the back of one of them.  He hands that one to Blair and another one to Jim.

"You're his sire... you Embraced him..."  Jim is awed, but wondering.  Sonny was pretty severe.

"Thank you," he says, taking the card, slips it into his pocket.

Jim takes the card, also.  "Frank... so that's what Cash meant.  You're Frank's 'patron'.  He's under your protection, too."  Jim guesses *that's* another whole long story in itself.

"Oh!" Blair exclaims as that puzzle piece drops.

"Yes, Frank is under my protection ... reluctantly."   A melancholic tone filters through the prince's words.    "It was the dying wish of ... another child."

"Oh," Blair murmurs, seeing the sadness in his eyes.

Jim, too, hears the sadness, nods.  "Frank... is passionate.  I'm thinking he hasn't listened to all you have to tell him as well as we have."

Blair sighs and adds, "Frank seems rather frustrated... and angry."

Cash's hand slips into Julian's, and squeezes it.

"Frank hears with his heart, not his head," Julian replies.  The melancholy turns to amusement at discussion of Frank.   "He's sort of become a pet project, making him realize we're not the evil monsters he wants to believe we are."  He pauses.  "Someday, when you have a few hours, we can analyze Frank."

Jim  smiles. He sees affection there, that Frank Kouhanek is something of a difficult child for Julian.  He hopes it works out.

Blair laughs.  "Analyze Frank, huh? Yeah."

His partner suddenly notes the time. "Chief, we're starting at the PD in something like seven hours.  We'd better get going."

Blair starts.  "Oh man... yeah, you're right. I'm exhausted."

Julian comments, "Then, perhaps, we can continue this discussion another night."

The Sentinel smiles, nods.  He feels a hell of a lot more comfortable than he did a while ago.  "I would like that, Julian.  Good night."  He nods to Cash as well.

His Guide adds, "Yeah... I'd really love that, Julian! There's still so much I'd love to ask you."  He smiles at the Kindred.  "Sorry. I get enthusiastic over my chosen field sometimes."

Julian  returns Jim's smile.  "I would, too," he replies to the detective, then says to the anthropologist, "It's quite all right, I understand."

Cash goes to the door, waiting for Julian's formal good-byes.

Blair beams, nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet beside the tall Sentinel.  "Good night, Julian. Cash. And thanks for everything."

Cash smiles at them both.  [They are fascinated by the Kindred, both of them.]

Even Jim is feeling a new warmth toward the Prince, and is amazed and intrigued by it.

"Cash, see them out please."  Julian nods to the mortals.  "Good night, gentlemen. Take care."  There is a genuine sincerity to the words.

"Thank you," Blair says as Cash opens the door to the hall, gesturing.  "You too." Jim adds, and taps Blair on the arm, departs.  They cross the marble entrance hall, and Cash opens the front door, pausing by the intercom to alert the gate guards to have the front gate open.

Blair follows Jim... but on his way out, pauses and whispers to Cash,  "Can I ask you something?"

"Certainly, Blair, anything," the Gangrel answers, smiling.

Listening in, Jim can almost guess... he's been wondering if Blair was going to ask them a certain question.

The younger mortal  nearly blushes.  "Um... can Kindred still... um... well, can they still have sex after they're Embraced?"

Jim  rolls his eyes, but his back is to his lover.  Blair tries not to glance at Jim, a bit embarrassed.

Cash smiles a slow sexy grin.  "Oh yes, Blair...  and it gets better when you can hear your beloved's very thoughts."

Blair grins with great relief.  "Really? Oh wow!! Oh, man that's terrific! Thanks!"  He ponders THAT one as he goes out the door.

"Home, Sandburg, let's go home," Jim murmurs.  But he's glad to have heard the answer, too.